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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Thanks Al. It's a great build and between the instructions and all the help here you can't go wrong. Yes Michael I am and thank you. Eric You're glad just like I am to follow behind those great planking jobs before me. Seven weeks Is more like a dozen during the winter here and semi retirement. Within a month everything will slow way down.
  2. Thanks Nigel. Yes I use a pencil on one edge. Thanks Chuck. Oh it's sooooo much more fun although I think knowing now what you've taught me I would have done a much better job on the Confederacy.
  3. Hi All, Well I've completed the hull planking and the square tuck. Taking ones time, using the planking fan, planning out the belts and run of the planks actual makes for a very enjoyable experience. No more forcing planks and getting an uneven planking job. Follow Chucks description and methods and you won't be disappointed. Also you'll notice that a work area cleaning was recently completed! I'll be out of touch for a couple of days so I'll apologize now for any late response.
  4. Hi Chuck. As you said there will be many variations. When I get to that point I may make the trucks out of swiss pear just to see how that looks. If that doesn't work then it's red or natural. Time will tell.
  5. Well I've been successful in the past so I'm game to try again. Getting tougher every year though.
  6. Thanks Chuck. Mark I've free handed in the past. If it doesn't go well this time I'll start over and mask it off.
  7. Hi All, After placing the first two strakes it was time to line off the hull. The hull was divided into two bands of 9. Each band was laid out using tick strips and a planking fan as Chuck described in his log. I also added the second layer to the wales now. I will wait to paint them until the hull is fully planked. Here is the first belt fully planked.
  8. Very nice Bob. Remember how you did it so I can bug you later!
  9. Thanks Chris and welcome aboard! Thanks Mike. Unfortunately this revelation came from screwing up the Wales on a couple of other builds.
  10. Thank you Ben and also the "likes". I've made the fashion pieces and placed them. At this point I'm supposed to add the second layer of the wales. I decided to delay putting them on until I run the first couple of rows of hull planking. The plans shows a drop plank near the bow. So I'm running the first two strakes with the drop plank before lining off the rest of the hull. A card template was used to find its shape and then cut from a boxwood sheet. Next up will be a lot of planking.
  11. Very nice Chuck! As one who has enjoyed you making some of these laser parts available to us I thank you!
  12. Hi All, The transom has been planked but like everything else needs a good sanding. Here you can see how interior of the outside stern frames have to be thinned down to about 1/6". Next I'll have to do the fashion pieces and start planking the hull.
  13. Wow Ben. Sorry to see that your having expansion problems. Hopefully getting the humidity stabilized will keep it from happening again. On the good side that's a great looking workshop you've got going there. Good luck.
  14. Thanks gerty. Bob it'd be money well spent as I'm always learning from you.
  15. I start out with a clean desk, lots of room. Then hour by hour, day by day the area that I can work in gets smaller and smaller. Eventually (usually within a week or two) the space is so small I'm setting the model on top of the clutter. Then it's clean it up, put everything where it belongs and within thirty minutes it all starts over again. Even adding a second then a third bench didn't help. In the long run it just ment I had more to clean up.
  16. I’ve added the planking between the gun ports. Pretty straight forward. Still a lot of sanding to do. Here you can see the stern framing with the reference line it will need to be sanded down to prior to planking the Transom.
  17. Thanks Bob. Mind if I throw it in the mail so you can plank the hull?
  18. Hi All, We've had some really cold weather here. -25F last night. That means lots of time in the workshop. I've started the outboard planking from the wales upwards. Here is the batten strip placed to set the run of the wales. The first layer of the wales have been added as well as a thin strip added bellow the gunports. This serves a location for the molding to be placed in a second layer as well insuring the run is smooth. Then the planks were added between the wales and the molding strip. She looks a little sloppy now but once I finish the planking between the gunports I'll give it a quick sanding to clean it up.
  19. The remaining stern frames were glued into position and the sills and lintels added for the stern ports. Then the start of the square was made with the placement of a piece cut from some 1/32" sheet. You also can see the preliminary fairing of the outboard edge of the stern frames. Next up will be the start of the hull planking. I'm off to start cutting the strips of boxwood.
  20. Well done mate! She looks as good as I thought she would when you started this build and thanks for the kind words. It was my pleasure. The only thing I wish is that I could have built mine alone with you and Mobbsie. It would have improved mine considerably and been a lot of fun. Enjoy that Chris-Craft and I look forward to seeing some more of that great work you do.
  21. That is some great work Bob! I too am curious as to what is next in your cue!
  22. Hi Mobbsie, You know that you are always welcome aboard! This a really great build and I think you would love it!
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