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About 3sheets10

  • Birthday 08/25/1989

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    Chapel Hill, NC

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  1. Stepping masts - Not as easy as it looked at first review. Had to get creative when figuring out how to set the masts at the same angle. With limited tools to work with, I used a power drill and a hand dremel tool to shape the masts, using the included blueprint for diameter reference. I think they came out alright.
  2. Update to this build: after finally finishing planking, I stained it with a teak wood oil, applying 3 coats until desired finish. I was then able to turn my attention to the deck and work up from there!
  3. Does anyone have any advice or material on using wire to rig blocks to the mast? I have tried using the supplied wire and it is brittle and a challenge to wrap and secure the wire to the block. Any help is welcome! 




  4. It is 2020 and my last post was 6 years ago....since then, I would like to report that I have finally finished the second planking of the hull!
  5. Hello John, Just finished looking through your build! It looks great so far! It is obvious that you are taking your time and doing everything very cleanly, something that took me awhile to learn and understand and I still struggle with it (I need a big learning curve I suppose). You have a lot of talented people commenting on your work so far, you are in good hands. I look forward to following the rest of your build! Tyler
  6. Alright, I have finally found some time to get moving on my build and started off on an easy task of fixing the stern knees to the boat. I have also received a great set of wood planks for my second hull planking, so I am finally moving along on this step. To prepare for this part of the build, I decided to put the rubbing strakes in first to set a boundary for the hull planks. Because the hull planks I purchased are thicker than the kit's second planking, I decided to make the rubbing strake thicker so that they stand out from the hull planking. I did this by sticking 2 now useless kit planks to one side of the rubbing strake strips then fixing it to the port and starboard sides of the boat. It came out nicely, but there are some tidiness issues that I will have to address later. I have decided to use smaller planks rather than long strips. I think it is going to add a nice feature to the end result. After doing some research and looking at some of the planking patterns shown on this site, I went for it. Because I was moving to fast and wanted to start this step, I made mistake. I messed up the beginning pattern, so I had to make an adjustment, but I do not think it will affect the end result, maybe just more measuring than intended throughout this process.
  7. I decided to use some extra Walnut to build the stern knees. I used some card stock to get the profile of the stern set up and after an extensive amount of sanding and measuring and checking and rechecking, I got something that I can work with. I am happy with how they turned out. More photos of the finished result to come.
  8. Dee Dee, Excellent job so far! This is a cool little build. I was cruising around the kit builds and came across your's and was very impressed with your planking. Very clean and neat work. I cannot wait to see how your build turns out! Tyler
  9. Thanks TMC! I know what you mean about missing the build. I put it away for awhile and finally got the itch to start working on it again. I am just waiting to get the planking in for the hull and will be back at it! I really just need to look through everyone's builds and I get inspired to start work again. I am thinking about making some card stock cut outs with the one good knee I have left based off of your recommendations as well as fit my own cleats. I just need to collect the supplies for it. Quick question: I want to paint some of the metal pieces that came with the kit black. What do you all use on your builds to make this happen?
  10. Hello Brett, Your build is looking great so far! I really enjoy that natural grain planking you just completed! Quick question, what was you experience planking with strips that are less than boat length? At what length did you cut them and how did you set up the pattern of how they would lay? I am trying to decide if I want to do that with my Swift build and I saw your hull and really like the look. Tyler
  11. Does anyone know where the side cleats (#45 in the instructions) are located in the laser cut wood samples? The instructions state that they are made of sapelly wood, but I can not find them on that sheet. Has anyone came across this issue as well?
  12. Ok..........I'm here! It has been awhile! In the mean time, I have completed a couple of things not too major, but I will go ahead and share them. I went ahead of the instructions and added the 'futtock timbers' to the bulwarks. I also installed the stern thwarts and the stern pin racks. I happened to brake on of the stern brackets, which I really looked forward to putting in, but I may try to make something work. Next up second round of planking which I am ordering tomorrow and will begin next week!
  13. Has it really been a month since I last posted....... I am back at it again after a small break. I am ready to install the second planking. I have installed the wale and the garboard planks and am in the process of measuring everything out. I do not think I will have enough plank strips to complete the second hull planking. Where is the best place to get more that match the standard strips that come with the kit? Of course, any advice to making this step as clean as possible is always welcome. I have been studying up these past couple days and cannot wait to try my hand at this process.
  14. Great work Gabe! I am really glade you posted this log. You did some excellent stuff. It is fun to see what other people are doing with their Swift builds. I hope my build cleans up like your's. .
  15. As I am getting closer to the second planking, I have done a couple of things, maybe to postpone this task, but nevertheless, good steps to take in preparation. I tried my hand at wood putty. I filled in some areas in the hull that may have been an issue during the second planking. I also fitted the keel. What a task...............and a learning experience. To prep the fit, I sanded a flat area along the path that the keel would lay and worked endlessly to shape the stem piece to the bow by sanding the inside curve of the keel and test fitting over and over again. Eventually, I was able to get the stem piece to fit around the bow, not perfectly, but close enough. I steamed and re-steamed the keel to get it straight, but it was still somewhat warped. I decided that I could work it into place as I am attaching it. Well, as it happens, this is not the way to go. After a fight with the stem piece, I finally got it into place. It is some what off, but I think I recovered well. Now on to the second planking
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