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Posts posted by NenadM

  1. Still here, but ...


    At first, Hothead occupied my work space in his hard decision to repair my 30 years old hand axe ... 

    At second, I tried how sharp is kitchen knife ...



    Noting serious, I avoid sewing, little but deep wound on inconvenient place of hand, and just remember that Princess is doctor, and she strongly banned me from any wet and dirty job couple of days ... :(


  2. 11 hours ago, cog said:

    It is in the eye of the artist how he/she shows the subject on canvas. It doesn't matter if a bear looks like a cat, as long as it's what you meant to paint. Look at bauhaus, cubism, and all the other art movements, but for photographic realism ...

    If you are intrested, you can see what is my inspiration, looking on Google for serbian painters from painter movement MEDIALA (similar as Salvador Dali), particulary world famous painters: Vladimir Velickovic, Dado Djuric, Ljuba Popovic, Olja Ivanjicki, Milic od Macve etc etc

    Just for example


  3. 7 minutes ago, popeye the sailor said:

    take your time and get better......I wish you well.   try to do a portrait of Rhea  ;) 

    Yeah, Denis ... except I am complete incompetent and fully idiot to learn to draw and to paint any living being ... I tried it and it was - hilarious funny - my rabbit look like horse, my bear looks like a cat etc etc and I gave up long time ago. Free forms and some imaginary creatures with eventualy nice folded colors, that is all

  4. Thanks for nice words.

    Right now I am in the middle of antibiotic therapy - drops for eyes in four hours interval, and it does not look clever to go to workshop to hang out with dust.

    But, from time to time I get my regular attack of creativity, and just must do something with my hands, and of course, washing dishes is not quite creative toward my needs :D :D :D

    You, my friends,  certainly know what is the best therapy for insane people ?

    See you soon with "piece of art" finished, or with two left boats


  5. 14 hours ago, bonedoctor51 said:

    Gorgeous work!


    I believe that you and I are building the same sergal version of the Cutty Sark.  I'm ready to begin the shrouds and ratlines, but I don't know what diameter black thread would be most accurate to scale.  I suspect the line included with the kit is way too big.  I looked at 0ther suppliers, but I can't get a handle on the appropriate diameter.  Any assistance?  Thanks  LOU HALIKMAN

    Helou, LOU amd wellcome to my long and strolling journey. I watch your work and learn.

    No, this is not Sergal. I started with Croatian TEHNODIDAKTA plans (parts from kit were too much old and mainly unusable) almost 40 years old, used only for ribs and for making mistakes, and at the very beggining of build, I found Campbell`s plans, resized them to scale of TEHNODIDAKTA plans ... and then ... started with many reconstructions to evaporate mistakes as much is possible, so, almost 100% of my build is scratch building. Some major mistakes just can not be covered, so I decided to overdetail my model,l and to make elements with all details I am able to make in this scale from two reasons - to drawn attention from mistakes, and - it is fun!

    In this stage of my build, I have not idea jet about any rope I will use. For now, it is almost sure that I will make my own ropes, and seems that I will look at photos and try to recognize approximate diameter of any singular rope, if it is possible, or smallest possible I can make/bye. E.g. as on next picture you can see:


    Diameter of the thinest rope is about 5-7 mm ... in scale 1:100, it means ... 0,05-0,07 mmm ... so if diameter of human hair is 0,02-0,04mm - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, and even it is possible, IT WILL BE INVISIBLE. Similar question appears on another details as diameter of deadeyes etc etc. Obviously, some approximation are necessary ... I think that answer is somewhere in the arthistic approach - how will line of such a diameter looks like on your model? Just visual testing. I can not see any other answer.

    All the best, and keep on good work

  6. On 19/02/2018 at 4:21 AM, Piet said:

    Boring perhaps but you are doing a marvelous job with it. Looking great Nenad.

    Beast looks good too.



    Thanx Piet for nice words. You know, human brain is ... let`s say ... strange thing. At the same time you force yourself to broke own limits, and then you start thinking - is it worth, considering all another more atractive details on decks, and all future sails and ropes which will visually cover boats almost at all.

    Fun, anyhow ...

    21 hours ago, mojofilter said:

    Very nice planking Nenad - while I am no where near working on my boats, this is the technique I will use.

    Please keep it going.  We want to see more of your imagination at work.


    - Tim

    Thank you Tim. Even in a dream I could not imagine that my work can be usefull for anybody. Hmm ... it seems I climbed some steps upon learning curve. Or upon stubborn curve :D Sometimes stubborness and abstinacy are the way of learning :default_wallbash: 




    I hope this photo can help about gratting



    About planking - you are captain of your model, and it depends how you see it finished. Personaly, I think that there just have to be planking, but if you decide to do this, pay your attention to scale of planks and their width if you can. And then, question - will it be visible at all ? is it worth? Your choice.

    Take care and keep on working

  8. 18 hours ago, cog said:

    "My helper take a nap"


    You mean:"Is pushing me of the couch for a well deserved rest" ...

    Something simillar ... When she arrives (8 weeks old) it was very cold outside, so I broke my own rules, and let her live into house. She was fast learner and she get her hygienic habits quickly, so I decided here to stay with us all day. But, with some rules and regulations - she can not eat from our table, she can not sleep with me in my bed, she can not sit on chairs and couch in living room etc etc.

    But ... week ago, after returning her from cutting her hear, she was so sweet and charming and cuddle so nice, so I can not resist to let her climb on me when I am on chair. Only once. And here is her really happy face. She perfectly understand what was happening, that she was allowed to do something which is not allowed, and it was fabulous looking changes on her face at the proces of climbing and after that ...  

  9. On 21/01/2018 at 8:13 AM, mtaylor said:

    Beautiful work on the boats, Nenad.  I'm smiling that you'll get your cataract surgery.  I wasn't sure how you were seeing something that tiny.  

    Yesterday I visitied my doctor who will do surgery. On left eye, cataracta causes 40% less funcionality in less than a year. I noticed some troubles during driving car, particulary at night. Fortunately, it dosent matter any more, surgery is schedduled at the end of February. Good news are that at right eye there are only signs of possible cataracta, and that on both eyes macula and retina are absolutelly OK.

    Also I noticed fast eye fatique doing precise micro works, and some kind of difficulty to get focus under magnifier. Without magnifier boats just can not be done.

    I plan for next days to start working on two lifeboats, but ... it seems I am on mistake-way again. I was seduced with idea for boats to look good with enterior ... and this has great impact to construction of boat folders


    Look at those photos




    Life boats are turned as they stay in wather, and Jolly boat is turned upside down. Jolly Boat is turned upside down, and I made my Jolly Boat to stand in regular position, so all my work could not be visible!

    See C-plans also




    Copnsidering Captains Gig there is different situation on her Majesty torady and on C-plans



    Was it possible that crew can turn any boat in the way it was needed?

    Can it be that this detail of holder is mobile and customizable ?



    I do not think so. Or it is. Look at this little hinges, what is their purpose? Obviously to let crew to switch holder aside if it is needed.

    So, truth will be somewhere between

    Captains Gig will be positioned as on picture

    Jolly Boat will be turned to be visible

    Life boats will be turned as on C-plans and in CS, and covered with awning. Maybe one of them covered, another opened, maybe not. Still to think a bit

    Or to rethink whole thing again ?

    What do you, my friends think about this problem?






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