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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Hi George .. I too was going to use the gammoning for the bowsprit too (Still might as it happens, it kinda feels right if you follow) I was tempted to use a similar set up to that on Pickle ! Great work on the Wales btw Eamonn
  2. Looking forward to following this build along .. Great to see a working boat being built! All The Best Eamonn
  3. Thanks Jason .. I'm not at your level yet though ! (Perhaps after another 8 years.. Or should that be 7 and half ) Finished the Port Side Dead-Eyes and had a quick tidy around whilst I was there .. Stbd Side next .. Probably tomorrow as I think a John Wayne Film beckons on this Wet Cold Late January Day .. All The Best Eamonn
  4. OK Folks .. The Deadeyes are re-done .. I just need to tidy them both up now then re tighten all those Lines I had to loosen off in order to facilitate the De-Construction .. Simples.. From there it's onto a general tighten and tidy, then comes some Rope Coil/Loop making and rigging the Anchors to Ballier with their Anchor Buoy's etc.. Getting Close to a Finnish now (Fingers Crossed 😉🙄🙃) All The Very Best Folks and As Usual Thanks For Dropping By ! Eamonn
  5. Cracking Good Looking Model You Have There Mate .. Has been a pleasure to follow you and Snake along ! 8 Years to build .. We must be related somewhere Cheers Bud Eamonn BTW Lovely set of photos too !
  6. Hey There Kester .. Just a quick note to see how you are, missing your wonderful Sherbourne updates.


    All The Very Best



  7. Hi Again Folks ... Well I have decided it is Deconstruction Time (Dubz Style) .. I have been glancing over at Ballier this past few months (busy in work and getting my Blood Pressure sorted put a stop to building) and looking at the slight step in the level of the Dead-eyes on the Fore Mast (the aft most ones on each side) Soooo I tidied up the build table and set to work with Scalpel and tweezers .. I was hoping I could salvage the existing Shroud (which is served over its entire length) lower the dead-eyes 3 or 4 mm and re-tie, then add a short length to the ends of the shroud to extend the 'doubling' (which could have been hidden amongst the seizing.. If you follow.. Alas nope.. It is a full Re-Do on the port & stbd aft most shrouds .. Oh Well You can see the problem in the last photo I posted above.. All The Best Folks And Thanks For Stopping By .. Oh and Happy New Year To Ye All (Belated ) Eamonn
  8. Brilliant Stuff Jason ..I have just taken note of your steps as I'm soon to be onto this myself ! All The Best Mate Eamonn
  9. Hi Edward .. This time of year I tend to put the feet up, bit too chilly in the new ship-yard for doing detail work 😊 .. I build vicariously through ye folks here on MSW instead 😃 Ballier is tucked in nice and snug up there though. E
  10. Dang .. I'm only seeing this wonderful build now ! What a brilliant idea to scale up Sherbourne .. Am looking forward to following you along Edward . All The very best Eamonn Owner/Operator @ Better Late Than Never Boat Builders 🙃🙂
  11. And Happy New Year to you too Stergios .. Very nice Hook Block and great use of the 'needle eye-threader' thing to hold the hook as you worked on it... never thought to do that ! Eamonn
  12. One of the first things I did was to make a scale 'man' to better get a feel for the relative sizes of fittings etc .. deffo one of the handiest things I did as we tend to over size so many things, I'm surrounded by boats in Arklow (all shapes, sizes & ages.. many historic visitors too not to mention a famous (now gone) wooden boat builder within 150 mtrs of where I live) and modern materials excepting, they really do give a proper sense of just how small vessels like Ballahoo really are/were, those masts and bowsprit tend to make them look much more impressive them they perhaps were.. I even have a carronade the same size/lbs as that aboard Ballahoo in a near-by historic gardens (Powerscourt) which brought my attention to the also vastly overscale kit versions.. All The Best George Eamonn
  13. I should love to read it when you get it out there George .. Please do let us know when it is available ! Yea, I couldn't blame you re research .. it got to the point that I researched pretty much every line I rigged.. I didn't include a windlass as you know, as she feels too small only 50 odd foot long and has a large crew .. other methods were in use to haul in Anchor Ropes on smaller vessels .. also the supplied anchor stock is way too big so it looks bigger than it actually is (If you follow) I trimmed the stock down considerably using a table of anchor dimensions from the period and a scaled down plan in Lavery's books .. I have to dash off now (re watching Game of Thrones and Karen had just returned from making a cup of tea ) All The Very Best Eamonn
  14. Welcome Back George .. I really am looking forward to what you are doing here ! Roll on the next installment (Oh and Happy New Year ) Eamonn BTW Novel you say do tell
  15. Hey There Mark .. LOL .. My secret .. A sharp knife/scissors (the scissor is one of those very very tiny versions.. see below) That said before cutting I put a 'touch' of Super Glue to the area, which sets it and stops fraying, then 'snip' with the scissor or cut with a No. 11 .. (being extra careful not to 'Snip' or 'Cut' the actual rigging itself ..) Hope That Helps Mark .. Thanks For dropping By 😄 Eamonn The Scissor in question..
  16. Could you combine them.. or do both ? least you won't have that 'empty/missing' feel .. Rem the only person you need to convince is yourself, so which do you prefer? E
  17. Wow Mark .. I nip out for a few mins , come back and you have posted pages of wonderful work !! 😂 .. All The Best Mate.. Eamonn
  18. Hi Stergios.. Nice bit of rope work going on here ! Eamonn
  19. Hi Mark .. Great to see this Lady back on your work bench .. All The Very Best Eamonn
  20. Great set of photos Ian, they should really help you! Eamonn
  21. Just A Quick Update Folks .. The Shrouds are now as tight as I want them to be, so I began on the Fore Mast Port Side and finished off the Lanyards by wrapping them around the shrouds and seizing the ends to the Shroud itself .. Suffice to say I now have 3 fewer loose lines lying about (looking positively Ship Shape ! ) Only a wee bit of tidying up to do on them, particularly twisting the Dead Eyes to be more upright.. if you follow. Oh and I also realised that I did in fact Serve the entire Aft Most Shroud on the Fore Masts, though not on the Main Mast ! Cheers Folks Eamonn
  22. Can't say there is a definitive work on determining which parts are served and for how far .. I did consider wear and tear on the rope as a guide, would a sail etc tend to hit it in normal use for example, I pretty much served lines which are Stays & Shrouds and only where they come in contact with the Mast, I did however fully Serve all standing rigging to the Bowsprit as they would be in water a lot and likely subject to more wear .. some builders might also Serve the entire length of the Shrouds for instance (I was going to Serve the entire 'Aft' most Shrouds (where the sails would hit it when 'running', but chose not to as on examination there wouldn't be much wear n' tear on it above where I did Serve.. if you follow) it was quiet some time ago when i decided on this course of action and it may have been in the book The Global Schooner that reinforced ( ) my decision.. But I did look into it ! Darcy Lever's 'The Young Sea Officer Sheet Anchor' may also have info btw .. Hope this hasn't confused you even more Eamonn .. Oh and Thanks for Looking In also ! Later Edit: I forgot to mention the Bowsprit Running Rigging being Served
  23. Thanks J-P and the Likes .. It does seem to sit in better for sure (Dirk (Dubz) was quiet correct (Never doubted it for a second to be honest ) ) Thanks Again For The Nice Comment on Ballahoo and Thank You for Stopping By .. Cheers Eamonn
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