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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Glad to hear u got sorted Mate .. I can relate to the house work .. am only just settling back into my own here... Ballahoo is in storage till a suitable temporary set-up appears (attic conversion set for mid late next year) Am looking forward to seeing Hood back in the MSW updates .. No Pressure LOL All The Very Best Mate Eamonn
  2. Geez Bud ... Sorry to hear that news (I can deffo relate, but I wasn't 20+ years in the biz ) Great to see you back though .. if that is any consolidation. All The Best Mate Eamonn
  3. Thanks Guys .. will be a while before anymore build updates I'm afraid .. Major work going on at home (am currently in my fiance's house) and the renovations will continue till early October, then the fun begins with putting the stuff back in etc.. no separate build room just yet (next year we are converting the attic space properly, couldn't get it done this year for one reason or another.. time mostly.. but that will be a dedicated hobby/reading etc space) All The Best Guys, as ever Thanks For Stopping By and for the Birthday Wishes Too Eamonn
  4. Hi All .. Have been away for a mini break over my Birthday .. No big deal I know , except that I was over in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard !! with a couple of Victory visits (First person aboard on my birthday itself, virtually the whole ship to ourselves as we were well ahead of the crowds) ... WOW that entire place is brilliant ! All the best Folks Eamonn
  5. Ahh Thanks Lawrence.. still a week to go to the 'ol Birthday but it is so nice of you to get the wishes in early All The Best Mate Eamonn
  6. Great to see you back Mate .. can understand the last few months you had as I too am undergoing renovations and preperations though the wedding won't be till end next year or soon after 🤗 Congrats btw !! Oh and Hood looks the business too all the best Eamonn
  7. Hi Gang .. Just a quick note to say I haven't forgotten about ye all, just a wee hiatus whilst I see about getting the House brought into the 21st Century (it is an old 1919 build and is badly in need of some modernization, whilst keeping the appeal of the older 'feel') unfortunately this has left my build room effectively packed away.. and I was sooo close I'm fully on the rigging now, so it was a tad irritating that I had to pack-up.. All The Best Folks .. by the way I'm still following along here on MSW .. Eamonn (owner operator at Unfeasibly Slow Ship Builders Ltd. )
  8. Nice one Mate .. and as soon as I saw it I thought pretty much as Pat above did .. 'Perfect, now walk away from it ' All the Best Eamonn
  9. Hi Mark .. Looking Great !.. I too am going with Tan rigging (though a bit darker in my case) instead of Black .. I also understand the 'taking time to get things looking worthy of that time' approach and I am not going by the 'out of the box' kit either.. which takes even more time.. Holy Moly it's a wonder we have gotten so far as we have Cheers Eamonn
  10. Thanks Dirk .. (and Thank You also to the 'Likes' ) Got a bit more done today, but not really enough to warrant photos though, gave the deck a bit of a clean up too before embarking on the rigging stages .. All the best folks and as ever Thank for stopping by .. Eamonn (at Snails Pace Shipyards Ltd.)
