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Posts posted by gdollow

  1. Thanks for the info, what is the book you are using.  I have pre-ordered 

    This is a description of the book from Amazon

    This book documents the history, design, modification, and fitting of HMS Terror, one of the world's most successful polar exploration vessels. Part historical narrative and part technical design manual, this book provides, for the first time, a complete account of Terror's unique career, as well as an assessment of her sailing abilities in polar conditions, a record of her design specifications, and a full set of accurate plans of her final 1845 configuration. Based on meticulous historical research, the book details the ship's every bolt and belaying pin, and ends with the discovery and identification of the wreck in 2016, explaining how the successes and ice-worthiness of Terror may have contributed to the Franklin disaster itself. It is an ideal reference for those interested in the Franklin Mystery, in polar exploration, the Royal Navy, and in ship design and modelling.


     If it lives up to the description it should be very useful.
  2. Hi, I have just caught up with this build, the ship is coming along nicely.  I am currently build this model.  I have the plans from the Royal Maritime Museum, and I have modified the belaying pin racks around the fore mast. This has altered the attachment points for the rigging.  Looking at the belaying pin rack by the main mast, is totally different from the Occre plans, again altering where the rigging is tied off.  Do you have a rigging diagram which shows where the ropes would be tied off using the modified belaying pin racks?

  3. G,

    I know it has been a while since you finished the Bismark, but I wanted to ask your opinion on the Veteran Model C38's? I have the Revell Tirpitz and have slowly been purchasing the aftermarket parts I want and have considered the Veteran pieces but wanted an opinion from someone who actually used them.


    Thanks in advance,




    I think that they are good, a mixture of brass and resin.  They make a nice replacement for the Tamyia molded box with 4 barrels.  I did not use it in the end, but that was because I was getting bored with the model and wanted to get the model finished as quickly as possible, not because of anything wrong with the gun kit.  If you do use them you will need to invest in a 0.2mm drill bit to drill out some of the resin for the barrels.

  4. Here is some progress on the deck superstructure which is replaced totally with photo etch.  I have burnished all the PE as it means you do not have to use a primer. The decking is only placed on for the photos.  The colour of the deck was done by 1 coat of pale umber (artist acrylic paint), a thinned down Tamiya deck tan, then a wash of wood brown (walnut), followed by a wash of dark grey.  I only let the base layer dry, before putting the rest of the layers on in quick succession.









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