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Everything posted by Jeronimo

  1. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments and likes. Completion of the cutout / section of the gun decks of a French 74 gun ship, from plan drawings by Jean Boudriot and 3D rendering by Gregory Franchetti. Karl
  2. Hallo Siggi,

    sehr schönes Modell. Top Verarbeitung.

    Nur Schade , die farbliche Gestaltung mit Pigmentfarbe.

    Aber das ist ja bekanntlich Geschmackssache.



    1. Siggi52


      Moin Karl,

      so sahen die Schiffe halt aus, was ist da Schade dran?

      Nur Holz-Schiffe gab es dagegen nicht, oder sie wurden nach nicht mal einem Jahr schwarz und vergammelten. Die alten Modelle waren auch bemalt, wenn auch nicht immer korrekt, aber bunt und das macht den Reiz aus. Sonst müsste man heutige Kriegsschiffe bauen, die sind alle irgendwie grau! 

      Vielleicht denkst du ja mal um und bemalst deine  Modelle auch, dann sind sie historisch wirklich korrekt. 


      Gruß, Siggi


  3. Hi John. I'm not finished with the gun rigging. Karl
  4. Update. Cannons installed on the first gun deck, inclouding the deck beams of the second gun deck. Next, I' ll make and assemble the blocks and rigging for the cannons on the first gun deck. Karl
  5. Manufacture of the cannon barrels. Instead of the tin casting process, this time I used casting powder. Advantage ower tin casting , considerably cheaper and enormus weight reduction at this 1/24 scale. Karl
  6. Thanks for the kind comments. Part 2 Location of the gunports determined, I moved the gun ports of the second deck a little inside, the height of the gun deck is determined, the framework is planked on both sides, the deck beam of the first gun deck filted loosely. Karl
  7. Hello modeling friends. Animated by the pictures by Gregory Franchetti and the drawing by Jean Boudriot, I try to build the three gun decks as a cross-sectional model on a scale 1/24. First, I made an auxiliary construction four the mounting and alignment of the frames, to strengthen them, the bar timbers and the deck beam girdes were installed, the first gundeck was planked. The whole now has the required stability for the further interior design. Karl (Google Translator)
  8. Danke für die freundlichen Kommentare. Update Background changed. Karl
  9. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments and likes. The section of the 74 gun ship is thus completed. Karl
  10. Hello modeling friends. I wish everyone a successful 2021. Most of all, stay healthy. Karl Update
  11. Update Upper deck completed and finished. Next I will mount gun ports , stairs etc. on the outside. I wish everyone happy holiday. Karl
  12. Hello Remco, after such a long time I am happy to see another sign of life from you. Hallo Remco, es freut mich nach so langer Zeit wieder ein Lebenszeichen von dir. Ich freue mich schon auf dein Kingfisher Modell. Grüsse Karl
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