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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Thanks Heinz, I don’ t mind to do a little demolition. I all ready done that. I have removed several planks on the inner side of the bull wark. But then i thougt….i’m not to proud to ask so i did. It’s weekend and i don’t do any building in the weekend because my wife is also free from work and the we spend money in the city 😛 Monday i will continue to see what i can do. Sjors (You live closer to us then i thought……)
  2. Thank Graham and Mort. @Graham, You make me an happy camper! It is not my mistake 😃 I will look for your log and will see what i have to do. @Mort, I all ready remove a part Also 3 or 4 mm. But still…… Sjors
  3. Hello to all you young ones 🙂 I have a problem ! Maybe I did something wrong but I can not find what. I wanted to putt in the sills. The gun ports are not in line! These are the gun ports just above the deck. De inner bull wark template is placed correct ( I think ) The first picture you can see that the inner bull wark is to high. When I take some material away it looks better. At picture 3 you can see what I mean with that the gun port is to high. But when I place the carriage I see that the wheels are for the half above the gun port. When you take a look ( picture 4) to the inner bull wark you see that it goes upwarts in an angle en not level. I know...strange. Is there any solution? Who can help me with it. I all ready remove all the sills. Sjors
  4. The gallery's are on it. They are more difficult then I thought but they are on now. And I like it how it looks. I also get started the double planking. Just a small part because of the sils. Some are flush and other are a little inside the second planking. The manuel is telling me that I have to go downwards with the second planking but I go upwards. First I will make all the gunport sills and the inner bull wark. When that is finished I will go down. Don't ask me why I do it his way but for me it feels a little better. And I follow Heinz his way of building...... Enough talking. Pictures! Sjors
  5. I will leave them open kevin. It's a shame of all those cannons that I've go. And I just love painting ( and telling fairytails 🙂 ) Sjors
  6. Hi Robert, This is just great and what i’m looking for! Thanks and i don’t mind it at all that you upload such pictures 😄 You have now another fan……my wife 😄 Sjors
  7. Found it! Indeed on the drawing there are 2 more gun ports on both sides at the bow. When i take a look at the book The Anatomy of Nelson’s ships they are closed gun ports. So i think i will do the same. One thing only… are the lids flush with the planking or are they laying on the planking? Maybe someone knows the answer? Sjors
  8. Thanks Kevin and Mort, I will check it and if so i will put 2 more….. Or i can make the suggestion and make close lids? we will see but thanks again! Sjors
  9. Oke Kevin, It makes sense to me know. But i don’t have a template…. The gunports are all ready cut out in de ply . So i think i have the latest version of the kit?😛 Sjors
  10. Morning Kevin, What do you mean by forward gun ports? At the bow there are two gun ports.... Hi Malcolm, It takes a while before all the planking is on it. And I don't want to make pictures of every plank. Better is when it is finished. I'm here Jason:-) Thanks. The Snake is almost finished. I broke a spar so I have to change that but she is waiting patiently. I'm not working at the moment because of my sickness. I have IBD or Colitis Ulcerosa, a little bit difficult when I'm driving on a bus. Anja is working at home because of the Covid-19, so I can not sit in the livingroom at day time. I'm banned to the hobby room 🙂 Thanks Bob and welcome! It is a impressive model and it was a dream for me to build her one day. So a dream comes true. John it is a good base. I all ready started with the second planking and it goes smoothly. Enjpy the sunday! Sjors
  11. Sorry, I have missed that then. I will keep a close eye 🙂 Sjors
  12. Hi Heinz, I re-read your log for so many times and I'm still impressed with what I see. A Victory without colors and it looks great! It's nice to see that some builders are follow there own schedule. You have make the inner bulwark first before you go to the second planking. I'm just starting the second planking and when I,m below the gunports maybe I will do the same and work upwards instead of downwards. Sjors
  13. Amazing..... You put the stick very high! I will try to do the same but it's difficult! But I will do my best... Keep on going Robert and I will follow you closely. Sjors
  14. Sorry to read the news. I hope that things goes a little normal now for you and the family. I almost see my own Aggy 🙂 Great job. Sjors
  15. Hoi David, You are a little in front of me. Thanks for the schedule 🙂 I think I gonna use it. I have only one question.....you don't sand the second planking? For the rest it is looking good! Sjors
  16. I have to remove the dust from the build log...... First palnking done. Use filler band then sand everything till she is smooth as possible. Now I have a good layer for the second planking. Enjoy! Sjors
  17. Thanks John, There is almost nothing that go wrong at this stage….. With the 3 planks i mean the hull planks🙃 I hope i can continue in a few weeks instead of months. Sjors
  18. Thanks Robert, I told mij wife that some day i will build the Victory. That day is arrived. She is now on the shelf with 3 planks on her because of other things in life. In a few months she will come down. I have read your log a few times and i’m impressed and a good example for me. thanks 👍😀 Sjors
  19. I know Mobbsie that OcCre has e few things that is not ok. That’s why i change to Caldecraft again. I’m spoiled with the Aggy. But you make a fine job out of it. You don’t reed your PM’s????.?? I send you 3 messages…….. Sjors
  20. Mike_H Retirement......for you it's 5 weeks Mike ,for me a little bit longer 😞 10 years ago you can ( have to ) get retired at 65......now it is 66 and 10 months for me. It depend in what year you are born. Yesterday was my 65 birthday so I know that I can go on for more then 1 1/2 year. But ok, it is what it is. The the update..... All deck furniture is on it. Bowsprit is done Lower masts are in place. Now I can go on with the shrouds and ratlines. Not so much as I use to be. Sjors
  21. I see your usual skills 😃 Do you like the OcCre kits? Sjors
  22. Hi Mike, Ik little bit further now. i’ll be making the masts….. I forget to make pictures so maybe later today an update. Witch tools do you have now? Sjors
  23. You are more then welcome to follow Malcolm. It’s gonna take a while for the next update but he will come! You also more then welcome Frank. One thing…..my name is Sjors and not Slors 😁😝 Sjors
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