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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hey There Walrus .. That full hull shot of her sitting on the new cradle is wonderful ! really gives a feel for her beautiful lines. Re the Cap Rail, I went over to Dubz's Syren Build (Post #88) where he looked through his own wood collection for an easy to bend strip.. Just bear in mind that Dirk does famously 'De-Construct' every so often so the final result may not be the one you originally thought, you need to keep reading through his log to see any 'De-Construction' changes as he describes in detail almost every step .. I learned a huge amount from his Build Logs ! All The Best Eamonn
  2. Thanks Joe & Jeff for the lovely compliment .. Ballier is starting to come together now (at last ) Thanks also to the Likes, always appreciated ! Cheers E
  3. Hey There Jason .. Yea, I was just over on your Snake ! .. Yes, the stay will eventually rest on the Shrouds (when I get them done) and not on the wee block (I sat it there to support it as I worked on the stay, it kept slipping down the mast ) I picked up one of Chucks Rope Rockets a year or so back with the intention of making my own rope (currently I'm using Alex's (Alex M I think) which I bought about 5 years ago) I have some of my own incorporated also, am waiting on a shipment from UK as we speak to make up smaller thicknesses .. Have to say, tis great fun to do and nice to be able to use your own.. you can make 3 or 4 mtrs of quality rope in mins. Take Care Mate Eamonn
  4. Hey Jason, yup those Ladders look the business, Snake's rigging is beginning to look serious now too, half expect to see dock yard workers out on those yards All The Best Mate Eamonn
  5. Hi Again Folks .. Some slightly ( ) better photos this time.. Close Up of the Schooner Stay and todays work on the Fore Stay .. I made the Mouse from a piece of left over dowel turned on the lathe .. then served around it to form the bight (Loop) .. Attached the Deadeye and rove the Lanyard through it and the one previously done on the bow.. I noticed too late that the wee Man had fallen over in the background on one shot .. must have hit the grog too hard In the photo of the Top of the fore Mast (The photo with the Mouse) this isn't the final position of the Fore Stay, I have to do the Shrouds next then it will rest on these.. I also include a close up of the end fittings of the Bowsprit .. for no apparent reason except that I don't think I had taken one before. All The Best Folks Eamonn
  6. Hey There Jonny, Thanks for dropping in.. In fact I was just over on your Ballier Build and you are off to a great start ! Rem if I can be of any help let me know I can recognise many many boaty objects at even the quickest glance, even if I do say so myself All The Best Eamonn
  7. Lookin' Snazzy There Jonny .. I had a lot of great help here on MSW when I was beginning my Ballier .. If I can be of any help please give me a shout (mind you, at 6 or 7 years into a 'few week build' I may well have forgotten everything I learned on setting up the hull ) The biggest thing I did learn was the Bearding Line .. If you think on how thick the False Keel will be when there are 2 layers of planking on it (each side) compared to the Rudder Post (which will lie up against it) the 'run' into it should be pretty much flush with no step .. if you follow .. I think it was Nigel who said to take (taper) the false keel down to only a few mm where it will meet up with the Rudder Post.. Lately I have seen a builder on MSW stop the first planking well short of the Rudder Post which allowed them to bring the 2nd planking up to it with minimal sanding .. a very interesting approach! The supplied planks are only 1mm thick, yet it amazed me how much sanding they could take, at no point was I in danger of sanding through .. and I did a LOT of sanding Now that I have confused you properly, I'll just pull up the proverbial seat and Follow This Ballier along All The Very Best Eamonn
  8. Hi Rick .. Thanks for stopping by .. Yea, he looks a little 'wooden' in the photo for sure Have just realised it looks like he is standing on the rail (the belaying pins liik like his legs lol) in fact he is leaning against the mast .. Am contemplating adding Mousing to the 'hook' of the Schooner Stay.. You Know, Once The Nerves have Settled Again !! All The Best And Thanks Also To All The 'Likes' Eamonn
  9. ++++++Latest .. Hot Off The Press ++++++ Schooner stay In Place.. Not fully Tightened Yet.. Next Up Probably The Fore stay. Had a 'Moment' when I was checking the Blocks (Opening out the wee holes a little ) on the Fore Mast (I glued it a couple of days ago, Or So I Thought ) suffice to say the whole mast moved Ahhhhhhh ! So back to the Gluing and waiting, then some more waiting as the glue set, so I used the time to get the Schooner Stay ready.. Then this morning I rigged it and took this awful photo of it I will take better ones tomorrow when my nerves settle down from rigging it.. just kiddin.. 🙄😁 It didn't go too badly ! All The Best Folks Eamonn Oh, The Wee Man is there again for scale ..
