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chris watton

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Everything posted by chris watton

  1. Am working on Speedy V2023 right now, almost completed the overhaul. What started as a simple 'Careening' for this 'slight' redesign has somehow turned into a 'Middling-Large Repair' Here are the 4 x 1mm laser cut sheets (old kit had half a sheet in total). I just need to do a final check of these parts.. (Still waiting for the photo etched sheets to come from Italy for Trial Cutter) ETA, as the Speedy model will be only half built, to replace build pics in the new manual, the second planking is Tanganyika - I prefer this as it only took me 6 hours to plank the hull
  2. You really need to sand more of that bowsprit area, the bulwarks should be a nice line, with no kinking. Also, there is no need to soak the bulwark patterns, the curves are very slight. Here's a photo from manual showing how that bowsprit area is when sanded.
  3. If you plan to paint the entire hull, then the use of pins is fine, as the hull will require several sessions of filling and sanding anyway.
  4. No, the updated Speedy will be too different. There is nothing wrong with the Speedy you have. I had to remove from stock and change it due to the copper PE. But at the same time, I decided to bring the kit up to the same standards as the latest in the range, with a 2mm thick keel and 1mm pear outers for the rabbet. Essentially, it will be a new kit, not really compatible with the old one, as it is only the main hull that is being changed. Fittings, etc stay the same. ETA - It had already been updated incrementally over the past couple of years, replacing the photo etched gratings and yard cleats with laser cut pear, updating the cannon carriages and generally adding more detail to laser cut parts.
  5. I shall make sure the numbers are corrected for the nest print run.
  6. I would think so. Leopard would have been copper bottomed from launch, though, plus a gangway at the waste with boat beams, and built up quarterdeck bulwarks. Also Leander would be good one, being at the Nile and although captured after the battle by one of the monster French 74's, Généreux, almost twice Leander's size, put up one hell of a fight before conceding defeat.
  7. Just thought I'd do a little update on my future plans, as they have changed somewhat. Right now, I am working on the 2023 version of Speedy, which will have a few changes from the original kit. This was brought about due to the lack of copper for photo etched copper plating and, at the time of developing Speedy, it was designed for limewood, and not pear. I have re done the photo etched sheets and these new versions are already here with me, ready to go into the revised kits once ready. The new version will have a lot more laser cut pear than the original. I am hoping to have this all done within the next 4-6 weeks. After this, and after very long deliberations, I decided to hold off on Surprise for two reasons. the first is that I would rather wait until copper for PE becomes available again, so I do not want to develop any ship that had copper plating from launch right now. The second reason is that it would be another frigate, so soon after Indy. So, looking at my 'Future Developments' folder, I came across one folder that contained the start of the designs I started in 2019. I even have the 3-d print files for figurehead and stern, which are all paid for. This was meant to be my second kit after Alert - before I realised the material quantities needed for such a kit, and at the time, would have been economic suicide for me. Now, however, it makes sense that it could be my 15th kit, introducing a 2-decker into the range. This 15th kit will be HMS Bristol, a 50 gun 2 decker. I will continue this project as soon as I have completed the Speedy re designs.
  8. I have the product page live, but am just waiting for the photo etched sheets from Italy. Once I have these, she goes on sale (or is is sail...) HM Trial Cutter – 1790 – VANGUARD MODELS
  9. Thank you! I quite like doing this one, more of a challenge than a standard hull. Forgot to mention, the drop keels can be displayed down or housed in the hull.
  10. This morning I completed the manual and box label for the Trial Cutter. These and the 11 plan sets have been sent off to the printers, so I shall receive those in the next 10 days or so. I am still waiting for the photo etched sheets, though, and as these are produced in Italy, I will not open the kit for sale until I have the PE here with me. I anticipate very early July. In the meantime, the product page is live, and once I have the PE, the new kit be added to stock: HM Trial Cutter – 1790 – VANGUARD MODELS
  11. On most contemporary models, stunsail booms are left all natural, and some having the tips only painted.
  12. She does have a shallower draught than normal cutters, hence the drop keels. This also means that there is very little actual planking to this. For the first planking (starting at below main wale level), I think there are only 12 x 1x5mm limewood planks per side, and 14 or 15 x 0.8x4mm pear planks per side.
