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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. Next project h for 1 1/2 year now) the Victory from Caldecraft and a side project The Duyfken from Kolderstok. You can find it in my signature. The Victory is on hold at the moment because i’m waiting for copper plates.
  2. My co worker has send me those two pictures. I think she listen to you when you are asking about the pictures @AJohnson and @ccoyle Sjors
  3. Hoi Mellisa, I just find your buildlog. It’s nice to see a Kolderstok model. Last week i pick up my Duyfken from Kolderstok at Dordrecht . The Statenjacht is also a beauty and i will follow you. Sjors
  4. Maybe when she comes home for vacation i will ask for pictures. Sjors
  5. Andrew, I'm sorry but no pictures. The model is gone..... It was a co worker and she moved to another country with the Snake. Sjors
  6. Here is a new build. I will build this one at a hobby model club. So it don't go fast! Between 1997 and 1999 a replica of the Duyfken( Little Dove ) was built in Freemantle ,Australia to commemorate the first discovery of Australia. When she was in Holland I was visiting her and I always want to build her. And Kolderstok make a kit so at least her she is. Length 650 mm Width 250 mm Height 550 mm And then a few pictures of what was in the box Sjors
  7. I have to take the dust of on the build log. It's a while ago but i'm back...... I have removed all the copper plates because a lot of them are falling off and I was not happy with the result So I have started again with those plates. Sjors
  8. I still follow you Robert . Difficult to reach your skills….. But i’ll do my best
  9. Little impression of the day. Also a builder ( Jan Zwart ) has make the Victory inside - out. Every deck has his own drader with all the figures in it. It's amazing to see and watch.
  10. Then a little update. All the bulwarks and stripes and more of that funny stuf is on it. Painted and happy. Last saturday we had a model meeting in the Netherlands from a Dutch forum. They helped me with the black stripes because they don't follow the bulwarks. So now I am happy 🙂
  11. And he has find me again 🙂 Hello Patrick, missed you! Welcome to my Victory. That i'm going fast has everything to do with Anja . She is working at home so I have to go to the hobby room all the time 🙂 And I hate it ( fingers crossed )
  12. And there he is again. Hello stranger.... Nice build you have there. My seat has a lot of dust zo cleaning and we can go further where we are the last time 2 1/2 years ago...... But welcome back!
  13. Very small update, All the sils are in it. 60 gunports at the lower levels. Time to get some paint on her. Sjors
  14. Thanks Bob, It should be the only one because the other models are with friends, neighbors, restinghome,trashcan 🙂
  15. The bulwarks are on it. Next step all 60 sils for the lowest gunports so a next update will take a while. Sjors
  16. Thanks John 😁 Thanks Malcolm, Nice that you enjoy my build😊 If i go to fast, tell me and i will slow down a bit….😛 End of the month the Victory is abandoned for a week….. Sjors
  17. Thanks Bob, But there is a reason for being so fast 🙂 Because of my sickness i can not work and be at home all the time. And because of Covid-19 ,my wife is working at home in the living room. In the morning at 07.00 hour i ‘ll be send to the hobby room till 15.00 hour. I only can leave the room for a cup of coffee and lunch.🤣 And Christmas is still far away…….. Sjors
  18. The fun part of second planking is done. Also the second fun part of sanding is also done. Now it's gonna be time for the bulwarks. Measure, measure, measure But that's for tomorrow.... Sjors
  19. Thanks to Charter 33 ( Graham ) and Mort Stoll I have finished the gun ports. I think it is just fine. Bit more work then i thought but that's no problem. I have painted them and also placed the planking on the inner bulwark and painted it also. How Robert get that so smooth is for me a miracle. And because there is another deck on it you don't see a thing! Sjors
  20. Looking great Robert. I have to remember that knot. Should be no problem because i take a look every day to your log 😀 Sjors
  21. If On 27 september we are crossing the border if Covid 19 allowed us. We go for a few days to Bollendorf, close to Trier. And on thursday the plan is to go to Monchau. We keep in touch. I wanted to see your Victory IRL Sjors
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