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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. very nice Sjors seems you are on a roll now
  2. i ll be following too not sure when i l be ready for scratch building but its what i am aiming for too
  3. thanks Mick this is onlt my second ship. i did them on the virginia too but this one did mean a lot more extra work there have been discussion on this forum about usign them or not as at the scale we are working at they would hardly be noticable. i did some tests on the parts of the decks that are not visible and after a few tries had somethign that was visibly pleasing to me so i went with it. I am considereing doing them on the endeavour on the hull too but i realise thats a lot more dificult then the decks thanks Robbyn . the bar is always open for you and Sjors Thanks Sjors. sit down and have a drink. ooh and once in a while if you hand me over a drink while you 2 are watching me sweating away it would be appreciated thanks Mark. it was mainly to get Sjors drunk so he doesnt ask me when i ll start the G F you can all join plenty of room
  4. thanks David next one :
  5. small progress have added the 2 front stairs also working on the back railing and headposts of the 2nd deck. the reason why i start there as i delayed installing the paddlewheel so i have no fear of hitting into it when i am installing them.
  6. HMS Gustav V
  7. HI Piet finaly looked though this buildlog too what beautifult wotk you are doign on both ships
  8. Thanks Randy . no its not Huge to me just when i noticed it thought how the hell did i do that. With the outer railing it probably wont even be visible . anyway its not something i can fix without dismanteling most of the ship and i aint going to do that
  9. the Dunbar ?
  10. correct its the SMS Niobe
  11. thanks Randy i am glad they are done . i did make a mistake i think with them but so far no one has made any commetn about ti thanks geoffrey thanks Jim you asked pictures and i got them the next day not like some on here who leave you dangling for weeks . you al know who i mean . i havent had a look in on your Stagecoach build but i will today
  12. Randy you made the right decision to get better quality thread. You ll see it wil go much better and look far better then the green crap (had the same on my virginia)
  13. nice progress Sjors seems liek your eager to start on those ratlines
  14. its is a quiet unique boat/ art work i must say lol next :
  15. the love love
  16. spot on Danny
  17. Its not a german sub
  18. yup just had to google beached tanker next :
  19. MV Pasha Bulker ?
  20. wow thats even more impressive. my clumsy fingers would have made dents all over
  21. congrats Mick. a very beautiful build i have seen that workshop before. let me know how useful it is
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