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Everything posted by Adrieke

  1. sanded down the trenails and then did a final sanding of the whole deck now i can instal the 3 stairs on deck 2 and then finish off the headposts on that level i have also glued the 3rd deck stateroom to the deck. the finishing of the wiring can soon start
  2. unfortunately yes Sjors but i am making good progress on the KOM so who knows when i ll start her i wil take some pictures tomorrow Wayne
  3. thanks Augie . i have finsihed all now and have printed it out so it looks like the original one now i can return it to the box and wait to start the build
  4. lol that could be quiet funny anyway i have finished translating the phot instructions. just a bit of general text about the rigging is left
  5. for tedious tasks like this its always good to set small goals and not look at the big picture.
  6. thanks for the confidence Wim more luck then skill i think Anja it happens Robert . wil be looking forward seeing you build her too thanks Mick wel so far the repair job is holding finished the last of the trenailing (with my last toothpick lol) ther is still some left to do on a smaller deck so i ll need to get some more. i did notice the difference in quality between brands. the last few ones where much sharper so easier to insert. for the last 2 weeks i have slowly been bending the ventilation part and the deck that goes on top of it. i am now about ready to assmeble it all and finish of the 3rd deck stateroom and the last bit of the lights
  7. thanks John i hope you are right thanks Robbyn. its probably because i am so focused on not touching it that i broke it lol lol David just dont use your hand to do that we already have casualtiess on here thanks Mark i did get luck in the way that the deck planks broke off clean so when i glue them back its not noticable so far it seems to hold. i am going to finish off the 2 nd deck stair at the back soon so that i can fit the paddle wheel in. My idea is to bend the eyebolts under the deck so that when i do the rigging it wil add stability to it lets hope i ll keep my clumsy hands away from it for now
  8. hardly noticable on such a beautiful ship
  9. lol when i came to oz in the beginning i didnt have a work permit so i did most of the housework while my fiance when to work so i dont have any problems wiht that either
  10. nah cant speak it and dont intend to either. took me a fair bit to be able to talk english decently (although i dont think i ll ever get that th sound coorect) weird thing now is that i even think and dream in english so no thank you no more other languages
  11. hmm Sjors does that mean you do the vacuuming and the ironing at home (they are not kitchen tools )
  12. lol Sjors i didnt know i had to show i am working thanks John thanks geoffrey i am playing the latest one David am about 60 percent done more trenailing today after some more gardening. what i feares has happened. while workign on the 3rd deck i dropped a tool and in my haste to catch it broke off one of the protruding parts that hold up the paddle wheel hopefuly the repair work will hold
  13. i can only speak 2 languages good and 2 others i can understand and speak a bit i doubt that i l lbe speaking spanish unless i want to say : pinte y fije piezas 106 y 107 en la cubierta (paint and glue parts 106 and 107 to the deck)
  14. awesome Mick and in a very short time i see many more builds in your future
  15. the MS Tabinta is correct
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