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Everything posted by BLACK VIKING

  1. Thanks for the likes and for following . I have now finished fitting the cannons and rigging the in-hauls , yippee The crew have been recruited and have turned up. The captain and first officer with two of the sailors have been painted but a few more to go so will post pics when completed. Next job fitting the rails to the upper side See you later Martyn
  2. Looking good Sjors can't wait seeing it in the Tung oil Martyn
  3. Looking good Morgan I certainly wouldn't worry about the lower deck as it won't be seen. Looking forward to seeing your next update Martyn
  4. Thank you all for the likes I have finished fitting the the cross deck and the in-haul tackle, and my I say thank you to Henry and Jud for the information on the in-hauls . Next job doing it over again on the other side Thanks for following, Martyn
  5. Thanks for the reply Henry l did think they would have but couldn't find any reference to them. Thanks again for the response Martyn
  6. A little bit more done on the SR I have rigged the cannons on the middle deck as the cross deck goes over the top so would be impossible to rigg them. The blocks are only two mm long so had to make them myself as the instructions only show the breaching ropes and no out haul ropes . Not to sure whether these were fitted with in haul tackle or not? Thanks for all the comments and likes. Martyn
  7. Hi Michael glad that the damage wasn't to bad but really annoying but I am sure you will put it right . Brilliant job on the rigging Martyn
  8. The deck planking in the instructions are very simplified for beginners to follow. The three shift pattern are quite common on ships of the period along with the five shift but it looks a bit over the top at this scale so went with the three shift. Hope this helps. Martyn
  9. Hi Impulsius glad to have another Soleil builder l am also building this model so am looking forward to your build if you need any help there are lots of brilliant builders on this site to help Martyn
  10. Hi all I have just started rigging the guns on the main deck as they are under the cross deck and would be a pain to rigg them after it was fitted. The problem I have are the guns fitted with in haul tackle or were they pulled inboard by hand like the Vasa . I have looked for any reference to this but can't seem to find any . Cheers for any help. Martyn
  11. Superb work EJ and I hope you feel better soon plus have a nice holiday with the Admiral. Looking forward to seeing your next update Martyn
  12. Thank you so much for the comments Michael really appreciated from such a talented builder like yourself as your Vasa is stunning Martyn
  13. Wow thanks for the brilliant comments Anthony and EJ Butting up the strakes just wouldn't cut it oops sorry about the pun but seriously I am really pleased with how it's gone, once there finished a light sand and a coat of varnish and that's it
  14. Thanks you all for the comments and the support guys. A bit more work done on the SR . I have planked the beak and the keel as I didn't like the dark brown stain . Next job fitting the rudder. The pintails and hinges were gold plated but I didn't like the colour so have painted them a iron colour with a wash of brown then on to fitting the strakes down the side. I am really pleased on how this is turning out and have decided not too paint further down the hull as I think it looks ok Thanks for following Martyn
  15. Absolutely brilliant work the sails are stunning Martyn
  16. Superb job of planking and well done on not using any droppers or stealers looking forward to seeing your next update Martyn
  17. Wow I have only been away for a few days and boy have you made some progress. Superb work on the planking EJ as they say round here lovely jubbly Martyn
  18. Cheers EJ for the support I am going on holiday tomorrow with my family for a week so will have plenty of time to think about it I might carry on with the rest of the whales and see if it looks OK in blue or wood rgd Martyn
  19. Thanks guys I am really having a bad time deciding how far to go down with the paint as I love the wood finish and if I paint it there will be no going back if I didn't like it time to ponder I think but thanks for the info EJ From the very confused Martyn
  20. Hanging my head in shame as we speak Anthony lol thank you very much for the great comments. I did look at it and think l love the colour of the wood but have bit the bullet and painted on the blue as the carvings are really great and the blue will make them pop cheers for looking in my friend Martyn
  21. May I say thank you for all the brilliant comments Guys and the likes I have been scratching my head on how far down to paint the blue as there seems to be a lot of debate on where it stops? So I have gone down to the top of the middle gun deck just to see what it looked like and I must admit I like it so have fitted the first whale. The instructions say just to butt up the joints but I have done them with scarfs as it looks a lot better. Thanks for following Martyn
  22. I must admit I am the same as Vic and use long strips but now I seen you're planking the next one I will try shorter ones as it looks brilliant . Very nicely done EJ Martyn
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