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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hi Phil .. Thanks for dropping by and for the info .. Sure was a lot of sail/spar combos available to the intrepid Master in those days.. Re what defined the chameleon ships, your guess is as good as mine as various 'Hermaphrodite' rigs were evident at times but they were still either Schooners or Brigs or Brigantines etc For Instance the Irish National Sail Training vessel Asgard II was called a Brigantine, but was more accurately a Hermaphrodite Brig (This was first pointed out to me by my Father, who sailed on working local Schooners as a very young man, I guess Brigantine was easier in the tongue) even the Builders (about 100 Mtrs from me) called her a Brigantine .. We can't even say it depended on Mast Height's as some Brigs have very tall single spar Mizzen Masts, so the location of Square Sails may give some clue .. But even then !! Yup Confusing For Sure Could be similar to the case of difference between a Ship and a Boat, which weirdly I never had a problem with, until I heard someone a while back call his very small yacht a 'Ship' ! .. yet the best difference I can come up with is You Can Put A Boat Onto A Ship But Not A Ship Onto A Boat .. in other words perhaps it's as simple as You would Know One When You Saw One.. Helpful eh? Holy Moly the more I think about this the less clear it becomes lol .. All The Very Best Phil & Thanks to all the Likes for taking the time to drop by too ! Eamonn .. at Ship/Boat/Floaty Thing or Whatever Builders .. (Have to go for a lie-down now)
  2. Hi Edward & Joe .. Thanks for stopping by and taking a looksie, I have only just completed the 2nd anchor a few moments ago (Not that I broke the Ring whilst applying too much pressure to the puddning ,or anything.. If that's what you think ... ... 😇🙄😉 am waaay tooo careful to let that happen.. ahem ahem cough cough) Am away now to nip over to both your Build Logs (Can't believe I missed both Benjamin & Winchelsea ! ) Thanks Again Guys and Thanks also the all the Likes! Eamonn PS Didn't think I needed to post a photo of the 2nd Anchor cos, you know, it kinda looks like the first one... 🙃
  3. Further .. I'm currently getting on with the Anchor Rings, Pudding and the Seizing .. Both Rings are done and installed, and waiting for the glue to dry (gave the first one a coat of Dilute PVA to set things) .. I have 2 more lots of Seizing to do (near the Anchor Shank) on this one.. Then attach the Anchor Cable .. Hopefully tomorrow should see both finished The pudding Rope looks slightly overscale but I'm happy with it (Rope is 0.4mm)..I tried the next Rope size down (0.3mm) but it looked way too light .. In context of the whole Anchor it looks fine ! Honest .. 😇 Thanks For Dropping In Folks and for the Likes .. Eamonn
  4. +++++++ Newsflash +++++++ The Anchor Stock Banding Material finally arrived in short is is Heat Shrink ! (Got the idea from Blue Ensign on his Alert Build ) so out with the knife, heat gun and away I went.. am kinda pleased with the result ! I also blackened some copper wire (also gave them a domed head by rolling a blunt knife along the wire to cut it ) and drilled holes for them in the stocks .. Stocks got a light coat of Wipe On Poly too.. Next up - Anchor Rings ! All The Best Folks Eamonn
  5. Will take you up on that drink if we are even in each others neck of the woods ! Stay Well E
  6. Brilliant Stuff Mark .. As Usual !! I do like your builds.. Love what you are doing with the available plans.. Sure are giving me food for though as there is a local boat (Arklow Yawl) I was thinking about modelling but there are no plans, there was a full size reconstruction about 30 years ago (since broken up) but I never cared for the shape (Topsides too high out of the water).. I may be able to locate those plans and adapt them to photos of the actual vessels from C 1900's.. have a few regular builds to do first though as my skills wouldn't be in your league ! All The Very Best.. Eamonn
  7. A real treat to watch this build .. Wonderful Workmanship going on here ! (I mean, what you did with that Boom Buffer .. Drool ) All The Very Best Richard.. Eamonn
  8. Looking Nifty Jeff.. All coming together nicely ! Eamonn
  9. Hi Again Caleb.. Not sure when the painting was done (must do a wee bit of Googling) I have a copy of the Plans (the bottom one in your post above) from NMM in Greenwich, when The Ballier is complete I'm going to display her with the plan framed behind .. I have seen some nice displays where the other kind of plan (your top one) was incorporated into the display itself (scaled to the model size and the model 'sitting' on it, so to speak) and very snazzy it looked ! Welcome Back Tom .. Thanks for dropping by and fibbing about my Workshop I really do need to clean it up (LOL) All The Best Guys (And Thanks For The Likes Folks) Eamonn
