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    Anja reacted to EJ_L in "New" member from Norway   
    Welcome to MSW Bjønar!
    Good to have you with us and active! You will enjoy this side of the group even more than just looking. Best of luck to you on both your projects and I look forward to seeing pictures of them when you get a chance.
  2. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Edwardkenway in Introducing myself and already seeking advice   
    Welcome aboard Keith,
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, this a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    When you have made your choice and when you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    I wish you smooth sailing and happy modelling.
  3. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Keith Black in Introducing myself and already seeking advice   
    Welcome aboard Keith,
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, this a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    When you have made your choice and when you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    I wish you smooth sailing and happy modelling.
  4. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Nirvana in "New" member from Norway   
    Welcome aboard Bjørnar,
    I wish you all the best with your rehabilitation. Just take your time, we are not going anywhere.
    Enjoy your stay here and I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  5. Like
    Anja got a reaction from gjøa in "New" member from Norway   
    Welcome aboard Bjørnar,
    I wish you all the best with your rehabilitation. Just take your time, we are not going anywhere.
    Enjoy your stay here and I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  6. Like
    Anja got a reaction from geoff in Introducing myself and already seeking advice   
    Welcome aboard Keith,
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, this a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    When you have made your choice and when you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    I wish you smooth sailing and happy modelling.
  7. Like
    Anja got a reaction from mtaylor in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Beautiful work Sean,
    She looks great.
  8. Like
    Anja got a reaction from popeye the sailor in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Beautiful work Sean,
    She looks great.
  9. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Moonbug in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Beautiful work Sean,
    She looks great.
  10. Like
    Anja reacted to donrobinson in Granado by rafine - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64   
    Now that's a nice treat to wake up to in the morning Bob. It's got bacon eggs beat  , great work.
  11. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Canute in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Beautiful work Sean,
    She looks great.
  12. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Jack12477 in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Beautiful work Sean,
    She looks great.
  13. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Nirvana in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Hello Bug,
    It's good to see you back in the shipyard. You have been missed.
    Looking good. Wonderful work as usual.
  14. Like
    Anja reacted to Moonbug in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I've been working on a little bit of double duty as I get closer to the finish of the Confederacy.  I've started the ships boats, but have also been working on anchors and small details of the ship. 
       Nothing particularly complicated with the anchors. As with most of the laser cut parts, the anchor stocks are pretty beefy and required a fair amount of sanding.  I used pin files to notch them of course, but the wood itself is soft, so I used nothing grittier than 400 grain sandpaper to ease them down bit by bit and bevel them.

       Pretty standard stuff with the bolts, just clipped off some nails and blackened them.

    Likewise with the bands - once again the instructions call for card stock, which I think is a perfectly viable option and probably even simulates a better thickness to the bands.  But I love the look of using metal instead, so I trimmed some more strips and blackened them as well.

       After test fitting both the anchors I stained them up - then finished off the rings and served them with thread.

    My intent was to just lash the anchors to the model - as Chuck points out in his primer, that was the case with Navy Board style models (even though I've taken some liberties elsewhere.  After lashing the starboard anchor, I realized that because I added a couple extra upper deck cannon to the port side - simply lashing the anchor would interfere!

        So here's where I went rogue... I decide to keep the starboard lashed, but rig the port side to the cathead.  Crazy talk!  I pulled a page from Mastini's book since I couldn't really remember the details, carved out and constructed a pulley and rigged her up.  This will be the back side of the model, so I didn't go full-on with details - but I think it looks fair and adds a interesting wrinkle.

      I also got the chance to mount the waist stanchions and railings.

      Finally - an important transition!  I made the switch from the Dremel workbench to the stand.  She's getting closer...  

  15. Like
    Anja reacted to Moonbug in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I really struggled with the decision of either closing in the waist with the Swiss Pear that the deck was planked with, or closing in the waist with the lighter wood.  Ultimately, I decided on the lighter as a means - artistically - of bringing the two very distinct colors together.  Knowing that the cross beams and the small boats would be lighter, I wanted to tie it all together.  I figured that if everything was the darker pear, and the beams and boats were light, it'd just be a bit too much of a contrast.  *Sigh*
        At any rate - I'm not overly confident in my decision, as there is a definite disparity in having the gangways a different color than the rest of the planking.  A this point, I'm pretty sure I don't want to tear it all up and re-do it to see how the Pear looks. I do intend to trim the smaller boats with some pear to bring it all together.  
        So I started with the waist by sanding down and adding holes to all the knees.  Pretty straightfoward stuff here.  My own personal method of the "nails" was to drill out three small holes, then poke them with pencil lead.  I took essentially what Augie did with the other deck knees to try and keep some consistency. 

        The knees didn't hold to the bulwarks for crap no matter what glue I tried.  Especially with the red paint having already been coated with a satin laquer of some kind.  So I posted some brass nails into each knee to get it to hold solidly in place.

        On to the gangways - the usual method of planking, glued some strips together after lining the edges with pencil lead to simulate the calking.  Worth noting here that I had to do the Starboard side twice, because the first time I trimmed it too short.  Ugh.  What's that old saying - measure twice cut once?  
    (Yeah - and my father was a carpenter for 30 years, so let's not tell him about this mistake, shall we?)

