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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Be a shame to see all that cool work covered up, but I understand the predicament ! Eamonn
  2. That looks AMAZING Brian.. each time I look at her I just go Wow . That Bow on photo (last Photo) really shows her lines and the cool planking job you did! All The Best Eamonn BTW I can totally relate about being Clumsy
  3. Hey There Joe.. Thanks for the link (on your Granado Log) over to here.. Am looking forward to another one of your class builds.. So as Mike above says 'No Pressure' All The Best Eamonn
  4. Thanks Joe.. nice one mate ! Eamonn Headin' over there now.
  5. Hey There Eric.. I notice that a lot of folks on here (MSW) use Minwax's Wipe on Poly and it seems to give great results (if you search the MSW Forum for Wipe on Poly you should see some of the results).. unfortunately it isn't available over where I am, else I'd be using it myself (luckily I did find an alternative though) I'm looking forward to your build as I have the same wee boat in my 'stash' . All The Very Best Eamonn
  6. Looking Good Rob.. Eamonn BTW did the little boats come with the kit ?
  7. Brilliant Stuff Mate.. She's really coming together now ! All The Best Eamonn
  8. Well done Bob, it was a pleasure to follow this wee boat along. All The Best Eamonn
  9. She looks a Treat Bibounde !! You should be well pleased. I too am looking forward to your next build.. (don't forget to let us know when you begin it, so we can follow along ) All The Very Best Eamonn
  10. Hi Bilbounde.. plastic cannons etc does sound bad for sure !! I'm working away on the carronades tackles right now.. jeeez they are small (I upgraded to Chucks 2mm Blocks) but I'm getting there All The Best Eamonn
  11. That's some crackin' good looking planking going on there !! Lovin' the Tree Nailing too btw. All The Very Best Eamonn
  12. I'd be with Kester on moving the Rollers back a bit Bud ! E Slightly Later Edit ... You just answered as I was typing.. shifting them is probably the best way to go !
  13. Hey There Bud.. just a quick suggestion (comment) have you tried to 'dry fit' the mast yet cos it could be tight up against the Jeer Roller (judging from the Overhead Photo) I think Sherbourne has a Raked Mast you see.. All The Best Eamonn
  14. LOL Thanks David.. Blushing over here at moment !! Take out times and we will get the Octagonal Profile filed into them.. I'm sure there is a tutorial on here that will explain 'how to' better than I can though Eamonn
  15. Brilliant Stuff Joe am looking forward to it.. any chance of a quick 'heads-up' on here when you begin, that way we can follow along from the start All The Best Eamonn
  16. Thanks Jason.. I get onto that this week ! Now where did I put that delicate V8 'Industrial' Sander ?? cough cough.. Eamonn
  17. Dang Jason I didn't know that.. I blindly followed the instructions for the masts, never thinking about the conical shape being wrong !! I shall have to have a think on this over the weekend and see if I can file the octagonal section into them (I think there is enough 'space' to do so without making the hounds too thin.. so to speak) Is it still 'tapered' from top to bottom but Octagonal Cross Section instead of Circular.. if u follow? I assume so (look what assuming got me.. ) Never be afraid of being Out of Order Bud.. I'd rather know this stuff and at least stand a chance of fixing it rather than build to where I can no longer easily fix something ! Thanks for looking in Jason, and to all the likes, as I say before it is always appreciated.. remember if u see anything else please let me know (unless it is major and requires going back to the very beginning or throwing Ballahoo in the bin.. in that case keep it to yourself and let me live in Blissful Ignorance.. it's nice here and the Sun is always Shining... Blissful Ignorance ..Population 1) Thanks Again Folks Eamonn Mayor of Blissful I.
  18. Thanks for the compliment B.. I did 'turn' the masts etc on a small wood lathe, but simply used sandpaper (emery paper) to shape them.. the same thing can be achieved by putting the dowels into a regular drill and spinning them whilst gently applying emery paper (or sandpaper) I wouldn't trust myself with Lathe Chisels etc I'd probably end up with Tooth Picks instead of Masts & Booms Talent.. I'm not so sure but I did have help from the brilliant members here on MSW who offered advice either directly to me through this Log or when I visited their Logs.. I cannot emphasise enough that I am average at best when it comes to this kinda thing, but by taking my time and thinking things through I have gotten to this point with Ballahoo. Simply looking at the other builds on MSW has made me want to do the best job I can ! Thanks again for the Visit B and it is great to see you back at Lady N. By The Way were you having 'issues' with her fittings? All The Very Best Eamonn
  19. Hi Gang.. Well I got some more done over the last few weeks and thought I'd best put a Photo Update on the Old Log-a-Majigger here. I decided to paint the Ends of the Bowsprit.. The Whole of each Gaff.. The Ends of the Boom & the Mast 'Hounds'. I fitted the Deck Rings for the Guns, though they probably won't be rigged. And Last but not Least I fully assembled the Carronades and added the little 'Handle' for the Elevation Thread thingy & added the semi circular piece that the Carronade Bed 'rotates' on to the side deck of Ballahoo herself. Next Up Rig the Carronades.. I plan to only rig the Breech Rope & Side Ropes that pull the sledge to the firing position.. I suspect training such a small gun as this would have been accomplished by using a Bar to lever it around rather than using Training Tackles.. Ballahoo was only a small boat after all & built out in the 'Sticks'.... Any Thoughts on this Folks ? I can change it easily enough ! Thoughts & Ideas always appreciated Folks. All-Righty Then it's Photo Time Again.. All The Very Best Eamonn
  20. Marvelous Stuff.. Well Done Joe ! All The Very Best Eamonn PS Ermmmm ... Not to hurry you but wots next ?
  21. Hey there Bud.. Jeez u are moving along !! have been away from MSW for nearly the last week due to various bits-n-bobs getting in the way (including some visits to a nearby 'ale' house with a visiting friend.. u know how it is.. there was even a beer promotion going on.. Nuff Said .. ) Anyhoo am back to what passes for normal now! A lot of people don't actually sand the deck.. but scrape it instead (this is what I did) it gives a nice even finish, ok a very light sanding can be done afterwards.. but scraping does work All The Very Best Mate Eamonn
  22. Yeaaa.. we want more 'This n' That' Woo Hoo Lookin' forward to the updates Bill . All The Best Eamonn
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