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Everything posted by wvdhee

  1. Anchors done (only 2) and all the rigging done too! That concludes this adventure 🙂 It was a great kit to make, very diverse, high quality, I enjoyed every minute of it. I am also quite pleased with the result, it's not perfect I know and I have some points to improve for the next ship. What I really need to tell myself more often is not to hurry and go slowly. It doesn't matter if the build takes 2 weeks more, but taking your time greatly improves quality and reduces frustration imo. Some pictures then...
  2. Ziet er goed uit!! (looking great 😉 ) But yes, the lovely weather is a bit of an issue here as well...
  3. I was wondering about blocks for my next ship indeed, I'm not going to change them on my Flirt, I've nearly finished her (pics soon ish) But the new standard blocks from Chris look already better?
  4. Really appreciated B.E. thanks. Not quite your level yet, but I'm getting there 😉
  5. Looking great! Some of these riggers here are insanely good indeed yes 😉
  6. Small question... in the plans is shown that these "A lines" start at a block.... And in the photos in the instruction manual there is indeed a stopper knot on one side of the blocks. I am more than happy to do that as well, but what is really the point or purpose of this?
  7. More rigging 🙂 Still a lot to do, also cleaning up and some ropes I want to redo, but here she is, close to seaworthyness 😉 And I really will do some proper photos soon, but you know how it goes, no time cause stays to attach
  8. It really does change it a lot yes, gives it 'volume' and presence 😊
  9. Bit of bowsprit rigging... I'm liking this a lot to be honest 😃 slowly but surely.
  10. That was just a proposal on how to add bulwarks to the quarter deck and for castle no? Sphinx never had that if I'm correct.
  11. It is yes, very hard forged steel. It stays sharp for a long time and I'm sharpening it with water stones. Again, no power tools 😉
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