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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. Memories, Bob... one full monthly salary for ZX, another for little TV ... two my programs were published... And I was not married, so could spent such amount of money to toys !!!!
  2. Thin layer of soft yellow colored varnish, and BINGO !!! Color of Muntz metal is here !!!! And obviosly happy evening First hinge for rudder with nails made of top of needle
  3. Hey Bob, that is a question. Is it just a hobby if it occupied brain and mind in this quantity and quality. In my life I had. and still have many interests and hobbies, but in all 55 years nothing occupied me as this. Maybe classic guitar playing more. than 30 years ago. Maybe ZX Spectrum and programing in Basic. And maybe I forgot. From this distance, it seems to me as I am getting high on some shipocholic supstance ... or as I am influenced by MSW radiation ... Or I am still a kid deep in my soul To much philosophy from me. Deadly tired after back home, and hope tomorrow to visit Her and to continue working
  4. Almost forgot ... you need much more time to list and read all VIC topics on MSW
  5. Hello, my friend, I wish you a luck with your new, not to forget - simultaneous third build. And no one of them seems to be easy. It seems that with three builds, you run in a really deep wather, and only your nose is above surface , . . . . I can not give you legal advice in that matter, because I myself pick from internet many plans from kits and photos which are probably copyrighted ... It seems that you are dangerously close to the real dark side - scratch building with "plank on frame" techniques where every frame is made of several pieces as your stem ... it is only a question of time when your appetite will increase enough ... just imagine - planks sure lay softer and easier on close precise frames on POF build ... maybe to start VIC from zero with POF ...???? Challenge, my friend. And I am widely known as someone who`s caued you troubles with my ideas ... devil, devil ... Anyway, whatever you decide, follow my devil plan for you or not, I pulled up a chair in first row, take beer and popcorns, some Pizza and BBQ, and watching with great interest. VIC seems to be one of the most complicated buildings, particulary as you follow path and method you use with CS ( bash kit, and follow only precise plans from literature and books) Please, do not neglect Cutty
  6. Hello, Spencer, thank you for your kind words. Where have you been? What are you building now? I do not still have right idea how exactly to make decals. Drawings of ornaments are from Campbell plans. Gold color is gold acrylic 2€, but main question is , what will be under this gold acrylic: wood, wire, rope, clay or who knows. I am still thinking about and experimenting, because I concluded that several positions on rear ornament, in scale are to much small to be seen even you put your nose near. It means that whole approach have to be: 1. microscopic, which means that only I can see/know what is this, or: 2. artistic, which means that whole damn thing will be as "look like". In my thoughts, I am somewhere between, limited by my unexperience, and have to bang my head for a while, untill I reach there. Before that stage, first I have to: finish coopering, do some. soldering work ( hinges ... uh!) equip and mount rudder, fill and cover hole above rudder, correct black color of hull, paint longitudinal strips, find a way for Her final standing ... Having in mind I am pretty overloaded by office work thise days/months, it seem that there is enough time to think about And not enough time for Her
  7. Nice. Only left to find a way how to sand, and how sand dust to be invisible to Admiral
  8. Bob, today I wake up at 06:00 while Admiral and kids were blissfully asleeping, take two ciggarets and pour a cup of fast coffee, and drived 170 km on highway ( bussines trip ) to Paracin town in south of Serbia... right now in factory, in a little pause I jump to MSW among ... meetings ... consultations ... meetings ... consultations ... meetings ... like good becon, layer by layer on my bald head ... Addendum Now is 18:00 local time, and I feel like ... squeezed sponge ... finding where to sleep tonight, to continue with consulting and meetings early in the morning until evening when another 170 km drive to home is in front of me, with crazy Turkish drivers on highway
  9. Bob, you are going right to the shipacolich state, and you need terapy from Dr. Per ( http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/474-therapy-for-shipaholics/#entry5142 )
  10. No,Bob, it is just my bad english and I can not/dont know how to use it to fine tune sentences and chose proper words, so my writing sometimes look sharper than I want. Yes, I am a kind of fool, but not fool enough to spent 200-500€ for phone or to get expencive user package. I use package with 150 min outgoing calls to other networks and unlimited incoming calls with unlimited i/o calls inside network ( in my kind of job, other often call me that I cal them), 500 SMS and 500MB for subscription fee of 10€ per month and designed phone to that package for 50€ divided on 6 month rates. Type of phones which go with that package are mentioned above an they are good! Much much better than my old HTC Wildfire. And, why not to get good phone on such a good conditions and for additional 10€ per month in next six months? Particularu I like phones and need that additional phone possibilities
  11. Thx for nice words to everybody About phone ... I dont think so. I need my office schedule everywhere sinhronized with office calendar everywhere I move. Need road navigation. Need to listen my favourite music in move. Need to make solid photos. Need mail on road. Need to read news somewhere when get time. Need possibility to jump to MSW when I want. And dont think I am geek. In a word, all that in one, and much more can be found in phone today, and I am not lazy to learn To the subject ... I visited Her to see what She think about dress ... woman ... know exactly what she dont want, but dont know what she want. I told Her "Until you decide, Im going to bowling and to travel" and left Her Bowling with Admiral, her Mom (80) and kids first time in my life, and we have realy great time And I have pain in legs and arms ( 15kg bowl) ...
