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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hey There Bud .. Looks like a clean bit of work ye have going on ! 😉 All The Best Eamonn PS you'll be onto your 3rd build before I fin my Ballier LOL
  2. Hi Again TLS .. Welcome back and I hope the Wee Hollier went well.. Great start as Edward (above) says.. If you are worried about getting the right amount of beveling/sanding on the Bulkheads, lay a test strip of planking along them and you should see where it meets the individual bulkheads (probably only hits them at the corners near the bow) you can then judge how much to bevel to let the test plank sit flush/or more naturally from Bulkhead to Bulkhead, re-test as you go along (moving the test plank down the bulkheads towards the keel) You are probably already doing this, so forgive me for mentioning it 🙃 All The Best Mate Eamonn
  3. Cheers for the Heads-Up .. I'll go hunt you down 😎 😉 and pull up a chair for the latest Sherbourne Show .. She is on my shelves also (I do love these smaller ships) Enjoy the Hollier Eamonn
  4. Brilliant Stuff TLS .. She Looks A Treat ! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us next, don't forget to post a notification here so we can all follow along from the Get-Go.. Hoping to have my own Ballier out of its Storage Box shortly, the build room / office is progressing nicely 😁 All The very Best Eamonn P.S. Thank you for the amazing compliment btw .. I only hope I haven't forgotten what I learned along the way.
  5. Looking Deadly Mate .. And is that a Rudder I see sticking out the back ? Kinda snuck in there 😎🤣 All The Very Best Eamonn
  6. Hey There TLS .. I'll probably have to re learn everything before I kick-off , I have some notes someplace .. Oh wait they're in storage too .. Ahhhhhhhgh 🙄 .. Soooo I'll most likely be following your lead 😉 Don't forget that Rudder !! Thanks for dropping by Eamonn
  7. Latest News Folks .. Well at long last the New Work Room is being built as we speak... Woo Hoo ! All going according to plan it should be completed in a week to 10 days then it's getting my stuff out of storage and making up build tables etc .. All go here at Glacial Boat Building Ltd (I restarted the company LOL ) All The Best Folks Eamonn
  8. Looks the Business on that stand.. Great to see her finished ! Nice One. All The Best Eamonn
  9. Coming along nicely ... Loving the deck colour btw.. (Don't forget the Rudder ☺️ wee bit of maneuvering to install it and u may need to turn the boat upside down, so watch those deck fittings etc) All The Best Eamonn PS I should be returning to my own build soon enough, work on my attic conversion is going nicely !
  10. Hi Neil .. I have only just spotted this Build Log .. Nice start BTW .. Just worry about getting a good 'First Layer' of planking done, give it a good sanding (with fillers in any gaps if needed) then you can really get to grips with the Outer Layer, and if you are fully painting the entire hull (unlike mine where 'Bare' timber is showing topside) you need not be too pedantic on how it looks, as long as it is smooth and even that is All the Best Eamonn
  11. Lol ... it kinda slipped in there a few months ago .. and Yup Paaaaarty .. brilliant day and night 🤪
  12. Another Newsflash Folks .. I may be back up and running in the coming Months (Still no workroom yet BUT.. but looks like it may be happening soon enough) My attic conversion (This will be my workroom space/office) is hopefully shortly to commence, we had a few things to get sorted out first .. Getting Married being one of them 😀☺️ .. We can't start on the garden till it's done (those following along in this Slooooo-breath-oow Ballahoo saga may remember that I have pretty much completely modernized the House, but still had a few bits-n-bobs to do.. Fingers Crossed Folks All The Best From 'Get There In The End' Shipyards .. Formerly Trading As Glacial Shipyards.
  13. Hi J .. Little late to the game here but I've often felt we as builders do tend to slightly 'over scale' items .. but in this case the larger does indeed look like a better fit .. Boat looks superb too Mate ... Eamonn
  14. News Flash ...... Oooh the excitement I hear you say .. 😃 I recently did some research re anchor scale for vessels of the Ballahoo size with respect to the kit provided one (I always felt there was something off about it) .. the Shank and Arms are pretty near perfect but the Stock (Provided) is indeed over scale and will need to be sanded back fairly heavily or re-fashioned.. All The Best Folks From Speedy Shipyards Eamonn
  15. All Righty Then .. Photo Time ... This is Ballahoo as she currently stands... Everything in the photo is secured in its final position, masts are removed as they were only dry fitted . Thanks For Stopping By Folks .. All The Very Best from 'The Speedy Boatyard' formally known as 'Snails Pace Yard' Eamonn
  16. Hi Again Folks .. Well The Ballier is back in the house along with my tools and I have the rigging plans pretty much drawn up .. all I need now is the actual space to do something .. (there is a nice big kitchen table with Balliers name on it lol I will take a photo shortly and post it.. All The Very Best The 'Speedy' Boat Yard Eamonn
  17. Hey There D .. How did I miss this one ! .. Love following your small craft builds, and this one is lining up to be another beauty .. Oh and am digging all the 'Charts n' Graphs' All The Very Best Eamonn BTW Can't wait to see what you do with the Emma C. that you have on your shelf ..
  18. Hi All .. Sorry about the delay in getting back to 'The Ballier' ..Alas she is still in storage as I don't have anywhere to set up as yet , I plan to take her out of storage shortly and see if I cant find some solution that won't get tooo much in the way (I really don't want to have to totally clear the work area up every time I finish, then set it all back up again shortly after, would much rather set up and be able to leave it 'as is' till next time if you follow) Have to say though .. I have the 'Buzz' back and can't wait to kick off again .. All The Very Best Folks Eamonn @ Unfeasibly Slow Ship Yards Inc. Edited later for Grammar lol
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