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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Hi Ben, Welcome back and I'm both glad to see your work resume and the model surviving the summer!
  2. Thanks Chuck, Your plans and directions make it a whole lot easier. Thank you Eric. I see your doing some good work on the Syren. Nice job on the coppering the hull. I love that Model. It was my first scratch build. Thanks Jaxboat. I used the table saw to cut the grooves. Trust me there have been many rejects before the final ones made it to the model.. OK I put the Syren Ship Modeling traveler ring on the bowsprit. I then served some .025 rope for the bobstay with a 3/16" single block seized to one end. The opposite end was fed through the stem and seized. Some .012 line was attached to the bobstay block and fed through the lower double block on the bowsprit. At this point I discovered I had no belaying pin to secure the line to! Head slap. Ok now it's time to make some belaying pins!
  3. Hi Druxey and Pat. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for all the "likes".
  4. Ok I said I'd more for the weekend! I just didn't say which one. The two yards have been completed. Blocks, foot ropes etc have also been attached. Next up I have to breakout the original Syren Serv-O-Matic and try serving line for the first time.
  5. Hi Glenn, I'm glad to see you've finished her. I'm pleased to say I've enjoyed many of your builds over the years and this one was no exception. Hopefully you'll find something in the future that interests you and we can enjoy your workmanship some more. My best to you.
  6. Thanks Bob,, Glad you're safe and sound in Chicago! Hi Mike, Not sure if the thimbles or seizing will be the most fun! Thank you alde. Plus all the likes too. Here the boom and gaff have been completed. More to come by the weekend!
  7. HI Grant, Great work my friend. Your innovation, skill and hard word produced a wonderful model. I eagerly await the "sea trials".
  8. Hi Mark, It's tedious, slow work but the effort is well worth it. Looking real good.
  9. Thanks Dirk, Joe, Grant, Pat, and Elia for stopping by and the kind words. Also thanks everyone for the likes. The mast has been painted and assembled and dry fit back in place. I'll continue fitting out the yards next. Then it's time to learn to make thimbles and seize line!
  10. Hi all, Been real busy this summer with vacation, family commitments and working the last 4 weeks straight hasn't left a lot of time for modeling. I did pop in and out of the shop from time to time a few minutes at a time. To make the various masts, yards etc I took some boxwood cut into square stock and shaped them. The mast dry fitted. Next I'll be painting and attaching blocks and foot ropes. It's great to be back in the shop and doing what I'm supposed to be doing!
  11. Yessssssss! Ah it's great to see you back at the Winnie. I know it's hard to imagine but I'm sure v2.0 will exceed your great work on v1.0. Yippee!
  12. Hi Chuck, Everything is looking so fine. I love it. The powders sure seem the way to go. Guess it's time to get some! Thanks
  13. Hi Bob, You've been busy while I was away. As usual some great workmanship and it was a pleasure catching up on your log. I agree making parts multiple times and the continuous sanding, test fitting and sanding again is truly one of the pleasures. Keep up the good work!
  14. Mike your workmanship is first rate . Also your pictures will be a great reference if I ever get there!
  15. Hi Bob, I just got caught up and you are proceeding along, as always, very nicely.
  16. Thanks Pat but it's really a lot easier when using Chucks laser cut parts! Also thanks for all the likes!
  17. It’s time for a long overdue up date. Next up was the rudder. Like other parts I used Chucks Syren laser cut rudder. The rudder is tapered as it works its way aft. Also the forward edge is chamfered on both sides. The pintels and grudeons were made made from another Syren kit. The bolts are simulated with 24 gauge wire. Time to make some masts and yards!
  18. Hi Bob, Well done. I've always admired your ability to adapt and correct "technical" issues.
  19. Hi Chuck, Pat Bob and Grant. Thanks so much for the kind words. And thanks everyone for all the likes too!
  20. Hi All, Well all of the carronades and long guns have been rigged and rope coils placed. I also put the pumps in place. Next up I’ll be doing the rudder and tiller. Thanks for stopping by and all the likes.
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