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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks Mustafa. That helps a lot. Holliday’s are over for you? Sjors
  2. Because i'm waiting for copper plates ( Kevin has send it to me ) i was looking at the Conny again. There is one thing that I need some help with. All the measurements are in inches and I try to convert them into mm or cm but I get strange measurements So my question for you are: How much is 1/18 inch = mm or cm? 1/16 inch = mm or cm? 1/32 inch = mm or cm ? 3/16 inch = mm or cm ? 3/32 inch = mm or cm ? I know there are rulers with cm and inches and I have one but if you don't understand how it works you can seek till 2050 🙂 I know someone will help me. Thanks in advance. Sjors
  3. Congratulations Robert. It’s a real beauty and you can be proud of what you have done. A great example for me. Difficult for me to get close of what you have done! Sjors
  4. That goes quicker then the Conny 🙂 It’s a nice little one. I will be follow you 😀 Sjors
  5. Hi Tom, I have take a look at all the build logs. But a lot of builders are away after the beginning. Maybe to difficult? I also had all ready problems en re do a lot. But that’s building. The drawings are more difficult then OcCre or Caldecraft. And the measurements are in inches and not cm. But with the help of other builders i can manage it all. But for this month the Victory and September back to Conny. Sjors
  6. It was just a joke Peter. And I only have one each month. This month the Victory and next month the Conny. The Duyfken stays on hold. Sjors
  7. Sometimes you have to do something else otherwise you gonna get crazy 🙂 So I paint the sternfacia. And now i can go on with the copper plates..... Sjors
  8. Congratulations! It’s a real beauty and you can be proud of it! Sjors
  9. How an 18th Century Sailing Battleship works I thought I'd share this one. Beautiful 3D animation and explanation of how the whole ship is built and how everything works.
  10. I have seen it Peter. But the bow is closed and the top gun ports are in it. Next thing are the lower gun ports but i’ll becwaiting for you 😀 So i’ll be back with the Victory. Glue copper plates. Every month i’ll be doing something else. Next month the Duyfken and then the Conny. So hurry up and i can see what i have to do 😁 Sjors
  11. Hoi Peter, I have take a look again but i don't have that parts in my kit. I was looking that earlier but can not found it so i thought i have to make it by myself. And yes, i'm building straight out of the kit. Maybe there is still one sheet of wood in Norway so I have to ask to see. If there is I will not remove everything for that. It is as it is. Sjors
  12. Then i’m on holliday to 😄😄(not) Enjoy your vacation. Where do you go to? Sjors
  13. Finf your build 😀. I have a little problem with the kit and you build it from scratch…… I will go on at the follow stand. You are a little behind me so i will be slow down so i can see what to do. Sjors
  14. Thanks Mustafa, I can only find” on sheet 6 that at the left bottom you can find the measurements of the mizzen,main and fore mast.” But no bowsprit. Now i have one ,i can search better to see if it’s there. Thanks again. Sjors
  15. Question for other Conny builders. I’m looking for the thickness of the bowsprit, the first part. I prefer cm 😛 I cannot find it on the drawings. I want to fit it before the hull is closed. And no, i’m not there yet 🙃 I have to make preparations for that. Sjors
  16. That looks great Kevin, Still another question. Do you want to finish her by Christmas??😃 Sjors
  17. Thanks Peter, I have take a look at that practicum but it’s to expensive. I will do it with the resources i have. I will redo the filler blocks but first i’m planking the upper hull. The top of the frames are easy to break. When that is done i can put her up side down and have more space to work. It’s balsa wood so easy to work with. Sjors
  18. Go on, i will see what you are doing 😁 Then i can make a copy of it. Great job! Sjors
  19. Thanks Mustafa, The whole thing redo is gonna be a little difficult at the moment. All the frames are attached and glued. What i can try is remove a little and place new wood against it. I will see what i can do. You will see the result later. Sjors
  20. The framing of the Stern and Bow are done. For the bow framing I have redo it 3 times because i don't like it how it was. It goes to far outside. So i think I'm all right now with that. Then the waterway is also in place. I think I'm gonna start planking at the top of the frames because they are very fragile. I have broke all ready 8 frames. Then the gunports..... Also a question for other Conny builders. I see at other build logs that they place a deck. I think they make them by them self because they want fully rigged guns? Picture are so sharp that you see every thing on it. Keep in mind that it has to be planked and painted. Now pictures. Sjors
  21. Beautiful job. Question from Anja, how do you get those tiles so shining. You clean them? Sjors
  22. Thanks for looking in and the likes. And it is just what Mustafa is saying.....a lot of scratch. So i'm going out of my comfort zone 🙂 The filler blocks are on it. At the bow I have make a little reinforcement for the knighthead and a few other small frames. At the stern i don't know if it is good. I can not make it more to the end otherwise i have problems with the bearding line. I try to look at other builds but can not find a good picture of that. So I hope I have no problems when ( somewhere this year) i start with the planking. First finishing the bow.... Sjors
  23. I don’t missed things but have to make it myself. They provide the wood. I have to take the shape and measure from the drawing. And it is in inches and i work with cm…. Sjors
  24. No update but something else When i take a look at the other Conny’s ,there is a difference with mine. I see parts that i can not find…. I have no deck so the planks are going on the frames and at the bow i’ll be missing some lasercut parts. Anja has found why. It’s a kit of 15 years old! It’s semy scratch. 🥲 So more difficult for me but i still will do my best. I hope to show you tomorrow a little progress. The filler blocks at the stern and bow. Sjors
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