  11. Hi Gang .. At long last I hear you say.. I have an actual Ballahoo Update ! I have a few days off and decided to get back at the Building Table .. have been assessing her this past few days in anticipation of the 'few days off' and saw that in reality Ballahoo is not too far from being finished ! (I know I know .. there is the rigging to do, but let's face it in comparison to many if not most of the builds on here Little Wee Ballahoo isn't the most 'Rigged' vessel on display Anyhoo .. To Business ! I tidied the rigging for the Guns and made up the Rope Coils, treating them with diluted pva to keep them in place and in shape. Next up was the 'strops' for the Tiller (the lines to prevent it moving) these proved to be somewhat tricky affairs as they needed to be tight and keep the tiller arm centered! easier said then done with my limited ability (you may notice I have a small bulldog clip holding 2 pieces of flat wood each side of the rudder to prevent accidental knocks which would otherwise I'm sure rip the tiller from the Rudder Head, now that the Strops are in position) Then I moved onto the various Blocks near the top of the Mast's, and the Cleats towards the deck.. The Masts are only dry fitted by the way but I'm quiet near the point where they will be permanently fitted so I can get on with the various Stays etc .. Photo Time .. All The Best Folks and Thanks For Stopping By The Slooooowest Build on MSW Eamonn
  12. Hi Gang ... Just thought I'd better pop along and let you know what I've been up to .. cos 'no' I haven't been 'skiving off' .. I have been tipping and tapping along on Ballahoo (The Mast Hoops are ready to install.. I was experimenting with different material and ultimately came back to the ones I made earlier, except that I painted them a more timber colour.. ) Anyhoo with the brighter days I decided to do something .. That 'something' was to finish off a build I had started many many years before Ballahoo (think 15 to 20 in fact).. well before I ever attempted a Wooden Boat in fact.. she is an adapted French 74 (originally the kit 'Le Superbe' I think) made into a 'Prize' of the RN .. I was rigging her correctly using Lees and it was taking forever (this is about 15 years ago btw) .. Well .. I have been pondering a possibility this past year or two and decided to act on it a few days ago .. I 'cut her down' that is I chopped the masts to a centimeters above deck height thus pretty much finishing the build in one fell swoop (at least she is as finished as she will ever be.. I have no plans for instance to add the Gun Port Lids, to be honest they are long gone after an enthusiastic room clean out ) .. I will be ordering a Glass Case shortly (a lot cheaper now, in fact it will be an upturned Fish Tank made to measure by local glass merchants ) As Usual Thanks For Stopping By, Normal Ballahoo Service Will Be Resumed Shortly (Promise) All The Very Best Folks Eamonn Right .. Enough Talk .. Time for some Photos
  13. Jason .. I actually went 'Oh My God' when I scrolled through the photos !! Love It Mate, Simple As That ! Eamonn
  14. Thanks Lawrence .. Will be getting back to building shortly, am on my Winter break at the mo Eamonn
  15. Hey There Jason .... A Saddle .. well I'm convinced (beats calling it a Doodah anyhoo LOL ) E
  16. Hi All .. Photo Update Time .. Woo Hoo I hear you say!! Well I have finally finished the Boom Support on the Mast doodah (my build room is pretty cold at the mo.. as I'm ducking in and out as opportunity arises and there is no point in turning the heater on as I'd be finished before it heats up the place ) Anyhoo .. re the photos .. The Mast isn't fixed in place yet, still some more to do there, not least the Mast Coat where it enters the deck, and to attach all the various Blocks etc The 2nd photo shows kinda what the Boom will look like in place resting on the Support (I still don't know what the doodah is called) Photo Time All The Best Folks and Thanks for Stopping By Eamonn (Owner Operator at Eamonn's Unfeasible Slow Ship Yard)
  17. Just a small update folks .. Got started on the Mast support for the Boom today .. I cut a disc of wood from a dowel and filed out the middle, then some sanding, bit more sanding before finally sanding I applied some 'wipe on poly' ( I eventually got some, those following along from the beginning might remember I was having difficulty getting the stuff over here) Not really worth photographing as it is just a wooden ring at present, but when I attach it to the mast with it's supporting 'knees' maybe then a photo will be judged worthy Getting very near to Masting & Rigging Time I think ! Like I said this is a just a small update to let u all know I am still working away here .. Have a great week-end folks Eamonn
  18. Hi Again David .. That's exactly what I used .. Black Auto Motive Tape (the kind of stuff used for 'Go Faster Stripes' ) Cut into thin stripes and wrapped around the bowsprit (and also as 'strengthening' on the Rudder Head area ) a small dab of CA seals the ends (even though the tape is self adhesive I don't want it to unravel later) Looking forward to the photos of Pickle All the Best Eamonn
  19. Hi David .. Thanks for stopping by and for the kind Words.. Don't forget to PM me some progress shots of Pickle E Oh And thanks for the visit Stergios and for the complement, Thanks also for all the Likes Folks it's always much appreciated !
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