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chris watton

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Everything posted by chris watton

  1. Phew - that looks like my stern! Thanks for that, B.E. Even with a ship as famous as this, there are still many interpretations. For the most part, I have been using Alan McGowen, John Goodwin and John McKay for most of the detail. There are no castings for the stern and side gallery decoration - I was pleased with how the Mercury layered PE decoration came out, so did the same for Victory. This allows me to draw them as good and as accurate as they can be, and they will never change in size or look too thick - and being easier to paint well.
  2. I think I have to disagree regarding the stern's appearance... But correct about the stern davits - but perhaps in another 10-20 year's time, further evidence will suggest that Victory did indeed have davits. This is how research seems to ebb and flow, I have noticed....
  3. Hi BE. The stern davits are purely optional. (No holes cut into the stern, so leaving them off isn't a problem). It is important to note that if I were to design the stern as per her Trafalgar configuration, the stern would look very different to how it looks today, on the real thing. If I did design the stern as per 1803/05, too many people who don't know what it actually looked like would complain and say it's wrong. Also, I don't buy the built up bulwarks for the forecastle. I have only ever seen these on Victory on paintings of her taken years after Trafalgar, where the artist has incorporated configurations contemporary to the artist, and not of 1803/05 (one famous painting even shows Victory with a later round bow with continuous front bulwarks). With a 'square' forecastle, build up bulwarks does not look right, perhaps looking a little awkward - But that's just my own personal opinion based on many drawings and paintings I have studied over the years. More drawings/paintings than not show stern davits and timberheads at the forecastle, so this is what I include - but as I said, the stern davits are entirely optional.
  4. Hi, I am sorry it took so long to re-register - but I have been very busy - plus my internet has been intermittent. Whilst developing and building the Victory prototype, I have made many changes 'on the fly' - sometimes for realism/previous part not quite right to adding more detail - especially the stern windows. I have just completed the boat designs, anchors (100mm long!) and made four new cannon barrel masters - here are some pics: Copper plates laid in two distinct bands: Rudder is very easy to copper.....: Main Channel: Checking the cannon masters: As for release dates for kits, I am sorry, I cannot help. I have as much idea as you, as I only design and develop the kits, and have nothing to do with release strategy.... Chris
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