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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Some more planking, and a nice supprise. Only light try of sanding balsa strips gives very encouraging results. It seems to be fine.
  2. Of course they are not top heavy, but they are heavier than clippers. I do not think that will be a problem when it's over and put on a pedestal. Will it be too light in the meantime ?
  3. Stand ? It is so far far away now. Just thinking ahead
  4. Balsa seems to be good for first layer of planking if you intend to putty and to sand, and over it, next layer (veneer up and cooper down)
  5. I made some dead-eyes from maple (rest of parquet) Edit: mistake. Ash, not maple. Sorry. (My english ...)
  6. Starting model of clipper, I am asking myself, is it required to add extra weight in model to be more stable. In this phase of build (planking) thinking about huge and enormous number of sails of clipper, it seems that model will be extra light and unstable. It will be full rigged This is not war ship with with 20-30-40-50 metal guns, and with extra decks and small number of sails. This is a clipper Something like this What is general opinion about that ?
  7. I learn from you, and watching carefully. Still far away from that phase, but learning Thx
  8. Thank you friends. Run away and escape. Yes. With no consequences In mean time, in my thoughts is next step, with another serious question about, and I need your advice if you have some In post #4 Sven noticed as a good idea „to put in the deadeye chains before the bulwarks“. I think so, but that good idea make pretty huge next problem As I approach to sanding, big question arise – it is obviously that comes very rough work of sanding, and covering, and sanding again, and covering again, and sanding, with turning model up and down, left and right, from hand to hand, to desk to air, pressuring it roughly and slightly, shaking it ... Quite earthquake for model WITH SMALL SENSITIVE PARTS very exposed Has anybody some idea how to protect little sensitive parts during sanding and manipulating over model?
  9. It was 08:00 PM when scream to myself : ENOUGH !!! and escape from office to workshop And a little move forward
  10. Hello Bob I am glad to see another Cutty here Follow you with great interest Nenad
  11. Yes, Mark, I really had a great fun in making Cutty. I really like challenges In the meantime, until I do concrete progress in the my work, wishing to create a clear picture of what the problems are, and to explain what matters caused my approach to building a model, I will put some photos of - ONLY documentation that came with the kit (nine sheets) Fortunately, there are photos of the ship and its details from Greenwich. Fortunately there also photos of finished model Cutty Sark from the internet and various forums, with many needed details Without any doubt, the plans I have, can only create a simple framework and an approximate picture of what needs to be to done, but this is not enough, by no means. Maybe it is enough for experienced and more dedicated modellers who use literature and/or documentation obtained directly from the museum in Greenwich or otherwise, but I rather think that that kind of the modeller, such plans would mean nothing but maybe a good joke. For us rest mortals, ... About some details with I crashed earlier in my building, I have already put notes in the post (deck planking) Only for example, look at the detail of the last rib in a row towards the bow It is simply impossible to make out of plywood and to remain it stay in one piece and, at the same time, slipped through a hole drilled trunk mast 9mm thick as the bottom edge ribs thick plywood that is made hull (4mm). In addition, even you have magic Wand of Harry Potter, that line will be coverings in the peak district but shows some curvature and bounces outwards compared to plywood, which automatically leads to a cascade of plating to be solved somehow. On the other hand, if you make a wider base of that rib, then plywood would burst, and the trunk struts could be installed, and then you are back to the problem as it further increases the mentioned problem of planking. And it is clear why I decided to improvise, in mean to try to solve it during the puttying and sanding only after the completion of the skin, and with the second layer planking with veneer. The question is whether it is at all possible, and will eventually be able to cover it that later with two decorated masks on the bow Another example - A preliminary study of other rigging plans that are available on the internet, both for the ship and for other clippers, and only a superficial analysis of photographs of my plans (mast, sails and ropes), it is immediately noticed that the rigging plan in my sheets is more than reduced, without the necessary details. It might fit a much smaller model, but not the model that will be almost a meter long. So, following the study and design of rigging plans from the beginning (when get there) And one more Look at how is projected inside part of deck fence !!! For smaller model, maybe. That was the reason to think about start over, but I gave up, and decide to proceed as I start with hope And such examples are measured in tons However, an ambitious project with many obstacles on the way to the end. Nevertheless, that is the challenge and charm, and I really enjoy it (sadomasochism ?) And that is really ALL. To be honest, there is also a simple list of details with really poor description of the material (eg. 2x5mm moldings, moldings rounded with diameter 5mm, 4mm plywood , and nothing nothing nothing more) I am sure that resolving this will be great challenge and enjoy for me, and I hope - also to followers of this topic
  12. Please help me with my poor English, I am little confused "you are off to a good start" - does it in slang mean good or not good start I am not little girl and anybody opinion will dont offend me, just curious I know I'm not doing enough accurate and no by the rules, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the work, and I think that the ship will be exceptional decoration, although not in a museum or exhibition. Cutty is not designated for sale (until I die) And enjoying is exactly the point of this Also creativity Also handwork instead hard brain work as a creative resting Also making something from nothing with solving technical problems Also learn something about sail ships in history And chat with other modelers and share ideas And enjoy in others excellent work and masterpieces Thx anyway, I ll keep on going until the end
  13. No progress today, only little renewed some peaces of hand tools
  14. TEHNODIDAKTA plans still live !!! Yeah Very nice working NenadM
  15. Hi, Juan My English is no very god, but there is Google Before I get in MSW, I did not read or see any ship modeling forum, did not read or see pictures of phases of building, did not read or see any builder literature, particularly about planking. It is amazing for me, that somebody in different part of the world come to same idea about technique of planking with very short strips Because I do not have proper skill and do not have special tools, I come to idea to take exactly same technique of planking as you did See picture below Wish you best NenadM
  16. I found primary planking with very short strips also applied in topic Nao Santa María by J. Muñoz - Captain America discovery, It is interesting that different builders from different parts of the world got same idea about same thing, without consulting and contact between. Before I come in MSW i did not read any building and modeler forum with building progress diary, no modeling literature reading about, no picture seen Really amazing
  17. Heloo I am glad that there is someone else who use "short strip" technique for planking. Why do you do on that way? I use it because I do not have proper tools and skill for regular way
  18. Thank you, Anja, for your kind words and supporting. The devil is no such black as it seems, as it is told here. Wishes and possibility, and a real wish for days longing minimum 30 hours instead 24. It would be very interesting. Just share some thoughts and feelings. I suppose it is allowed in topics of MSW from time to time , if not overdrive. And for me ( I hope to follower too when reading ) is more interesting when posting to combine that with building progress, some kind of building extended diary, or building blog. Nobody likes boring and dry writing style to read, so I try not to write in that way Thanks again
  19. Is she fat, or elegant ? Merchant ship or one of the fastest sail tall ship ever? Depends of point or angle of view. Oh, cell phone again, and I forget ... Picture come latter ...
  20. My brain do not sleep, even I am in office. What do you think about pointed tip of toothpicks painted in dark canoes as imitation of wood wedge hull ??? And one more question: Is it usual in ship modelling, after finishing some part ( and when corrections are not possible without large damage) to start thinking about working again from zero, to avoid this "mistake" or piece of work which you can do better again? For example, panelling decks with veneer - and then sanding - wood structure of veneer is not clear when comparing with, for instance, panelling with balsa This is what I mean First is picture on my Cutty Second is picture of Vladimir Manzalović work, and it seem better for me. Now, if want to correct this, I must first demolish almost everything on deck, and in that case it will be better to start over. And you can ALWAYS do something better than you do. Or think that you can do better. Where is the end ? Where is frontier ?
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