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Everything posted by Rustyj

  1. Great job on the rigging Bob. As Augie said its pure gold.
  2. Hi Bob. You're masts and rigging are outstanding. So crisp and clean. I'm really enjoying following along.
  3. Hi Grant. Best of luck to you on your surgery. That shell room was one testy little jig saw puzzle. Hopefully you've got it licked now. Again my best to you for a speedy recovery!
  4. Hi Ben. There sure is a lot of sanding on a big frame like that. I too sanded to 150 grit on the areas to be planked and then progressively down to 400. Very seldom did I go any finer than that. Keep up the great work.
  5. Great work Mobbsie. I danced to that tune whilst building that too. You got a good ear for the music
  6. Very nice Maury. Reading this really makes me want to dive in and join you! I'll just have to settle for watching your fine workmanship.
  7. That's some fine work there Bob. Always a pleasure to check in on you.
  8. Hi Mobbsie, Everything is looking really good. I sure am enjoying watching all these builds.
  9. Hi Grant. I'd really like to see them sanded and the poly finish applied first. I found out the hard way that the poly can really change the look.
  10. Hi Maury, As you said getting the shape right is very important and the sanding will take a bit as that plywood is strong stuff. She's looking really really good.
  11. I'd say that you are doing a good job on a very taxing portion of the build. Keep it up.
  12. Hi Keith. As Mark said height and speed are important. I've also noticed that the number of teeth per inch can have something to do with it too. You may need to use a higher TPI blade.
  13. Hi Ben, I've just caught up with what you've been up to. Well done and congratulations on getting that last frame in. Following Remco's advise/motto is never a bad thing either!
  14. Very well done! It's great that you are getting together and working through the build. I'm sure it's both helpful and fun.
  15. Hi Grant. Looking really nice! I would not sand any finer inboard for now. I had to do a little more sanding later when it came time to place the deck clamps and shot locker. Once you know those will fit sand to the finish that makes you happy.
  16. Hi Grant, You are off to a great start and it is all coming alone very nicely. This is a very differant type of hull framing and planking but it's a lot of fun huh?
  17. Hi Grant, I hope you are doing well now. I also had to make some minor adjustments to the sills. I agree that it is most likely our causing a creep than an error in the plans. I’ve also been a fan of alternating between builds. It really helps me keep “fresh” during a build.
  18. Hi Dave, Thanks! Yes they are both beauties and the Winnie would be worth the wait.
  19. Hi Grant, It looks like all the cut outs for the ports and sweeps line up really good. I’d say it’s time to glue her up!
  20. Hi Grant, You are going to love this build. It is really different than what I was used to but in a way it made it all the more fun. I’m glad you are going to make the gauges. If I had my lathe when I built her I would have done that too. Good Luck and Happy Modeling!
  21. Hi George, Thank you and welcome aboard! Thanks Pat, Yes now that the hull is planked it will be fun adding more detail to her. Thank you all for stopping by and all of the likes.
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