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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Well after the shroud debacle I'm back on track and all of the pesky ratlines have been added to the shrouds. Also all the lines were re tightened prior to adding the ratlines. Now I have to remove the excess and add the rope coils.
  2. Thanks albert, mobbsie and all the likes! Thanks druxey, Chuck mentioned that the burton pendant tackles were "normally' not rigged but thought it would be nice to show them rigged so I'm following his example. Joe, there are so many oops in my builds that I chuckle more then yell. That is when it's found early. If that had been found after the ratlines had been done some creative cussing may have been in order.
  3. Here I have completed the sling. Then I served the fore stay, seized the splice and the lanyard wove through the 5-hole deadeye at the other end. I noticed during the turmoil of the shroud screw up I forgot to add the tackle to the burton pendants so I'll go back and do that next!
  4. Thanks Derek! Thanks for all the likes. Hopefully nobody will have to "unlike" this time! Bob I can't thank you enough. Keep up the quality control, Please!
  5. Ok lets see here moving along I placed and the lower backstay and the fiddle block is from Syren Ship Modeling. Oh wait a minute I seem to be forgetting something. Oh yes my brain cramp that Bob was so observant and luckily pointed out. Thanks again Bob! I removed all the lower shrouds and burton pendants. Of course I had to re-make all of them! So I got a lot of additional practice on the Serve O Matic serving new shrouds and pendants. So now the new set of shrouds have been re-installed correctly and I'm back on track. That is until the next brain cramp occurs!
  6. Unlike away druxey cuz I sure don't like it. Hey Dubz deconstruction is way to common here!
  7. Thanks Ben, Hey Bob don't be sorry! That would have been a really big oops to put it mildly. I look and look at the plans and it never sunk in. I was just getting ready to add the backstay so your timing was perfect. Thanks!!!!!
  8. Very nicely done Ben. Great idea on the planking layout too!
  9. I've installed the Burton Pendants. They are served their entire length with a single block seized on the end. With the shrouds the forward shroud is served its entire length. The rest of the shrouds only have the portion around the mast head served down to just below the cheeks. The serving was all done on the Syren "Serv-o-matic". The deadeyes were turned in and light brown rope was used for the lanyard. As recommended the lanyards were just tied off so they can be re-tensioned later if needed.
  10. Thanks druxey. I sure hope not. I'm following Chuck's and Mike's order so I should be good. I'll know real soon.
  11. Thanks Ben. It's been awhile since I've rigged something so it's taking a bit of time to get back in the swing of it!
  12. Thank you alde, Ryland, Pat and Bob for the kind words and all of the "likes" too!
  13. Hi All, Bit of a catch up here. I've set the mast and have rigged the gaff and boom. For the parrel I too used left over beads I had on hand. Mine were black though. So far so good and still having fun!
  14. Thank you very much Philippe. She was a fun model to build.
  15. Well done Chris. It's been a pleasure to follow along with you! As far as the bands go the metal looks good to me. I think the deciding factor could be are they correct size scale wise? If they are I'd be happy with them. If not it doesn't hurt to give them another go. Either way excellent job!
  16. That is looking really nice Mike. For me that is one of the hardest parts of a POF build. Congratulations and well done!
  17. Thank you Mike, Chuck and alde and all the likes. With the pictures I just take them on whatever surface the model may be at. I don't set up a dedicated area to take them. Maybe someday I will.
  18. That is one cruel tease! But then again it has been 9 years in the making so I guess one more week isn't too bad.
  19. Hi all, I've completed the Bowsprit Guys. The thimbles are made from Albion Alloys thin walled brass tubing, 1.6mm. The guys are .025" rope served with #100 thread. As you can tell photography is not my strong suit. Need to work on it more! Next up is setting the mast and hanging the boom and gaff.
  20. Thank you Pat and Nils and thanks for all the likes too. Michael I will leave them natural. I did apply one coat of wipe on poly to seal them though.
  21. Ok I didn't think I needed to break out the lathe to do these small belaying pins so I did as Chuck did. Can't go wrong doing that. I cut some 3/64ths square boxwood, chucked it in my dremel and using files made some belaying pins. The success rate was about 50%. Hmmmm.......Looks like I need to do some dusting!
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