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Posts posted by Auger

  1. I also like astrophotography. Here's my latest project, the Andromeda galaxy, which is sitting at about 7.5 hours of total integration time. I'm in a heavily light polluted area so it takes a lot more data to get something presentable in comparison to someone who shot images in, say, BFE Arizona who can match this result with 2 hours of data or less. 




  2. 34 minutes ago, Ryland Craze said:

    Looks like a nice kit and you have a good start on it.  I will not tell anyone your secret.

    I've cleaned out a little hole under the workbench so when I hear her coming down the stairs, I can try to slide it under there out of sight and act like I'm just working on the Bounty. I'm keen to see if I can pull this off until the end, I doubt it, but It'll be a fun game.

  3. ...let's start by laying the keel down in the dungeon! We'll try to keep this a secret for as long as possible. I know that I'll eventually get caught, but let's see how far we can get before that happens shall we? This will also give me a little breather from rigging the Bounty there. You know, when your patience in tying knots starts to run a bit thin and you just want to cut and sand stuff?



  4. Shank painter. Knowing what it’s called is very helpful; I’ve seen this method depicted in my books. I was caught between my plans, my books and some photos I’ve seen online, so wasn’t really sure what to do. Looks like I’m going to have to build myself a couple buoys as well.

  5. Hello everyone,


    Is there a correct way to tie this? I’ve browsed all my books and searched all over google images for an example, and if there was one, it was too low of a resolution to make out. So the image here is as close as I’ve come.


     I really have no idea what to do with this.




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