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About turangi

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    Suburban Chicago
  • Interests
    Fly tying and Trout fishing in my Nirvana, New Zealand.

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  1. Thanks for the replies! I actually tried Tamyia fine primer today on wood and it worked great under Acrylic paint even though listed for plastic and metal. No grain raising and didn’t obscure details.
  2. Exactly my thought but I see it recommended here often as a sealer compatible with almost any finish material.
  3. I recently sealed some wood with Shellac as a sealer prior to brushing Tamyia acrylic paint as the top coat. While brushing on the paint the whole finish turned into a sludgy mess. I had let the Shellac dry for several days but wonder if that since the Shellac and Tamyia paint both contain Alcohol as a solvent that the Alcohol in the paint caused the Shellac to re-emulsify? Has anyone else encountered this problem?
  4. Model Expo did post notice recently they were moving. I have never found them anything but completely responsive, delays during their move is certainly understandable to me.
  5. Unfortunately my Dremel chuck was unusable and noticeably off center, luck of the draw apparently. It seems most of the products mentioned here are actually available on Amazon with free shipping and return if you are a Prime member. Try whichever you want and return it if not suitable. As far as the Rolex comparison, $12 for Dremel and approximately $24 for a Starrett, not quite a $5,000 step-up from a $50 Timex and it was well worth it to me in terms of frustration decrease. Good tools are a blessing and make the hobby much more enjoyable to me.
  6. Certainly not to be argumentative but I have three low cost pin vises that were fine for hand drilling when the jaws actually held. But, if I mounted them in a drill to make multiple holes they wobbled like a hula dancer. I purchased two Staretts that cover 0-1/8 inch and they run true as a judge. I like the rubber coated ones so they don't roll off my bench and certainly not anywhere near $120. They are reasonably priced and well worth the price! An example: https://www.amazon.com/Starrett-166C-Insulated-Octagonal-Handle/dp/B00375DEPI/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2AZX2RQPW3PSQ&keywords=starrett+pin+vise+166a&qid=1643428419&sprefix=starrett+pin+vise+166a%2Caps%2C74&sr=8-3
  7. I had a few cheap ones then bought a couple of Starretts, a great upgrade! No sets with bits but they can be purchased separately.
  8. I highly recommend the MS New Bedford Whaleboat, my first build that got me hooked. I posted about it here. I took the opposite approach, after the ECB I wanted something a bit less challenging so I built a Ukulele. It was a fun project that only took about 2-3 weeks and actually sounds musical to my tin ears.
  9. So sorry to hear that. The only fault with most pets is that their lives are too short😟
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