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About wvdhee

  • Birthday 10/28/1974

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    History, Reading, playing the piano, making violins, painting

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  1. I did what ECK did, only a think layer of copper paint, no varnish or wop. And the plates stick super well, so well that I have to use ca gel or they stick too fast. More importantly, wishing you and your wife the very best!
  2. Copper continued Yes, it's very time consuming and certainly the waterline. It's actually never ending cause there's always a plate that can be done better. But starboard is done! (until I decide some plates need work ofc) The amount of plates provided by Chris is largely sufficient to correct many errors. I am thinking about adding a batten, but I actually wanted to avoid it, dunno yet. (being indecisive is horrible I know) I'll start with the other side tonight 😊
  3. that's Vallejo paint on the wales right? I have their black, it's extremely matt.
  4. I'd say aft. I have read somewhere (I know that doesn't help you) that the heavier the shot, the more to the center the gun is placed. (not so much for stability but the distance the shots need to be carried if I recall correctly)
  5. More Copper So, I switched to CA gel and abandoned the pick up tool and I'm in the groove now 😎 What I do is putting a dozen or so tiny ca gel dots on the hull, where the copper plate goes and then hold the plate between thumb and index and offer it to the corner where it goes and let it "fall" into place, guided by fingers of course. Then rub the plate with a dowel or a piece of wood and then clean with acetone. Another observation is (call me crazy) that I'm loving it! A bit like ratlines, some people hate it, I love it. It's calming and relaxing imho. I might change my mind after I've done the entire British navy obviously. A pic of course... (coppering is great to hide those huge gaps too 😉)
  6. But I think OP means the yard attached to the channel, which is done for main mast but not fore mast it seems.
  7. There's 2 versions of the Sphinx kit right? I can check my paperwork later to see if there's something about the fore mast lower studding sail yards.
  8. Thanks Maurice for your remarks. I will try CA gel tonight to have more time to adjust the placement, it's a bit too fast for me right now.
  9. Copper With the channels and steps attached, the outside hull is more or less done. So a coat of varnish and some tape to indicate the waterline and time to add the copper plates. I've never done it before, so I studied BE's Harpy log for hours and finally felt I could do it. It'll take some time for sure, but I am not in a hurry. So far so good I'd say, great that macro photography has been banned though 😜
  10. I'd love to see that picture of the French frigate yes 🙂 and indeed now I see it again, she should be lower in the water, will do it
  11. A little bit off topic maybe (or not) but as a little side project I started a second Ariadne 😉 Oil on canvas this time and far from finished like the first. But I thought I’d ask you guys, being sailing experts as well, what sails would have been set in a stormy situation like this? So I know what to paint 😊 Thanks, Walter.
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