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Everything posted by SaltyScot

  1. It looks good, Tom. I bet you did need a break after that too! She is coming along nicely, sir.
  2. The first thing that popped into my mind on seeing this was, "Just put a quarter round on it like we do with baseboards in construction" Silly me.
  3. Sitting in there nice and snugly, Glenn. Nice job sir. Love the door handle mate!
  4. Always good to hear from you, Steve. Having to file that down made me finally mount the metal vise in my wood shop to hold it while I filed. I had the woodworkers vise already there but a metal screw head would have ruined the wooden vise faces.
  5. Thanks for dropping by, Alan. Yep, I am excited to see how I can incorporate 3D printed parts into my future builds. I love that stuff, especially the design aspect of it.
  6. That is some very neat and precise work there, Kurt. I agree with your choice of leaving the parts unpainted. If you did paint them, Murphy's Law dictates something will come up and you need to sand them
  7. I finally got round to re-fabricating the pump that broke earlier on in the build when I tried to drill a hole in the head for the handles. I filed this down from a screw and added some bent copper wire for the pump handles. I also designed the stand for the plaque that will be displayed with the boat. I printed it out on the new 3D printer that finally arrived and am happy with the results.
  8. Thanks, Steve, at least that gives me a direction to head in. The CEO has a few ideas of her own about it too. She is the seamstress in this venture by the way, if we choose to go that route, not me
  9. Well, please don't think me ungrateful but I much prefer a nice single malt sir
  10. She already volunteered to sew them for me, Keith. She wants the yacht on display in the living room as much as I do
  11. The word "exquisite" comes to mind. Very nice work indeed. I was just admiring your weather from these pics down there in Key West. The CEO and I have decided to spend a month down there next February to escape the cold here on the Chesapeake. She is even talking about making it 2 months after the snow we just had
  12. Roger that. That is not beyond the realms of possibility. It will be a fun project and you are right, it will look a whole lot better than the kit sails. Thanks again, Chris.
  13. Chris, The CEO and I have discussed this and I have read about it on here too. My only concern is, the racing numbers will be missing from the mainsail. Is there a decal or a way to make those?
  14. I am a doofus. I messed up when I was prepping the sails. Instead of mixing 50/50 white (Elmer's) glue with water to stiffen the sails, I mistakenly grabbed the Titebond bottle and mixed that 😖 I realized my mistake when I went back to my table and saw the two bottles of glue next to each other. Once it dried and after I ironed it, it was very splotchy. So, me being me, thought I would bleach it to get rid of the stains. BIG mistake. Doing that turned the sails pink! I guess the diluted bleach reacted with the glue. I have since been soaking the sails in a baking soda solution on a low simmer but there are still noticeable stains. Very frustrating but I am currently on the lookout for new sails to finish up the build. Who knows, perhaps this was meant to be and I will come across some really nice sails for her The search continues.
  15. A warm (and windy) welcome to MSW from the Chesapeake Bay area!
  16. Well, Phil, I was actually thinking of just using it as a "kit bash" to practice on. He gave me the box with the rest of the parts, it all appears to be there (there is a lot in the box). I shall dig through it at some time and make a decision but tossing it in the trash is not on the list
  17. Thanks. Can I edit the title or do you have to? There are a few too many letters up there at the beginning sir.
  18. I had a visit from an old friend today. We had kept in touch over the years and he had heard that I had moved to the area (he lives in Richmond VA). Back when we were in touch I knew that he built model ships, or at least showed a keen interest in them. At that time in my life I was working a 6 day job and didn't have the time to dedicate myself to anything remotely related to a hobby. He also heard I had retired and so decided to drop this off at my house this morning. He said he had started this build after a fairly successful first build but got bogged down very quickly and lost hope. He gifted me everything you see in the photos and told me I could try and finish it. I must say at first I was speechless! What follows is what he has managed to get done on the build thus far. This kit has been sitting in his garage like this for the past 4 some years now. He gave me a brief rundown on what he had done to get this far, thanked me for taking it (he didn't want anything for it) and went on his way. Now I am no expert by any means but even I can tell this is going to take A LOT of work to get right. MY BIG QUESTION IS, IS THIS EVEN SALVAGEABLE? 😬
  19. The weathering technique you have used really bring s the model to life. Just outstanding work!
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