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Everything posted by westwood

  1. Hey guys, When I was looking for pictures of contemporary models with painted friezes I came across an interesting project by the Art Gallery of Ontario. https://ago.ca/collection/exploring-bristol https://store.steampowered.com/app/2605210/AGO_BRISTOL_1775_From_Warship_to_Prison_Hulk/ Unfortunately I don't have the necessary VR set but I'll give it a try and hopefully a mouse and keyboard will be partly possible. I would love to build a Bristol or Portland one day and this looks like a great source of information for us modellers.
  2. So the summer is over and I finally processed all the photos I took over the summer on the model. I thought I'd have the third and fourth chapters finished by now, especially the friezes, but as you'll see, I'm still avoiding that particular part.... I have finished some details on the stern, the windows and the inner sill. The only thing still missing are is carvings. From chapter five I worked on the bulwark and added all eye bolts and split rings, cleats and staghorns. I only need to make the port lid hinges. Chapter six is finished. So far only dry on the deck. I used Mike's method to fix it. The cannon wheels really gave me a beating. Chapter Seven. Ready are all the beams, bulkheads, knees, chain pumps, gallows, jeer bitts, Capstan and almost all the other deck fittings I think. So I've got a bit of a lego puzzle ready to go. 🙂 Chapter eight is also almost ready for final assembly. Enough words, here are the pictures:
  3. Congratulations on completing the planking Frank, You made a fantastic result, Bravo
  4. Congratulations for completing a beautiful model Don. It has been a pleasure to follow your posts as you build this model.
  5. Hi, Vlado,🙂 great improvement. By the way, I have a question: What did you use to paint the carvings?
  6. continuing So chapter five is almost done and it's time to finish chapters three and four...
  7. Hey guys, Although late, thank you for the likes and comments. It's been a long time since I updated my log. Fortunately, the work is still going on. Now, in June, it's exactly two years since I finished adding the bulkheads. And this is how it looks now.
  8. Excellent Glenn, congratulations, you've made good progress. And thank you for the detailed description and photo documentation. I will be inspired.
  9. I've really enjoyed following your work Rusty. And indeed I will be looking for inspiration in your log for a long time to come because my Winie is far from finished. So, congratulations on the completion of a beautiful model. Now I wish you a nice vacation and I look forward to your new building diary.
  10. Wow that looks great Chuck. Another reason why I would like to go into this project.
  11. Thanks for the comments and likes guys, Especially now that I wasn't doing so well and progress was minimal. I kept toying with the idea of doing something with the friezes. I thought about editing in PC, but I'm not a graphic designer and I couldn't do it. It would take experience with graphics and a graphics tablet would probably be useful. Then I thought what about getting some waterslide decals made. Expensive and uncertain result. Today I tried hand painting but I'm not a cartoonist either, and my magnifying glass isn't strong enough. And I also don't have such micro brushes yet How the hell did they do it at the time? So I guess I gave up, and today I put the first friezes in place. What do you think?
  12. Beautiful work Matt and btw I like the simulation of the iron on the stove.
  13. You're doing great, Rusty, Fingers crossed for the final and looking forward to the gallery.
  14. I'm speechless Glenn, beautiful work. Also starting to shape all those eyelet and ring bolts...
  15. beautiful and inspiring, congratulations, but the cannon rigging...wow, I'm not even going to try to imitate that.
  16. After a long time, longer than I thought at least the photos how it looks after applying WOP...
  17. Hi Jim, I'm building a cherry version too. I would also like a wax or Tung oil finish. It really is not only a beautiful finish but I like the smell of it too. But from a practical aspect, I finally used the classic WOP. I was thinking that it would be difficult to glue other parts to an oiled surface. I just applied the first coat yesterday and it looks nice. After application, the color of the wood became quite rich. One or two more coats and then I'll take pics. Also, it depends what version of cherry wood you use. My laser cut parts from Chuck are darker colored and for planking I used a lighter cherry . You'll see it better when you make a few planks to use for the planking. But I'm just a beginner at this...
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