  10. And another brilliant Post Caleb, great to have our boat 'fleshed out' some more.. never a worry re Hi-Jacking this Ballahoo Build Log with info on the 'wee beastie' herself ☺️ Keep it coming.. 😉 All The Best Mate Eamonn
  11. Hey There Caleb, what a brilliant post! Tis great to hear a bit more history of these wee craft, recently I happened on a print of one (Google Images I think) which shows her as more of a Topsail Schooner w/t Jib-Boom and an overall look more akin to Pickle ! I'll post it below if I can find it .. If you have any further info re these craft I would love to read it ! I haven't seen that William James piece before .. I'll go take a looksie for that image.. All The Best Eamonn P.S. .. Found it .. She looks significantly different (Masting/Spars wise) to the Ballahoo build as per Caldercraft (which may have been simplified in fairness) and may explain why they were difficult to handle.. sure is a lot of canvas in a short & wide boat, modern racing boats would be proud of that lot 😉 Edit .. Title of Print : The 18 gun Sloop Of War HMS Bermuda (1805) escorted by Ballahoo class schooner HMS Mullet (1807) of 4 guns Both Bermuda built of Bermuda Cedar by Derick Foster
  12. Some nice work going on here Bolin, I love these working vessels ! Great idea to do a diorama too.. All The Very Best Eamonn
  13. Hey Bruce .. Yup, tis easy to over think the first cut ... kinda easy to over think all the other stuff too to be honest 🙄 how many years am I doing Ballahoo ?? 😉 E
  14. Ed.. This is for you (prepare yourself 😁 ) 'Warts 'n All' as they say .. Ballahoo is hiding (in shame, under A4 copies of her Plans.. To keep dust off) in the window, open on my desk is my current research material The Global Schooner, to the right is my Epson Scanner and Computer set up ( used for Photo Shop 'proper ' work 🙄 ) on the scanner is my Serving Machine which saw a lot of action this past few days .. As you can see it is very cluttered due to basic stuff not having a proper home yet and if I store them in boxes I'll forget about them.. sooo I leave everything in view .. Excuse Excuse 😇 Oh.. as a matter of interest to some folks, in the Purple paper bag, top right on shelf, are Original pieces of timber from Asgard (very historic yacht over here in Ireland) Tarragona (Local sailing ship broken up in 1940's) and timber from Asgard II (Arklow Built Irish Sail Training Vessel lost in Bay Of Biscay a short time ago) I may incorporate some pieces into my builds. All The Very Best Eamonn @ Untidy Shipyards Ltd., 😷
  15. Hi Ed & Caleb .. Thanks for looking in (and all ye Likes Folks too) always appreciated .. Ed.. The Shipyard is brilliant (still a bit of a tip I'm afraid.. think of it as organised chaos ) I don't yet have a natural home for everything but I kinda now know where everything I need for Rigging is located (Karen looks at it all in despair ☺️) so the days of hunting around for a clamp or No.11 Blade etc., are over (famous last words right there) 😐😉 I might actually take and post a photo of it later, just to give ye all a laugh ☺️ Caleb .. Yea, I do like her lines (even though I understand the 'real' vessel in her day was liable to Gripe.. think I read that somewhere a while back, so possible a tad over powered in the fore part in certain conditions, else her shape didn't lend itself to easy handling on the tiller.) Kinda looking forward to seeing her commissioned myself too 😂 Take Care Folks And Thanks Again For The Comments & Likes Eamonn P.S. Still no Anchor Stock Banding Material from Delivery Dudes .. Fingers Crossed For Next Week .. E
  16. Time for another Ballahoo Update... Well Folks.. It's nearly time for the Masts to be stepped (At looong last I hear you say) Most if not all blocks/fittings are in place on the Booms, Masts & Gaffs.. Note to other Ballahoo Builders out there I feel (Opinion btw) that the position, as per plans, of the Blocks for the Gaffs is too high giving a very steep angle which feels (again an Opinion) wrong.. You would almost be pulling the Gaff into the mast (Bow & Arrow style) as opposed to raising its peak .. I will see if I have a copy of the plan here to show what I mean (Found One, See Below) Anyhoo .. I placed my blocks in a more central location on the Gaff.. Oh also in the photos are the Anchors and their -wait for it- Stocks !! 😇 (still waiting for the Banding material, not really surprising though to be fair) I will 'wipe on poly' them and add any details, nails & ring etc., once my delivery arrives.. All The Best Folks Eamonn Photo Time..
