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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Crackin' Good Job Mate (as we say over here ) Eamonn PS Can't wait to see what you do next .. The Schooner or the Sloop!
  2. Ras That Is Mighty ! You Should Be Proud .. Eamonn PS Don't forget to post a link on here so we can follow your Gunboat from the start E
  3. Hi Allan .. Cheers For That! but if my Ballahoo looks good it is simply because I'm standing on the shoulders of Giants (Dubz & Tony who commented above being some of them) .. As per Tony's comment above, I got the idea to purchase the original Plans from Dirk (aka Dubz) who is unfortunately no longer on MSW.. and I'll be referring heavily to all the other great Sherbourne builds on here.. I remember some of the discussions mentioned above too as there are a few things on the original plans which differ to how we perceive Sherbourne to look (especially 'Out of the Box') I'm really looking forward to examining the other builds and reminding myself of all those discussions as I move along.. not forgetting the Bulkhead Former height towards the stern and the resultant issues for Cannons/Gun Ports.. I seem to recall this being a potential early on problem. BTW Tony .. Have you heard from Kester (aka Stockholm Tar) .. I left a message on his Page a while ago asking after him.. He was so close to finishing his Sherbourne if memory serves. Thanks Again Folks For Stopping By, For Liking And For Commenting .. Eamonn Rem if you have any questions about the build please do fire away.. I realize I didn't do too many explanations of my technique (whether right or wrong) as I went along. E
  4. Hi Mike .. Cheers for that compliment Mate! Next up will be Sherbourne.. I have the box open on my bench and the original NMM plans are up on my board .. Won't be tooo long before I begin.. then another 7 years to complete 😉 (Should be a bit quicker as I have a lot more information available to hand for her.. famous last words right there) Eamonn
  5. Hi W.. Cheers for that ! Those kinds of compliments form builders such as yourselves is high praise ! I'm weirdly not a fan of flags so I will be leaving them off.. That said they do set a model off though ! Little bit of trimming on ropes/knots and a friend (very accomplished builder) suggested I look at the Rudder Chains and put some rope from the ends leading onboard .. So I will take a looksie at that .. Suffice to say I'm reaching out to break the finish line tape, just not quiet over the line LOL Thanks To Ye All For Looking In.. Likes Too BTW, always appreciated Eamonn
  6. Good Afternoon Folks .. Well Ballier Is Just About Finished... I just have a few trimmings to complete (still haven't cleaned her properly nor trimmed off excess rope etc) and the Anchor Cable has to be set into a more pleasing 'swoop'.. That said she is 99.9% Complete .. 😊 I have taken a load (for me that is) photos of her for you to get a proper looksie (see how nice I am 😉😆) As usual if you have any questions please fire away.. Cheers Eamonn
  7. What nice things to say George & Tony.. perhaps some of the wisest comments I have read on MSW, it is so easy to forget the original motivation for our builds and try to achieve the near impossible, perhaps the best we can strive for is our interpretation of these vessels ! I have sailed on Sister Ships, built to the same specification in same yards side by side and to a sailor they are as different as chalk and cheese, even their tonnage was significantly different and that was using relatively (80's) advanced building methods.. What would it have been like over 200 years ago ? I'm off now to put the finishing touches to Ballahoo and take some very blurry photos of her ... 😉 Eamonn And Sorry George for hijacking your thread..
  8. You'll get there Ras.. Nice bit of shaping on that rudder by the way.. Oh and that top photo of the Gudgeon looks like it came off an actual boat, wish I could do metal work like that. Eamonn
  9. Looking Wonderful Andrew and your colouring is very restful to the eye.. Love It !! Eamonn
  10. Hi George .. Looking Brilliant, I really like what you are doing with Haddock.. If I were to start my Fish Class all over I would have placed the Pumps as you are, just abaft the Main Mast which is of course correct.. I would also have relocated my 'Stove Flue' to the (Correct) space abaft the Fore Mast .. this was simply a placement error at the time (I got distracted somehow) but didn't worry too much about fixing it .. Not ideal I know LOL .. (I have a lot more reference materiel now than I did all those years ago) Eamonn
  11. Have just placed an order from them a moment ago (Black Brown & Grey).. Cheers For That Site Derek, Nice One! Eamonn
  12. Very Snazzy Work Derek ! You have made me look hard at the Fly Tying Thread for the whipping work (Amazon here I come ) Wonderful close up photography too (A superstar builder on MSW once said he built in such a way that he wouldn't shy away from Macro Photos (of his builds).. and you have matched him here!) Eamonn
  13. Crackin' Good Job as usual Walrus ! Love the last bystander perspective shot too ! Eamonn
