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Mike Y

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    Mike Y got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Thanks for that wave of comments!
    Finished the display case. I made it out of plexiglass sheets and L shaped furu wood.
    Looks so-so, CA is not the best way to glue plexiglass, and frankly I failed to cut accurate glass rectangles with required precision. So next time will buy a manufactured case.

    It sounds ridiculous, but I have no place to put the model on display. This problem slightly crossed my mind before, but I preferred not to think where to put model before it's finished.
    So now it is going to the drawer, until I move from rental to my own apartment, where I can easily mount a nice shelf on a wall
    Next build would be a scratch Oliver Cromwell using Hahn's method, but I just ordered it from Lumberyard a few weeks ago.
    So will start a Longboat build while waiting. Hope that Oliver Cromwell will arrive in a matter of a month or so, hence Longboat would become a side build - when I will feel bored with cutting big pieces into small pieces to make a big pieces to cut them into small pieces to make a big pieces © mtaylor.
  2. Like
    Mike Y reacted to jburchfield1@wowway.com in 18th Century LongBoat by jburchfield1 - Model Shipways - 1/4" scale - SMALL - 1st ever build   
    K, making progress.
    Got the hull faired correctly and have installed the first 2 sheer planks, both starboard and port.
    No pictures yet.  I had borrowed a camera from my daughter and she is angry with me at this time.  Sometimes you wonder if they are ever gonna grow up!
    So looking for a camera that I can afford.  Pics to come.
  3. Like
    Mike Y reacted to kruginmi in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    Thanks David.
    I am actually compensating for issues raised over 12 years ago when this build first started.  I like to think I have matured and grown enough to overcome these things.  It will be all good.  I had wanted to keep things sturdy and boy did I over engineer.  Interesting to think I am saying goodbye to the rib tops that I have been staring at for so long.
    The evolution of Krug.
  4. Like
    Mike Y reacted to kruginmi in HMS Druid by Krug - FINISHED - 1:48 - Hahn   
    On to the quarterdeck.  First business was to get the sidewalls correct (width and height) to set the tone for the cap rail as well as planking.  BIG lesson learned here in regards to the ribs.  I should have left extra height on the ribs and did some extra measurements on target widths.  Luckily, there is a path to recovery which will be totally invisible once complete.
    To highlight the issue the following photos is the current situation with a pencil line denoting the target width on the tops of the ribs.  This extra will be cut away down to the tops of the quarterdeck beams.  It will be noted that there essentially is no protruding ribs at the forward end of the quarterdeck.  To remedy this I removed the top layer of planking on the external hull (a partial width) and will replace with a wider plank.  I will attach pieces to this plank to replace the missing ribs and provide support to the internal wall. 

    Now, we are talking millimeters not meters of missing material.  If you look at the previous picture and view across to the other side you can see where I have already done the necessary work.  It is important when sanding the resultant wood down to the finished dimensions that you use a piece of sanding block that stretches across the hull to insure a totally flat surface for the cap rail.  The forward end of the new wall ends up flush in height with the floor planking of the quarterdeck then does a gradual rise up to the stern wall.
    When complete the pictures look much different:

    The floor planking goes flush against this new material which will provide a finished look and clean join.  The cap rail covers all the ribs and support structures so all this work will disappear if done correctly.  Having a good foundation is essential for following up with all the finishing touches (and provides relief from stress)
    Stay Building My Friends,
  5. Like
    Mike Y reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Take a breath folks. I finished applying the finish....
    The good, it turned out nice dark brown (not as black as on the pictures) and the structure of the wood is still a bit visible. The joints of the planks appear slightly visible so it does not look like one big plank.
    The bad, I made 400 treenails disappear, only when the light hits at a certain angle they are barely visible and the stain is a bit blotchy, applying more coats made it better but also made the treenails less visible. Only one run out at a spot I didn't want, under the strern
    I also applied the finish (tung oil) it's still drying hence the glossy look at the moment. That will disappear once dry and a quick while with a Scotch pad. Then I can add bolts at the plank ends.