  17. I love small craft builds on here (MSW) and this is one of the finest .. That weathering is simply amazing and takes me back to my Dad's boats when he fished many years ago .. Thank you for sharing your process also, tis wonderful to see things go from pristine to 'shabby' as I scroll down. ☺️ All The Very Best Gary Eamonn
  18. Hey There Folks .. Time for another Exciting Ballahoo Update .... (Hopefully I'll be able to go an entire Post without using the St*cK word) I have the anchors 90% complete, just waiting for material to make the Bands (You know, those Bands that go on the 'Wooden Cross Piece' .. yes that piece.. am determined not to say it.. 😁 ) and delivery was for yesterday, but what the World in turmoil at present it might be a wee bit longer arriving.. This time around I went back to finish the Boom and get going on the Gaff also .. I made up the 'Strop' that holds the Top Block of the Boom Sheet , you can just about make it out in the photo, it is made of Served rope with two loops that are lashed together to the side with the bight of the rope seized around the block.. The foot ropes were added as was the Cleat and attaching point for the pulley arrangement (underside of boom) that tightens/operates the Clew of the sail (am trying to work out if this same pulley /cleat doubles up to also tighten/operate the Boom topping lift (when not used for the sail) as I'll be making the Topping Lift fast to the boom via a Block fitted to the end of the Boom as opposed to the Ballahoo Plan version which sees the Topping Lift go to the Mast head and then down the mast to be belayed on deck (at the foot of the mast) My next thoughts are with Boom Guy Pendant(s) (attached at the boom where the Sheet Block is made fast) then properly onto the Gaffs and their attendant Blocks and Fittings All The Very Best From Rapid Fast Boat Builders previously known as Glacial Boat Builders Take Care Folks & Thanks For Stopping By Eamonn PS in the photo you will see a rather nice wooden cleat (almost completed) that I was happily carving until I remembered the Kit came with about a dozen pre-made !!
  19. Hi Again Folks .. I managed to sneak some Ballahoo work into my 'Day-Off' , I wasn't planning on doing so 'till my holidays which are coming in a few days time .. So I opened a few of my reference books to locate scale drawings of anchor stocks which I could size in Photoshop to suit my needs.. Success was found in Laverys The Arming & Fitting of English Ships of war 1600-1815 .. I scanned the drawing of the Anchor Stock into Photoshop and sized it to suit Ballahoo , transferred it to an A4 sheet and Printed (see photo attached) Checked the size (as scale can sometimes change when printing, if you aren't careful with settings) Then cut out the relevant parts and lightly pasted them to some of my spare wood stock (Don' think I've ever seen the word 'Stock' used so often outside a Cook Book !! 🙄 ) I'll Cut and sand them to size next week and report back as to how I get on 😁 I mean what could possibly go wrong .. 🥺 😆 .. Stay Safe Folks 😷 All The Very Best, and Thanks For Taking The Time To Drop By. Eamonn Edit .. BTW The wood Stock is thin enough to allow me to do both parts of each Stock on the Anchors .. So the bottom photo is for One Anchor Only ! Stock.. Stock ...Stock .. 😇 Stock ! (There, That Must Be A Record)
  20. PS just read your last post .. Yup those Clamps are Pure Style 😆 E
  21. Wonderful Work Going On Here ! Loved the unusual (reverse) use of Cloths Pegs to keep the planking tight, clever stuff .. Had to laugh at Justins comment too (was just thinking the same thing myself, your speed was putting us all to shame) 😖 😖 All The Very Best Eamonn
  22. Brilliant to see Snake back on the Table Bud .. Nice reworking also.. Have to say she looks a treat ! All The Best J. Eamonn
  23. Looking Very Smart there Jeff .. Yup I too found Carronades to be quiet 'Trying' (and regards 'Trying' please insert appropriate swear words 😉😖 ) Luckily I only had 4 to do .. Keep Up The Good Work Eamonn
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