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About wvdhee

  • Birthday 10/28/1974

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    History, Reading, playing the piano, making violins, painting

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  1. Thanks, I will try lighter layers. I am not so sure about highlights though, I know you like them 😉 I should have known about layers actually, I do some oil painting on canvas as well sometimes, but never tried with acrylics. But I need to know some kind of colour code to print the name as waterslide decal... to be continued..
  2. What yellow is yellow? As promised, I'd post when I'd deviate from the instructions and there we are! Small change, I admit, I didn't paint the wales black yet because I will paint in yellow ochre first. (I am actually having the Indy instructions next to me as a guide now, thanks Chris for providing them all!) But what yellow to use? As mentioned in the Indy instruction manual and on the VM website it ought to be AK Ochre 11118. So I bought that and tried it on some scrap wood, but it doesn't look like the yellow on the Indy at all I would have thought it to be closer to the yellow tape colour. Anyway, if anyone can shed a light (what light is light?) on it? Thanks and happy building! Walter.
  3. Second planking done! 😊 Quite happy with it actually, there's still some sanding to do to smooth it out, but it'll all be covered in paint or copper anyway. That is if the Belgian post decides to go back to work, waiting for a package still....
  4. Is it better to glue to treated wood (wop, varnish, paint primer, ...) than bare wood? I am thinking of putting black primer on the hull before coppering.
  5. Thank you! I really like the small boats, so far 😉 I'll be watching your coppering of Harpy intensely, as I will be copper plating my ship too and have never done it before..
  6. First planking done! Apart from some sanding obviously. I tried the plank bending tool (that squeezer thing that cuts the planks on the inside) for the curves at the stern, but to no avail. Squeezing too soft and it doesn't bend, too hard and you cut it in two and if I managed to dose the squeezing power and had something bendable, it got all mushy with the glue. So I reverted to my good old bending iron 🙂 I also advanced with the little pinnace, I really like the fiddling with these little boats 🙂 great there are two more to make!
  7. Started planking 🙂 I also decided to paint the walls of the captain's cabin white. As expected it's all splendid Vanguard Models quality and it all builds quite easily until now. But the tops of the bulkheads are really fragile and I snapped a few in my clumsiness. Not a big problem though.
  8. Wow, I shouldn't have followed you here, now I want those tools too! 😅
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