  6. Like
    Mike Y reacted to Jay 1 in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Well done and congratulations on a superb build, Mike!
  7. Like
    Mike Y reacted to mtaylor in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Beautiful boat, Mike.  Congratulations on finishing it.
  8. Like
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    Mike Y reacted to Stuntflyer in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Mike, Congrats! Just completing it should make you very proud. I'm really looking forward to your Longboat build. Again, well done.
  10. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  11. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from GrandpaPhil in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  12. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from Andi Little in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  13. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from Blue Ensign in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  14. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Anchor rope in the kit is definitely not as gourgeous as on Chuck's prototype. Frankly, it looks very cheap and definitely not like a rope (more like a wire), but since it is the last bit of a model - I gave up, and decided not to bother with ordering a proper one.

  15. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from EricWilliamMarshall in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Hooray! I finished all the messy part of gluing metal parts onto wood parts. Damn CA! Hate it!
    Metal bumper looks much better then a paper one. Or I probably just cant work with the paper (some build logs of ships from card totally changed the view on paper)

    Rudder tiller have a brass rod inside to make a stronger joint with a rudder:

    And here is the rudder installed. Fully functional, you can rotate it gently

    Trunk of the pinnace looked too empty. Then I started to think... What could be there? It is a flashy pinnace, not the one that is used to carry food supply. It is intended to transport officers. What they could carry with them?? Aha! Some high quality booze, to make sure it will not disappear while officers are on the shore.
    So here is a tiny booze tank:

  16. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from archjofo in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  17. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from archjofo in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Anchor rope in the kit is definitely not as gourgeous as on Chuck's prototype. Frankly, it looks very cheap and definitely not like a rope (more like a wire), but since it is the last bit of a model - I gave up, and decided not to bother with ordering a proper one.

  18. Like
    Mike Y reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Thanks guys!
    Daniel, the whale is 3 strakes of planks. The row butting to the stained whale will not be glued on the edge.
    Mike, the wax and oil have pro's and cons, build up of wax can easily be removed build up of oil not and will give a glossy finish. But oil encapsulates the remains of sanding dust which otherwise stand out like white traces in the grain of the wood and joints. I still ran a bit more to oil because of the latter. Whipe on poly (semi gloss) gives a gloss finish (of course) and I really done like that on models. You could also use sanding sealer as a finish, dead flat but a bit harder to apply on large area's. It's also a matter of taste. All parts are treated with finish like the bed and the closet, and always as a last step as glue does not  stick very well to surfaces with a finis applied. 
    So the whale continues. I hope the treenails will stand out enough after the wood is stained. Being end grain it was darker on the test pieces, but the treenails will be hard to see. Same will be for the joints between the planks.  Tomorrow I'll apply the stain, I'm a bit scared about this step and hope there will be no stain flowing to the parts thad need no stain. I scored the wood with a scalpel where the whale touches the frames. 



    Here the treenails are sanded flush with the whale and almost invisible

  19. Like
    Mike Y reacted to Mirabell61 in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    congrats to your lovely looking pinnace Mike
  20. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from ggrieco in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  21. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from MEDDO in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    Remco, would you mind if I bother you with a next batch of questions regarding finish? it is one of the best I ever saw, so I am trying to learn on best examples!
    What is the benefit of microcrystalline wax comparing to tung oil, why do you prefer it now? And all that comparing to wipe-on-poly?
    Do you apply finish to a tiny pieces, like the beds, closets, etc?
    What finish have you used for frames?
    And the last one - what is your tactics for when to finish? Do you apply it before gluing, or after?
    Thanks for all advices!
  22. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from JPett in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  23. Like
    Mike Y reacted to jburchfield1@wowway.com in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    Congratulation Mike, looks great!!!
    Hope I can do half as well.
  24. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from fatih79 in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
  25. Like
    Mike Y got a reaction from DBorgens in 21ft English Pinnace by Mike Y - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:24   
    But now the good part. Quoting Chuck's manual - "That completes the model!!!" I'm still in progress with the display case, but she is completed! Yahooo!
    Chuck, thanks again for that fun build, that looks simple, but actually forces to learn new techniques and go to the next level of accuracy.




    Next buid would be a Longboat, since my wife really thinks it looks better with sails, and I want to make a better planking with boxwood
    Ok, in reality I just want to make a pinnace again, this time avoiding all mistakes I did, but making the same model again is kind of silly, and I really love the look of longboat. Also, longboat build would be much slower - I will not rush things to complete it quicker.
    Thanks everybody who watched, helped and commented - it is quite fun, much better then just modelling without being able to share!
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