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popeye the sailor

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Everything posted by popeye the sailor

  1. fantastic looking loco Craig.....turned out to be very detailed. you sold it?!?!..........the vision you outlined won't be realized it would have looked really good with a rail gun.......though I haven't seen a rail gun molded in 1:35. I recently received the Hasegawa 1:72 Leopold kit.....should have a log going soon. I'm sure whoever bought it from you is really proud of his display
  2. a sliver of plastic will fill the gap in, but if your going that route, cut off the antenna put it back after the repair. good to see her closed up......gull wings are so cool!
  3. I think so too the cockpit canopy is done........there are two really small bits of frame that I'm not going to bother with. they're not noticeable. I'm working on the nose glass now. ........I just made myself feel bad........I added them in I guess I may as well fix that bit of frame that runs to the roof {copilot side}.
  4. nice looking seats.......glad to see you remedied the problem you had
  5. super nice job on this one.........the camo looks especially good
  6. once I get the roofs done, I'll look into that next thanks for look'in in gents! I laugh at danger Mark..........
  7. you could try and sand the bulkhead down a tiny bit.......you'll win in the end........I'm sure look'in good!
  8. your really tempting me to build a tank.........you know that?!?!?! awesome piece........very well done!
  9. she's look'in good Mike......a dio looking base is what I do with tail heavy aircraft {bombers mostly}. good to see you working on her again
  10. your latest group are fantastic OC........the Dio is getting a lot more populated.........looks so awesome!
  11. shame to see them go to the Kraken.......keep me in mind yea, the bling can be interesting....sometimes though, the bling can cost more than the kit. I tried the cello tape on the cockpit glass......this is where I'm at. at the moment. it's not perfect, done in the flat blue, but it is the final try.......I think it passes muster more soon. thanks for the good word Ken.
  12. ....as I pull myself in further to the wrath of my own demise........ I've not yet had to employ a taste tester........why?.......I've got Gibbs to help me with that?!?! through the turmoil, I'll press on..........."if your gonna go......go with a smile!" I did a bit more on the boiler house while play'in my video game the other night. the lower roof is on.......I added the windows and doors, almost forgetting to put in the glazing {window glass}. I nix the idea of the interior stuff, since the tinted material will not show that sort of detail. perhaps should I become more adept with this area of modeling, I will be emboldened the corrugated roofing was another thing that was left to be desired. I had one package of the smaller corrugation that was still unopened......it come in packages of two sheets. opening it up, the outer sheet stuck to the plastic covering, and that practically ruined it coming off. I'm thinking this is the result of it being old stock. the size of the sheets was not meant for this type of building.......roof surface being wider than the sheet itself, I had to patch in a smaller piece to make up for it. I used the supplied roof parts for the covering and scratched in the rafters........I'm in the process of closing up the roof edge. I took precautions in taking these photos.....glare would certainly be an issue. I'm trimming back the rafters, and then will cover them with a fascia. more as I go along.........
  13. Holy Cow Ken.........I love it! I book marked the site.......might even become a new source for decals! so far Mega Hobby has been my go to place for decals. I'll have to read up on some of the subjects {missions}. thanks very much! that is another idea Craig...the only chigger would be the raised detail. air could develop beneath the edges as it dried. I got a reminder of an old tip of using cello tape to paint them on. I'm trying that at the moment.......slow going but when done, that's it, It's final. I do have a bit of an update......the props have been tipped with yellow, and as mentioned, I'm still working with the glass. the decals I had for the wings were a bust.......the decals were too damaged to use {all four of them}. I had sprayed them with decal bonder before cutting them out, and allowed them to totally dry before trying them. I let them soak longer than I normally would, but they would not release from the paper........they broke up under the strain of my fingers trying to move them so I had to order a sheet that had a set on them. I'm down to 11 parts to add to this bird...decal and finish. it is funny you send that link to me Ken.......if I do another B 24, I want it to be 1:48....1:32 would be the mother lode! I was tempted to get another one of those Lindberg 'nose art' kit of the B 17........they are cheaper, but I wish they had more detail. I know I could add some with all the add on stuff I've seen, but it would be certain to put me in hot water with the budget director.........I'm already there now as it is
  14. nice! great job so far on the train car the trucks came out great!
  15. good thing he won't get hurt with that rubber on the jaws! nice start on the figures....select 'no flash' on your camera.
  16. good idea.......but I think I'll wait on that I'm in hot water at the moment........the decals kinda did it. looking at the kit decals, they appear to be stuck to the plastic {I guess they didn't age well}. I got notification that the decals have shipped.........'versendet'......I don't know much German, but that's what I think it means. I won't be starting this any time soon......I can wait.
  17. thanks Ken.......the ones on the fuselage are fairly new. I haven't tried to put on the ones I sprayed with the bonder....I'm giving them a couple of days to cure, so that when I dip them, they might come off better. then I can start playing with the stars and other decals.
  18. wow! for all the problems you've encountered, you sure came out on top! it's a very stunning model
  19. that's debatable OC.........it's a pretty deep hole according to the description in the beginning of the instructions, that's correct.......they used different things as a fuel source. they supplied the power house with steam, and they produced electricity.......quite a chain reaction I'll definitely check it out I went a bit further with the structures........started to add floors to the boiler house. also started to add the windows and doors to the boiler house... the power house has all the windows done.......now to work on the roof. didn't get much done today though.....errands.. I bought the tires for my car, but I couldn't do them because the guys are here residing the garage, so I hope to get them done next week {when I'm off again}. I'm happy to report that the order I had placed a while ago arrived this afternoon. for 1:72, it's a fairly large model. the sprues were still in their plastic bags......originally produced in 1975.........due to the yellowed decal sheet, it's likely that old. I did a check, since there were a few loose parts in the box. the bottom bag had totally disintegrated.........it was still there, but broke up when I picked up the bag. I saw where all the loose parts came from on the sprues, so it's safe to say that all the parts are here. as for the instructions......they are a booklet, and it's in Japanese. the decals are in the same bag as the railings that line the gun deck. the model is over 12 inches long. I ordered a set of decals from Peddinghaus deals.....Archer has them too, but I couldn't seem to find them on their site. I hope to start on this in the near future.
  20. you've come a long way Chris.....and she looks great! looks even better with the chipping....they put in some nice detail. well done!
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