       Ladders.... oh ladders.  I pretty much hate ladders. I blow through quite a bit of wood here because I botch them pretty consistently and end up having to red-do a lot of steps, etc.  Then, it's still a struggle for me to get them anywhere close to even.  Ladders are truly my achilles heel.

       The instructions for the skid beams call for card stock to simulate the crutches, but I'm not into that - especially when I have small strips of brass lying around all over the place.  So I cut up some brass, bended it to fit, then drilled holes in the bottom to fit a brass nail.  I blackened all of it, then mounted all the skid beams.

  16. Like
    Anja reacted to Moonbug in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    I've trudged through some progress this week, whittling away at the repetitive bits.  I'm doubling up on photos from a previous post here (sorry) but I'd worked on prepping all the deadeyes and strops while working on the gunport lids.  

    This ended up being pretty valuable time use, so when it came time to mount the channel plates and subsequently the deadeyes, it was a nice little assembly line.
       I prepped my eyebolts and nails with 50/50 black-it and water mix.  I always have a bit of trouble with eyebolts as the metal is difficult to prep, and the blackening doesn't end up super consistent.  Most of the time it ends up requiring some touch up.  My plan is to go through and touch up the shiny bits after all the deadeyes are fully mounted.

       I also realize I didn't quite get the angles correct on the strops when they're mounted to the hull. I had some difficulty with the different lengths of strop parts and getting them arranged properly.  The difference in sizes was SO minute that I just couldn't figure out the different lengths to create a proper parallel line on the hull withe the different angles.  Ugh.

       At any rate - the good news here (I guess) is that this won't be particularly noticeable to the average eye since there aren't any ratlines or shrouds actually attached to the deadeyes, so the lines from the masts and crosstrees to the hull won't be inconsistent... cuz there won't be any...
    yes... I'm rationalizing.    

  17. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Nirvana in Please Welcome "Wood Project Source" as a new sponsor of MSW   
    Welcome and thank you for your support.
  18. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Telp in HMS Trincomalee   
    Hello Terry,
    I think Dave is right. There are no kits available for the Trincomalee.
    Admiralty Ship Models and Premier Ship Models are both selling a model of her. So you might try contacting them for plans.
    Good luck with your search.
  19. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Ferit in Nuestra Señora del Pilar by Anja & Sjors - FINISHED - OcCre - Scale 1:46   
    Hello friends,
    Thank you all for the compliments and the likes and welcome to my build log.
    @ Django - Santisima Trinidad is a fantastic looking ship when finished. Good choice.
    @ Marcus - I think my Halve Mean is sitting on other people's mantelpiece (or maybe even in the mantelpiece  )
    @ Wayne - With popcorn you are allowed to make a little mess, as long as you clean up afterwards. 
    @ Hennie - Don't worry about Sjors' netting, it is still a work in progress. Three more to go.  Oh, before I forget, I need netting to. Isn't that convenient.
    @ Ulises - Yes, she is indeed a beauty.  And to keep her beautiful, I decided not to use the bright colors OcCre used.  I will use the Admiralty paints yellow ochre, red ochre, dull black and French blue.
    And now it is time for an update. Enjoy.
     The deck came in four parts.  Glued two of the parts together and planked the starboard and port side separately.
     The lined sections of the deck were glued onto the structure of the ship.
     Reinforcing parts glued in place on each side of the false keel and on the bow frame.
     Glued eleven gun ports to each side of the deck and started the lining onto the interior of the frames.
    Thank you for watching.
  20. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Nirvana in Another rookie has joined   
    Hello Dan and welcome aboard.
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, this is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    When you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    And remember, the only stupid questions are the ones that you don't ask.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  21. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Canute in HMS Trincomalee   
    Hello Terry,
    I think Dave is right. There are no kits available for the Trincomalee.
    Admiralty Ship Models and Premier Ship Models are both selling a model of her. So you might try contacting them for plans.
    Good luck with your search.
  22. Like
    Anja got a reaction from Teach. in Hallo everybody   
    Welcome aboard Daniele,
    When you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    I wish you smooth sailing and happy modelling.
  23. Like
    Anja got a reaction from geoff in Another rookie has joined   
    Hello Dan and welcome aboard.
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, this is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    When you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    And remember, the only stupid questions are the ones that you don't ask.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
  24. Like
    Anja reacted to EJ_L in Another rookie has joined   
    You really should start up a build log under the model ship kits section here.
    It helps to keep all the logs in the same place and you will get better answers to your questions in there. When you get it going we will follow. There is a post at the very top of the page that gives instructions for setting up your log.
    While you are here though I will say that that Dremel and a bottle of wood filler will become your friends along with lots of sand paper. The effort is worth the pain though so hang in there and push through.
    One of our members, Elijah, is almost done with his Phantom. He had similar problems when he started his too, so you might want to take a look at his log and see what he did or even just ask him as he has recent first hand experience with it. His log is here.
  25. Like
    Anja got a reaction from PeteB in Another rookie has joined   
    Hello Dan and welcome aboard.
    It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an advanced builder, this is a great place to learn and share tips and techniques.
    When you're ready, feel free to start a buildlog.
    If needed, you'll find plenty of advise, help and encouragement from everyone.
    And remember, the only stupid questions are the ones that you don't ask.
    I wish you smooth sailing with our gallant crew.
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