  10. 10 Mullion done and only 76 left !! Jeez you are flying along Andy .. Sorry Couldn't Resist Fascinating Build Ye Have Going Here . All The Best Eamonn
  11. OK Folks .. I can't put it off any longer.. it's now Masting and Rigging Time ! Both Masts are now glued in place (Currently waiting for glue to dry) then it's onto Shrouds/Ratlines and the rest of the Standing Rigging .. If you look closely at the fore part of the stand there is a wee 'Scale Man' I use to get a better feel for Sizes etc .. The Clip on the bottom of the Rudder is to stop it rotating as I move the model around, as I have the Tiller 'Tied Off', learned that the hard way btw .. Feels Good to have The Ballier back on the Table ! All The Best For Now Folks & Thanks For dropping By. Eamonn
  12. Elegant Boats , I always loved that cutaway forefoot! An Absolute Pleasure To Follow Your Build Along Richard. Eamonn
  13. Wow .. I keep on coming back to that Deck .. That is magnificent work right there! All The Best Eamonn
  14. Hi Andy .. Yup, same over on this side of the Pond.. Bad news when our mail has a more varied life than us All The Best Eamonn
  15. Those Drawings could be art in themselves Mark .. Worthy of Framing with the Model .. Can almost see them now, lightly stained with a Tea Bag and some foxing here and there by Coffee Grounds .. Giving a nice Ye Olde feel All The Very Best Mate Eamonn
  16. Love what you are doing here Fred .. I too thought Winnie was 'Batting too high up the order' , you are inspiring me to at least consider it for a future build.. Keep Up The Great Work All The Best And Stay Well Eamonn (Just Across The Water In Rainy Ireland)
  17. Hi Jeff, Tom & Caleb .. Thanks for popping by again.. Caleb, There is a similar anchor right at the bottom of my road, approx 20% larger though and minus it's wooden stock, so they do feel right for a vessel the size of Ballahoo, I don't have the original Caldercraft supplied Stocks (I cut them down to experiment on) but if you take a looksie at Caldercrafts Web Site and scroll to Ballahoo you will see them .. suffice to say if they (the stocks I mean as the Metal Parts are fine) were 1:1 and given to the actual Victory the crew would say , 'Ah Here Lads You're Having a Laugh, yer could stop Continental Drift with those yokes' Tom, There are 3 anchors down at the Black Castle in Wicklow, forming a kind of Art Piece, the two smaller ones are , if memory serves, closer to what should be on Ballahoo, they have iron stocks so are a bit later but size wise you would get the idea .. Am probably way off here memory wise and they probably came from Titanic or something and were left there 'cause they were too big Jeff, You are flying it with Pickle and will be doing your own anchors shortly, are her stocks more in proportion ? (I think Caldercraft just made generic One Size Fits None Stocks ) but as Pickle is significantly larger they may well be more in scale. Thanks Again Guys, And To The Likes, Always Appreciated .. Eamonn
  18. Hey There Dowmer & Jason.. Many thanks for the kind words ! Jason the Puddening was started off by Threading the 'rope' through a needle (approx 18'' worth) I didn't make a knot at the ring (feared it may leave a 'lump', and as there was seizing going there I didn't want it being too prominent) so I laid the rope on the ring, at the shank, and fixed with a dab of CA, then proceeded to wrap the rest around and around, stopping every 2 or 3 turns to tighten and make sure of neatness. The last turn was also CA'd in place, then onto the seizing, a light coat of Dilute PVA over all and that was it ! Simples (what could possibly go wrong lol) All The Best Eamonn Thanks for all the Likes too folks
  19. Hi Folks .. Well I have the Anchors pretty much completed (possibly only a bit of tidying up to do) I did some research on the proper 'Knot/Bend/Hitch' to use and went with the Anchor Hitch/Bend (also called in some places The Fisherman's Bend amongst other names) which is used on smaller Anchors (which of course Ballahoo's is) Next up I shall put the Anchors in place and make up an Anchor Buoy and it's line .. All The Best Folks Eamonn
  20. Brilliant Step By Steps Derek ! The shellac does indeed take the 'chill' out of the wood All The Very Best Eamonn
  21. Thanks Mark (Oregon Mark) .. I think I'll do that .. Will just plant that Acorn .. You Know.. Just In Case Can't even easily pick up a nice display board over here (Ireland) without getting completely specialised (having to have a saw mill in the back shed) and/or costing a fair chunk of the National Debt But I guess it's a case of the grass always looks greener .. etc Oh Well ! It's weird to think that most of our native hardwood forests etc went to build the Navy vessels a lot of us model on here and at that quiet a lot literally went past my front door (I live very near Arklow's once thriving local harbour) All The Very Best & Please Stay Safe and Well Eamonn PS Those Templates are looking Well Mark (Michigan Mark)
  22. Hey Mark.. Ye USA Folks are so lucky, do you have any idea how difficult it is for us lot on this side of the pond to get specific Timber, always sounds like 'I'll just nip down to the Corner Shop and pick up some Holly Strips and maybe grab a coffee.. us lot over here literally have to go to our nearest Garden Centre and pick up some Holly Seeds, then wait a few decades .. Explains why my Ballier is taking sooo long lol Not Even A Bit Envious Of Your Stash Now where did I put that Acorn ... ... .. . Eamonn
  23. Hey There Peter, welcome to my wee Ballahoo Build ... Agreed, and wouldn't it make for some interesting times, rousing out various spars and sails only to strike them soon after weather depending, finding space in so small a hull would only add to the 'enjoyment' I'm sure 😐 😉 Thanks Again For Popping By All The Very Best Eamonn
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