  14. Thanks Guys .. I installed the Starboard Anchor a few mins ago .. Port side is still drying from the Fabric Softener & Rinse Cycle .. Agreed re the Out Of The Box expectations, essentially my Ballier is still the same as the box art, in that I didn't play with the hull shape or over-all feel of the Caldercraft Kit .. it did take a serious 'Bashing' in places though and I pretty much researched every piece of extra trim and rigging before adding it.. I also had a darn good think about things also, in a 'does this feel right' kinda way as I'm around boats of all types most of my life from working sailing vessels to historic boatyards (Arklow was famous for Schooners right up to the late 60's in fact, bit before my time but the photos & stories endure) MSW and it's members have been invaluable as a resource and I've been through many many build logs, particularly those featuring smaller vessels, cutters etc.. to ensure I'm not making any (or too many at least) glaring errors (this is one of the reasons it took sooooo long, the others are Home Improvements, Getting Married and the fact that I'm a slow builder .. 😉 ) .. For Instance, one of the things I kept reviewing was Ballahoos (out of the box I mean) absence of a Windlass .. I was toying with adding one but reminded myself that Ballahoo was a very very small vessel with a large crew.. and that not all vessels this size had them.. Block and Tackle's were used instead. Hopefully this Ballahoo Build Log will prove useful to someone who wishes to take on a rather nice wee schooner.. Remember it really doesn't need to take 7 years to complete .. the box indicates 1 Month or some such 😉 🤣 Might get a chance to do the Port Anchor tomorrow then it's trim any sticking out lines etc, clean up and place her onto the stand proper.. Thanks Again Folks for following this journey to its near completion .. The Finish Line is in sight (Yup.. this is where I drop her isn't it.. 🙄) Eamonn
  15. Hi Folks.. Well it has been a few weeks since my last update, but I haven't been slacking off ! I have completed my Rope Coils and fitted them.. The general 'feel' of my Ballahoo build is not the 'formal just off the builders blocks' look, where all ropes and trim are near perfect, instead She has a look of being just out of a 'refit' where the running rigging isn't all in place yet and the ropes are being made ready for use.. A slightly informal look if you will .. And on that note Ballier is just about Finished ! 😊😊 I just have to fit the Anchors and order the Glass Case (I rang my local glass company a while back and asked if they can do it.. I asked for something like a smallish Fish Tank and they said they can do it.. cheap too!, as I already have the Base sorted.. you can see it in older photos above) You may remember from a few posts ago I was having trouble with my Home Made Anchor Cable (it being very stiff & inflexible) but my Wife Karen suggested soaking the cables in Fabric Softener .. well I can report it seems to have worked a treat.. simply hot water in a small container with some of the Softener poured in (enough to 'discolour the water' as Karen phrased it) Pop the rope in and leave for a few mins.. dry overnight and Presto much more flexible rope .. I have rinsed the rope in water to remove the Softener, as I have no idea what the long term effects would be, but the floral scent from the rope is enough to make me do it ..🤣 Today I added an Anchor Cable Stopper on the Port Side and the bare Ring/Eye on the Stbd Side as this Anchor will be stowed on the rail. (You cab just about make them out in the photos attached) As Always, Thank You All for Liking and Commenting on my Ballahoo.. Eamonn
  16. Hi Ras .. I see the problem, that system is only for Navigation Buoys in a waterway (EU -v- US being different ) ... But the Port Side of a vessel is always Left and Stbd Side is always Right (facing Forward of course) regardless of where you are in the world 😀 in fact, even if you are facing the stern of the vessel you are standing on Starboard and Port are still the same as if you are facing forward.. as they are linked to the vessel itself not the crew location .. if you follow (in the same way as West is the same direction regardless of what direction you are facing) .. Phew, Ras sorry about that longest winded description of Port & Starboard on MSW 😆 That Console & Compass is deffo going to look Great in that wee Pilot House ! BTW I've sailed into Rotterdam/Europort many times in the 80's.. my first time there we were met with 500+ vessels waiting for the 'Wandelaar' pilot ! Keep up the wonderful work Eamonn
  17. Hi Ras .. Just a quick Heads-Up .. re the Console you have drawn, if the Red and Green items are part of the Compass (Compass Balls) then they might be the wrong way around (looking at the drawing the bow seems to be Top Right) Green/Starboard would be to the Right and Red/Port to the Left .. Of course I may be just misinterpreting your drawing .. If so please ignore ☺️ The Wheelhouse (Pilot House) looks great btw ! She is coming along a treat. Eamonn
  18. Yea.. I've been below in tight head-space compartments and can only guess at the discomfort involved in conducting day to day life in such spaces .. and that for the crew .... 80 slaves doesn't bear thinking about.. Jeez !! I've looked a few contemporary plans (Inc Ballahoo's) where the ladder sides are parallel to the Frames, but the treads are parallel to the Deck .. this of course will tilt the ladder sides when Ballahoo sits to her marks but the threads become 'more' level.. (not fully level) not really an issue to a sailor on a rolling boat though. There are a lot of plans which also show the 'lift/taper' of the keel as it runs aft (some are even very gently curved upwards) Eamonn
  19. Hi George .. I really like the cozy feel of the cabin, very Compact and Bijou .. Was also admiring your Chart Dividers and the Chart itself (was wondering what it would look like if you shrank an actual 'period' chart down to suit .. or am I over thinking it here.. It may not be visible at all through the grating etc.. but I did locate something suitable that you might like to try, it is attached below) Keep up the wonderful work Eamonn Edit .. this is from circa 1780's
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