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Everything posted by Sjors

  1. That’s funny… I see number 8……signature 😀 Maybe @Jim Lad or @James H can help you with it. Or one of the other mods. Sjors
  2. Hi Herby, I think i know you 😛 When you open that page what you are showing now you see account settings. Open that and on the left at te bottem you see signature. Sjors
  3. Hello stranger..... Long time no see. How is your Conny going? Still on the shelf? Sjors
  4. Hello Tom, Great build you have done. Your Constitution is a great example for me. I have read your log many times. I will use it as my guide if you don't mind. I have all ready questions but I will see if i can find it by myself. If not, can I ask you for help? Sjors
  5. Hello Woodartist, I will follow you closely. What you have done so far with the little ones is great! I hope I can do the same... But first the big one 🙂 Sjors
  6. I got this kit from Børge. Børge is a member of this forum and built the Dragon. His wish was always to build the Constitution one day. Due to illness, he is no longer able to build. A few weeks ago we visited him and his wife in Norway and he gave me this kit and asked me to build it. I am very happy to comply with this. As a result, the Victory and Duyfken are on hold until the Constitution is finished. I'm going to do my best to build a beautiful ship. My guide for this build will be the build log from Tom aka usedtosail. Sjors
  7. Don’t hunt Jason 😄 Just ask for me…… See my comment at Martin above. I will make a build log for the Constitution. Sjors.
  8. Hoi Martin. First off all only English here 🙂 Not everyone can read Dutch. No i didn’t stop. She is on hold for the moment,same as the Victory. A friend of mine and a builder of this forum is sick. He lives in Norway and a few weeks ago we bring him a visit in Norway. The builders who are here from the beginning knows him very wel. It’s Børge… His greatest wish was to build the USS Constitution. He had the kit from model shipways on his workbench but can not build it. He ask me if i want to do that for him. So at my workbench there is the Constitution. I have to make a build log . That’s why the other ones are on hold. When you take a look by Historische zeilschepen at the Dutch forum Modelbouwers.nl you can see a few Duyfkens Sjors
  9. Good luck Der Alte Rentner with the Constitution. At the moment there is a Constitution on my work bench from Model Shipways. I don’t have a build log yet but it is coming in the near future.
  10. That looks real great! The copper plates are just if they are there all the time! It's a little bit to far for me otherwise I bring you a visit 🙂
  11. Enjoy Kevin, It will be a long journey so i’m looking over your shoulder to see what you are doing! 😀 Sjors
  12. I just told you that it is a slow build. After two tuesdays of building at the club, all the frames are done 🙂 I think I have to build more instead of watching other projects and not so much talking Sjors
  13. Say hello to the Duyfken from me if you are in the neighberhood 🙂 On vacation? Then enjoy! Sjors
  14. Congratulations Mike. She is a real beauty and you can be proud of what you have done! Give her a nice place and enjoy her! Sjors
  15. Hi Mike, I have not give up only make no pictures or give a update here. Sometimes you just wanna build and not do the writing stuff like on a forum. But then the blood goes where it should be. And i come back!
  16. Gsxdent, The foot ropes on the spars are going down en not horizontal. Now you can not walk on them to get the sails good For the rest keep on going! Sjors
  17. I know Jim. When i win the lotery, i will visit her again 😄🙃 Sjors
  18. Last tuesday it was the first evening at the modelclub. Because everybody wanted to see what i was doing i only glued 3 frames..... The rest of the time was giving information about the proces of building. A few things I'll be doing at home like painting. There are two doors. One is going behind a deck and the other one is going on the back of the stern. That's the one with the white color on it. Sjors
  19. While i'm waiting for the plates i have done a little bit more. Painted the stern fascia, windows and ornaments. Also the trophy of arms. You really need a steady hand but i'm happy with the result. Sjors
  20. Thanks Ben, Don’t forget that with one hour driving we are in another country. It’s not that far. I have put her in a box and she was standing on the backseat with things beside her…. And she survived 😃
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