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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. hmm after checking just now i have just figured out that AL has fooled me again the fult scale drawing and parts lists require 3 X 1.5x3 sapelli wood with 1 mm in between = 12 mm the photo instructions and the photo on the box show 3 X 1x2 sapelli wood with 2 mm in between = 12 mm same height but it looks different what to do now
  2. USS Memphis ?
  3. Sjors you can have your Warsteiner although i wouldnt mind trying it out Robbyn be careful after a few beers you probably wont be able to resist the song of the syren today i did a bit of trenailing. i also had a good think over how i am going to do the lower railings they require 3 1.5x3 sapelli strips to be glued on the outside wiht a 1 mm opening between them i used some of the 3x3 wood and some thumbnails and tried it out on one section the nail on the thumbnails is about 1.07 mm close enough for me they are clamped down by the 3x3 wood an hold the the strip of wood to glue iagainst the headposts as the deck curves a clothes peg presses the strip down at the right angle tomorrow i ll figure out how to glue the one above it
  4. stay away from my Kriek Sjors you can have all the other beers but not mine this is what i am talking about : http://www.beeradvice.com.au/59/belle-vue-kriek/
  5. you got it DFelingham
  6. HMS St George
  7. hello Pete. i planked the deck before the hull. you only need something soft to rest here on (lilike styro foam) when turned up side down for the planking.
  8. correct David
  9. @keith yup i like that pattern too too bad most of it wont be visible @ John thank you and yuors does too @sjors .you have been sniffing too much glue i think or maybe it was because i opened the box to get some of the eyebolts out that i am missing on the kom @Wim i can get leffe blonde bu sorry no donker here also hoegaarden, chimay, grimbergen, Duvel unfortunately not my favorite beer @Robbyn be carefull on the stairs some of the belgian beers are pretty heavy
  10. you are spot on Keith . i am so glad i am post that stage where weeks of work dont show . now a few days putting in the headposts has made her look more and more finished yes i asume on the 3rd deck the rooms are more luxurious. Since this is not a real ship it would be good to look at pictures of the real deal and see how the stairs where on those ones. one our wishlists is a river cruise on one of the european rivers
  11. very neat . mine always get clutterd with tools when i am working. atleast since my last cleanup i have enough room again
  12. thanks Geoffrey almost finished wiht the headposts. i had a few issues where they wouldnt fit properly and one even snapped when i tried to adjust it. as you can see one is still not done because the 3rd deck fender broke. i ll wait till tomorrow to fir it but it could be i ll have to cut that one in half to make it fit next finishing adding the little traingles on the first deck and start trenailign the 3rd deck
  13. nope sorry Anja
  14. @ Keith far from done . the railings wil take a fair bit of work and i stil need to work on the 3rd deck. and yeah nothing fancy about those stairs just another bit of detail @Sjors. lol i ll settle for a review of them tehn so i can ask them for my b day this year . and i'd be delighted to have a beer with you
  15. Sjors i havnt contacted Occre but the hobystorei bought her from . keep forgetting to ask for an update. i am sure they probably have contacted their reseller for the parts its jus that a littl e bit of update would be nice
  16. Daniel have you tried searching on the web to see if there are any other model sites with a log for this one ?
  17. lets try this one
  18. is it the light aircraft carrier Hosho ?
  19. i think you got it
  20. is it the algiers star?
  21. nice work Mick. and you remind me thta i havent heard back yet from the missign parts of my G F
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