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Everything posted by NenadM

  1. If you plan to use magnifier, lighting has specific dimension
  2. This evening, after grass joy and painting walls in toilet, I did final test how to kill reflection of plated "coopered" surface According to Matt`s pictures in post above, it seems that this will be final solution Excess of shine is removed, and little bit of dark green is presented. I got this efect mixing very very little bit of acrylic paints in acrylic mat warnish, and, again, whole approach to desired look will be more artistic than by rules - painting plated shrface of hull as painting picture I hope you like this as I do. tomorrow I am on road for two days, and can not wait to return and finaly finish this stage
  3. And it seems for modellers of Her in present state, that regular coopering with ptefabricated cooper plates is no accurate aproach any more without weathering on specific way
  4. Thank you Matt, it seems that shine from re-opening is blown with the wind ...
  5. John Reading MSW I concluded that different ships in different time had different way of plating. Also in different kits instructions are different at the same ship, also to the CS. And there are some general rules. Between all this, I found "my way" trying to follow general rules and to get result as presented on She today, and that two approach did not match. Question is - what dou you want from your model. If you think I could help with my method about something you can not see in my posts, feel free to ask here or in a PM. I am not really shure what are you looking for
  6. Will you keep this color or try to get natural color on CS in Greenwich?
  7. Lesson learned: everything is possible if you have patience and "little" drop of stuborn. Do you, or can you do anything with mistake? I don't think so Your work is great lesson and inspiratiom fot us mortals
  8. Thank you for your fine words, Doris. I think I do not deserve compliments from such a master you are. And here are my inpatience first (in life) trying and testing with clay and gold acrylic I bought today This is targeted piece Comparing to drawing ( only 6mm !!!!!) On a position ... from distance it looks like ... macro photo show inpatience and mess And another messy and no precise trying to get relief with clay (down) and to paint with hand (up) on a black painted surface. There will be more tests and. excersizes, and in mean time FINISH COOPERING NENAD!!! YOU ARE NOT A FROG TO JUMP HERE AND THERE
  9. This will be done, Keith. What do you think about very thin layer of mat warnish on other parts of hull-deck-masts ? I think that dust in that case will be easier to remove, and possibility of accidental scrap damage will be minimized. But I am not sure about this considering acryl paints I use
  10. Preparing for ... or just playing ??? And finally (with Hothead`s little help) learned to use layers in Photoshop !!!!
  11. Possibility of card models in good hands supprise me over and over. Keep a good work, my friend
  12. @ Bob,I understand that impatience to climb to deck eats your rudder @Mat, I noticed on photos different amount of shine on hull, and it seems as that on first days after reopening, on hull was little more shine and little more red gamut instead little less shine and little more dark green as times go by. But I am not so sure. Only thing I am sure is that my coopering is for now too much shiney, and that I must do something about. With shine surfaces, light source and colored objects near make changes in color of reflection of light. And try to hit it, if you can ! Fresh photos are always wellcome
  13. And finaly some testing: How to "kill" excess shine with mat acryl warnish. Couple of pictures ... it works ... but camera can not show graduation of "killing" Next test will be little adding of thin and transparent layer of dark green gamut to try to look same as cooperring on pictures from Greenwich Little excess of beer ( succesfull fighting with Admiral for last glass of beer in house), and this is it for tonight, now is 21:30, a time for family meeting infront of TV
  14. Why I think about " Pigs on the wing" song by Pink Floyd from album "Animals" ? This future BBQ is singing: If you didn't care what happened to me, And I didn't care for you We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain Occasionally glancing up through the rain Wondering which of the buggers to blame And watching for pigs on the wing.
  15. After 12 hours in office, trying to make some helping close direct light for future miniature works, by supervision of Hothead I succeed ... only to broke expensive bulb ... He told me that happened because I did not listen his advises ... Not much in shipyard this days, but in the moments when try to empthy my overloaded brain, I can not stop thinking about thin cooper wire solution, and can not wait for time to try/play with this
  16. Sticks are there to allow uniform heat effect and crisp from all sides at the same time And one secret function - to be by hand as a weapon when Bob`s runaway pig come near BBQ Empty stomach = empty brain, I agree very much
  17. That poor animal have heard that I made BBQ and went on his way to Belgrade ...
  18. And there is "thinking" process ... Helping beer can is right beside
  19. Bob, you challenge me ... I challenge myself too ==>> something about very very thin cooper wire is flying around me ... I`ll think more about during BBQ today
  20. To hell with everything ... Ornaments from C-plans resized to. My scale ... I do not have too big fingers, so these are beats and ants I have to make Seem pretty impossible but ...
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