  12. Your story remember me ...Almost all problems I ever had were made because sometime, my thong is faster than brain, or long too much. And sometimes just could not resist to say something or to answer when silence is supposed. There are consequences, but there is pleasure also. Sorry comes later. Or not You make real beauty here, with inreresting and tricky color combination
  13. Second layer of mat varnish done, with little artistic "patina" Comparing to Svens`s pictures in post on previous page, and comparing with next picture of CS in Her present stage I think I get what I want On first picture, on the left side of model is original foil I use for comparing shine with "killed shine" Second picture is with macro look of "patina" Third and fourth pictures are here to show still presented but muted reflection of another color near hull (red surface on which She is laid to) Let this sleep for a while, and after next two days trip on Monday, and then to decide about eventually next layer of varnish In mean time ... it is obviously time to replace my phone which start to work irregular after more than a 3 years ( HTC Wildfire without S). What next phone will be ? That is today great philosophy, which need a lot of time and research to compare different models. I do not need or want phone as symbol of status (I do not care for this after 30 years of work - judges and clients know me very well and I can go on trials and meetings in jeans if I want), and do not want to burn 500-1000€ for such a thing, but want something good and reliable for reasonable amount of money. And there problem start. For instance, HTC Desire X (which I prefer as a relative small one - I do not like phones with 1 m2 surface of screen - it looks silly when you use it as a phone - as you put a plate on your ear ) is Dual Core 1 Ghz and dimensions 118 x 62 x 9 mm, and at same prize are: HTC Desire 310 which is Quad Core 1,3 Ghz , but 132 x 68 x 11 . and Huawei Ascend G630, same price, also Quad Core 1,2 Ghz , but 143 x 71 x 7,8 mm ... Where is the catch ?
  14. All my knifes/blades are custom made from Chinese blades of different shape and curve, which I sharp personally using Dremel and so called "water sand paper", making different holders and handles, AND IT WORKS WELL. I did not feel any need for expensive branded knifes or scalpels. Am I wrong ?
  15. Notice about small elements and parts on outside bulwark and hull In my post #575 I attached file "small elements and parts" in *.pdf format. Approaching that stage, i trided to open this file, but I discovered that attached file is damaged. Then I tried to make new and replace, but ... original document is in MS Word, 5 MB large, and MSW demand for reducing to 2MB *.pdf file make pictures unclear. Considering I noticed over 20 - I suppose unsuccessful - downloads of this file, I suppose, with great disappointment because nothing can open. So, if anybody is still interested in this file, I ll be glad to send original MSWORD file to designed private mail with no size restrictions And Matt, thanks again !!!
  16. nerves, nerves, nerves .... Been there, doing that ... huh ... Nice look of hull you got, young Jedi
  17. Denis, cheated a while, as I wrote earlier. Just to remember, hunting right color for strips, I found this foil which is ... paper/plastic thiny colored self-adhesive wallpaper, and steel wool would ruin it easily Patina ? Oh, yes, but at the same end before masts, when I can see complete look and feel of model and decide what kind and look of patina it needs Thank you all for nice words and support Addendum 19:30 First coat of mat covering is done, must wait to dry well before second coat And about patina ... some pictures from Croatian Champion R.Vlahovic`s model U-boot 552, which get silver medal on World championship of ship-model section "C" this year in Zagora, Bulgaria Pictures are from earlier stage of building And that is patina made by master !!!!
  18. Sanding under magnifier with little strips of sand paper in medical pean?
  19. Brush and magnifier, stoned and frozen without breath ... only light moves of top of two fingers ... maybe some soft music in background with forgoten beer/coffee and smokeing cigarette... I can imagine scene ... been there doing that ... my daughter entered and told me that I look as mad chemist ... Who cares, in that moments nothing exist except model, and that moments we remember well later, pafticary if we succed in idea how we want those pair of square milimeters to look I think nothing can compare with that feeeling Beautifull precise work, my friend. And soul and personallity appears under your brush Nenad
  20. I did not invsst in lamps. My cave is in heat room 3x3 m with bulb 100w in center of floor. In one corner I mounted work surface 100x70 cm with bulb 200w in floor corner, so I got left and up rear light, right rear window light, and strong front high light, all of it make difuse strong light good enough for almost all of works. When I need to use magnifier, pull up little improvised movable led light on table. Not expensive, and good. Happines is I have enough space in house. Long ago when I had not separated room, I used two removable and movable table cheap daylights similar as on link above, each on right and left side of table
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