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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. You may have to pry the little boat out of the docs hands! I see him wanting to keep them both!
  2. Hi Chris. I've used the dremel in their drill press stand, a bench top drill press with spindle sanding drum and a full sized oscillating sanded for thicker pieces. All worked for me you just have to get a good rhythm. Speed wise a low to medium speed worked well. Anything faster burned the wood.
  3. Hi Mobbsie, That is a truley wonderful cross section and I really like what you did with the stand too!
  4. Sorry to hear you've been sidelined. Take care and focus on getting better. We'll be here patiently waiting to see more of your splendid work.
  5. Great work Mobbsie. Two thumbs, 8 fingers and a whole lot of clapping!
  6. Great to hear you're "out of the woods" Dave. You've done a great job on her so far and the color scheme looks real good even to a northerner!
  7. Hi Bob. I agree with everyone on the superb, as always, planking job! I can't wait to see the inboard work.
  8. Great work there Bob. Everything looks so good. Sorry about the hand cramps but it was definitely worth it.
  9. Hi Dave, best of luck with your infection and I'm eager to watch your Cheerful come to life.
  10. Hi Bob, I know you'll nail it, and tree nail it too!
  11. Hi Grant, Well done my friend. That was a great tutorial on how to do the mortar too. And you were worried!
  12. Sorry to hear you and your preac had a fight. I'd say after twenty years unfortunately the law of averages was going to catch up with you. I on the other hand (pun intended) are way ahead of the curve. Heal fast so we can see more of your fine work.
  13. Good luck Ben. I would love the opportunity to build a new work shop but don't envy you having to move. Bust of luck to you and the withdrawal you'll surely will be going through.
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