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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. with a sharp exacto knife . gently start cutting till you get through but leave some excess that cna be easily sanded off after
  2. we had a bit of dicussion on another tread about this. 3D printing is getting close to being affordable as there are now printers below $1000 AUD the use for us wooden shipbuilders , create teh part in 3d on computer print it then use the part to create a mould to reproduce the part
  3. Hi carl . the new technique is working i have also installed one of the chains. this weekend was pretty busy so i didnt do much else and didnt have time to take some pictures . i will post an update tonight
  4. i think the isntructions are more like those find the difference pictures loking very nice almost ready to finish her off
  5. Quiloa is correct
  6. Anja not the Querimba but looking at the photos of her they could be twins you are close
  7. sorry crackers not the Orundo
  8. HMS Galatea ? http://www.shipspotting.com/gallery/photo.php?lid=370124
  9. yeah my eyes where gettign sore from looking at all these pictures to compare the characteristics well done
  10. forgot to mention my technique for installing the side railings didnt work (the part came off when i tried to send) i am using th eclothes pegs now as they just fit around waitign for the top one to dry (installed it when going to work ) i ll see the result tonight and decide if i like it or not
  11. sorry Carl none of those available here yes Mick i am not follwing the instructions in order mostly because i had to wait for the hullplankign strips so i made a lot of things in advance. The bashing for the lights had soemthign to do with it too ofcourse. i tend to put a cross on the photo instructions once i have done it so i wont forget anything thank you Mick
  12. John about the rings . if you look on the plan they have the eyebolts to hold the stacks going right through them. which would be a pain havign to drill in the ring. in teh photos i think they are actualy drulled right above the rings and yes nice paintjob on them
  13. i think painting is one of my less favorite jobs. and yes white always seems to take more coats then yuo want to do (expecialy if you have a plastic model where the part is black ) you are doing a wonderfill job Mick
  14. yup its a belgian beer but i have never even seen a bottle of that one . there are so many of them there is a little cafe up on a mountain (hill) in the belgian ardennes and all the walls have shelves top to bottom all with empty beer bottles of all the belgian beers
  15. @ John same with my kit and i dont feel like sanding some down to match the pictures @ Robbyn hmm there is some Hefeweizen but it seems its localy brewn in OZ. i did see they have bitbuger. bitte ein Bit
  16. you are right Randy i ll try it the way the plan shows on the small part i started . if it looks good i ll keep going that way
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