  13. Once it is 100% ready and only when printed materials are ordered and delivery imminent, it will go on sale. Am thinking July, as I still have CAD plans to finalise and then the manual. Almost all laser cutting is already complete, and the PE sheets (0.4 and 0.2mm) ordered. I have made sure that all pear 0.8mm sheets are as perfect as they can be, so no marks on the etched planking sheets. I think the only thing missing from the pics above is the name plate - haven't laser engraved/cut that yet... She originally had 8x3 pounder cannon, but a little later, 4x12 pounder carronades were added, and this is how I have kitted her, with 12 cannon in total. She does seem to have swivel gun posts, and I have added swivel gun brackets in the PE sheets, but will not add the actual cannon. This is because I do not think she was ever given any, and all research I have done never mentions the swivel guns at all. Plus, with the addition of the carronades, the swivels were not required anyway. ETA - There are depth markings on the 0.2mm PE sheet, I just forgot to add them to my prototype...
  14. OK, I have quite literally just finished the Trial Cutter prototype. This was a fun little project and went together a lot quicker than I thought. As mentioned (I think), this is larger than Lady Nelson, but slightly smaller than Alert (but a hell of a lot more pre cut than either), with overall length being 560mm with bowsprit and boom (Hull alone being around 330mm long)
  15. I am very sorry to read this, Glenn. I sincerely hope you have a speedy and full recovery.
  16. Those [] are the drawings for the thread that the blocks are attached to. The thread wraps around the mast cap for the lower yard lifts. The loop at the end of each block indicates where the running tackle starts for the lift.
  17. Grecian is now available and in stock. All Grecian printed materials arrived yesterday, and my large photo etch shipment arrived Tuesday (Sphinx, Duchess, Fifie, Zulu, Grecian and new Speedy production PE sheets) Yesterday I finished all 'woodwork' for the Trial Cutter, leaving only the rigging to do to complete this model. before starting the masts and rig, I always draw the full mast and rig plans, so I can work from them. I think this one should be ready in around 8 weeks. The only power tools I have used during the construction of the Trial Cutter is a small sanding mouse for sanding the first and second planking. The rest has been simple hand tools, David Plane for masts and spars, pin vice for hand drilling (only around 16 holes are required to be drilled, mostly for masts and yards, the rest being pre cut), needle files and my trusty Stanley Knife. After this, I will sort out the refreshed Speedy designs, and get the new Speedy kit back into stock. Once done, this leaves me free to concentrate on my 15th medium/large kit.
  18. Yep: I think for around 470 Euro, and looking at the detail, it is too much, you may be better off with the Trumpeter offering.
  19. I did add this on Indy, but really it's only for those who really know what they're doing, and added for completion's sake. But Jim is correct, for those 99.9% of those building from kits, this is no big issue -a and for those 0.01% that want to, can by all means add the taper, ensuring that it does now mess up the figurehead slot. ETA - Added a pic from my Amati Victory manual I did a decade ago, showing the taper to the rudder designing into the copper PE - so adding taper is by no means a new thing.
  20. OK, Grecian is now fully complete and available for pre order: The Baltimore privateer schooner Grecian 1812 – VANGUARD MODELS I also have some extras for the Grecian kit, pearwood blocks: Grecian Pearwood Block Set – VANGUARD MODELS US Flag: Grecian flag for US service – VANGUARD MODELS PE copper plate set (to replace copper tape that is standard in the kit) Grecian Copper Plates set – VANGUARD MODELS And finally, a Grecian paint set: Grecian paint set – VANGUARD MODELS A big thank you to Jim for the superb build, pics and text for the manual! I have attached a pic of the box label. Like the actual model, the box is long and sleek.. Now, I continue to work on Trial Cutter, the 14th kit. Next week, I will receive a truly massive shipment from Italy of photo etched sheets for almost all of my range (Fifie. Zulu, Sphinx, Duchess, Grecian etc.) plus my Trial Cutter sample sheets, so I can continue with this model. Also included is a new set of Speedy PE. This kit will be out of stock (I think we have one left) until I have completed a little re design and updated the plans and manual, which I shall do once the Trial Cutter is complete.
  21. And a very nice job Jim has done on Grecian, too! For the production kits, I have changed the anchor hawse to something a little smaller in diameter. I have just completed the build manual, and have only the box label to complete, which I shall do tomorrow, with all files being sent off on Monday for printing.
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