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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. i am going to have to make it more difficult next time you are correct the DS Haakon Jarl
  2. yup much easier because there wasnt much info i could find on her even when i had the name
  3. thanks John and Sjors. the Doctor promised the discomfort should be better in a day or two. i promise to take some pictures this weekend
  4. nice job Mick. for treading the ropes use a needle treader it works really good
  5. oh Jim i ll get some photos with lihgts on for you . will only be the lower 2 decks as it will stil be awhile before i have the wirign doen for the rest
  6. thanks Jim. wel i am not too good. the medication i was taking for the minor health problem has caused some alergic reactions on my skin (think itchy and scratchy ) so had to stop them and am now been treated with something to counter the effects and hopefuly soon because its driving me crazy (or is that crazier) i worked for about an hour adding the trenails and drilling more holes. i bought some beer (german bitburger as i cant get my prefered belgian beer) the day before and had one today because all this talk about beer has made me crave one
  7. yummy nothing better then some good belgian beer to celebrate beuatiful job you are doing
  8. SS Australia
  9. wow Danny you are up early but you are correct its the Xuchang
  10. thank you Carl
  11. HNLMS Koning der Nederlanden
  12. am at photo 108 now and the instructions talk about an eagle figurehead . it is supposed to be an albatros
  13. weewt done 74/216 photo instructions which means the first page of instructions is done .
  14. thanks John. about them. I made them a bit larger as the small ones kept disintegrating when sanding and was also more dificult to get them all the same size. this resulted in some tight fit at the bow where 2 headposts are close together
  15. thanks John,Carl and Anja as i said its just a minor problem that i have been having since beginning this year. i did get to work for an hour tonight . drilled a few more holes for the treenaling also installed the triangles at the top of the headposts on the lower deck.
  16. welcome back Sjors. and you know the deal i ll start when you have finished yuor ratlines welcome Niklas. it is a buildlog but it wil be awhile before i start on her due to other current builds and no room on my workbench as this is a big ship
  17. i have been working a bit on the translation (stil no word from the hoby store ) done 56/216 photo instructions. have i learned anything that i wouldnt get from the photos? only to sand the keel at the front to a sharp point which is not evident from the photos.
  18. yes lookign very much almost finished. for painting those decorations. ly them down on a bit paper toweling adn after painting if there is still some left in between i usualy blow on it to get it out
  19. no worries David i dotn drink beer really often either just on special occasions and thank you for the comment stil no update as i am having some minor health issues that are makign me too tired at night after work.
  20. i agree nothing wrong with your english Robert. and there are a lot of people on this forum that speak Dutch ( me included ) so you can always ask for help
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