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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Very Nice Jim... Thanks for the tutorial too, I'll be following in your footsteps very soon ! All The Best Eamonn
  2. I actually inherited a Digital Calipers Bud, along with some decent tools from my Uncle a few years back, he was a Marine Engineer who was also an extremely talented 'DIY'er' (together with being a Liverpudlian ! ) so some very nice bits of kit came my way.. now if I could just figure out how the Hammer thing works ! It was the Digital Calipers that put me onto the differences in planking widths , a brilliant piece of kit for sure ! All The Very Best Eamonn
  3. Never worry about offering suggestions/tips Nigel, I wouldn't have it any other way over here !! would prefer to be able to go at something with all the right information from the beginning.. and most of that comes from ye folks Plank width differences is the main issue (I found that out during planking the lower hull, it's painted so no biggy ! .. but there were a couple of mm difference by the time I got half way down, that's half a plank out from the other side I corrected it but it would really have annoyed me if she was left 'natural'.. even though it would only have been apparent from the 'bow on' view !! But I'll match up my planking widths in advance and try put matching strakes down on both sides, might be able to make any slight width differences work for me if the nibbling goes slightly astray by using a strake of wider or narrower planking, if you follow ! I won't be gluing them until I'm happy anyhoo.. If Scarfing/Margining didn't scare me off.. nibbling won't.. Oh No, it's those famous last words again !! next time you see Ballahoo she will have the Deck Planking equivalent of Crazy Paving All The Best Bud Eamonn Keep the Tips & Suggestions coming ok
  4. Will Do Nigel.. BTW don't go by the centre line as scribed on the photos, as I mentioned previously the various 'holes' seem to be a tad to one side so I will have to re do the centre line (the difference is only about 1 mm, but I'd rather it wasn't there at all) the various Margins are pretty much symmetrical to each other, but as you say I will have to look at them from a joggling point of view tomorrow and adjust accordingly, it isn't something I want to rush.. planking won't be happening till next week anyhoo Nigel (and everyone else for that matter ) do ye foresee any 'problems' with my gluing the margins down in the next day or so? for instance is there anything else I should be doing first , excluding things already mentioned above .. Spirketting, Margins & Joggling are not part of the Ballahoo Plans you see ! (if all is symmetrical, then sanded properly & caulked I think I'm ok to glue in place) All The Best Eamonn
  5. Thanks Mike, onto the next challenge now.. who ever said Margining was awkward ? :huh: I think the nerves have settled enough now to let me continue Sail 'er Easy Eamonn
  6. Thanks Guys, I've just given them a basic cleaning with an eraser (a rubber, to us folks on this side of the world) then gentle sanding and I'll up their 'Eamonn's Satisfaction Level' rating from about an 88% to about 93% in other words they are a little better than I though originally.. it must be down to ye folks pushing me onwards ! still by no means perfect looking, but I'd have been well happy with the original score so am well chuffed over here. Will finalise them tomorrow and glue them in place, followed soon after by the pre painted Spirketting and then sometime next year the deck planking & 'Happy Happy Joy Joy' the nibbling Thanks for looking in folks and for the Likes always appreciated ! Eamonn
  7. All Righty Then.. Big News Update.. Brace Yourselves !!!! Margin Planking is Done (well just about) All that is left is to fair them a little add the Caulking and sand to a nice finish.. after that go lie down for a week or so till the nerves recover Broke the point off of 3 #11 Xacto Blades doing them ! they aren't perfect, but are about at the level of my current ability I think (I could spend another day doing them and not improve them significantly if you follow me! ) there is Spirketting to go in place too so don't be too concerned about the Margin Planks not quiet being snug to the Bulwarks so I had to allow for it in doing the scarf joints ! Photo Time.. WooHoo ! All The Best Folks Eamonn PS the dark lines at the scarf joins are just 'construction' pencil marks,, and are not the Caulking Lines !
  8. I'll keep my eyes peeled for the P word !! Rollicking's on Stand By .. E
  9. Nice work Nigel, sorry for not getting back to you after your PM (house full of people AGAIN !! ) that paper looks the Cats Pyjamas, I use a permanent marker that has a very fine almost paintbrush like 'nib' which sands back to a crisp line but you have to be careful.. your tissue paper solution has me intrigued ! All The Best Mate Eamonn
  10. Beautiful stuff Mike.. That furled sail is the biz ! Very Best of Luck on your Lay Up Eamonn
  11. Nice.. spent some time today finalising the margins.. little more work required there before I'm happy with them. My deck planks are a little shorter at just shy of 90mm ( just over 18ft in full scale) the same as my hull planking. Best of Luck Jim Eamonn
  12. I had a lazy day today.. no model work ! I have my shift pattern drawn up on a 'deck' paper template I made up to get a feel for things, but first I might need to re address the Margins as I spotted a gap I don't like and I might not have enough overlap for the scarf joins.. tomorrow should tell ! All The best Eamonn
  13. Dang.. I was foiled by the evil genius of Jim... You aren't by any chance sitting in a black swivel chair stroking a white cat .. whilst plotting world domination from a hollowed out volcano ? Jim your Ballier looks the Biz by the way. All the Best Eamonn ..or at least Model Ship World domination..
  14. Wonderful stuff Jim.. you'd want to have seen the Heath Robinson affair I used to draw the waterline, I'd swear there was a spring in there somewhere.. All The Best Eamonn My Ballier kicks back in tomorrow !
  15. Joe, would it be possible for you to mention when your next build begins here in this log. That way we will know to go over and follow your new work Said it before and will say it again.. 'I love what you did here on the Prince D. N.' All The Best Eamonn
  16. Ahhh I see ... Thanks Tony My Ballahoo may in fact turn out to be a Whaler then.. All The Best Tony E
  17. As I'm doing one of the Smaller boats it may actually be a feature.. at least that's wot I'm telling myself in advance.. Will have to watch out for it indeedy ! Eamonn
  18. Holty, I think those downward pointing Bowsprits were a later addition but only on the smaller Cutters.. Let us know how the Chewing Gum goes.. Sorry Mate Couldn't resist. You'll sort it out ! All The Best Eamonn
  19. Beautiful work Jim.. she looks very snazzy ! Eamonn With the first photo I thought you were going for the Ninja Ballahoo look !!
  20. Really don't know wot you mean David... am almost offended .. I mean it wouldn't have been my fault when it accidently got lost in the post on the return journey !! (By The Way, how long do you think would have been a safe period of time before showing to MSW my snazzy new clinker built boat that I built in secret for Ballahoo?) Could have been The Perfect Crime !! Oh Well.. All The Best Eamonn
  21. Beautiful Stuff Nigel.. btw I picked up one of those Thickness Sanders last year, but cant seem to find where to switch it on.. All The Best Mate, and a Great Weekend to Ye Both ! Eamonn
  22. Hold on there Ollie.. is that a flaw I spot in the stern !! Tell you what, send it to me so I can have a closer look !! I'll send it right back... Honest... Take Care Mate Eamonn
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