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Everything posted by BLACK VIKING

  1. Very nicely done with the decorations on the gallery Michael. Looking at the 1/10 model gallery I am definitely getting worried as their are carvings every where. BV
  2. Good luck with the show Dave and looking forward to seeing the pics. By the way the SotS is looking brilliant BV
  3. Looking stunning Michael and a great fix with the rails BV
  4. I must admit I love rigging it's like doing a 3D jigsaw and every rope has its purpose BV
  5. Very nicely done lucky that Deag put a lot more planks in that you don't need I still have lots left over from my build. By the way happy birthday BV
  6. Very nice. I have built several kits from Deag the Sovereign of the seas and San Felipe and the joints have always been good. This looks a good kit BV
  7. Hi Sjors having built this kit bamboo is a bit strange to work with but it works ok . All of it is covered with second planking the lower planking is covered with basswood the top is covered by seple . Hope this helps Martyn
  8. Thanks Michael . I hope to have a build log on hear when I start. If I can get anywhere near your build quality I will be very happy. Martyn
  9. Hi Michael it's the Corel one and have been following your build which has inspired me to get the Vasa as I love 17c ships. I have built the Sovereign of the seas a few years ago and the Vasa will go very nicely with it. BV aka Martyn
  10. Thanks for the pdf Michael . I have just orderd this kit so this will be of great help BV
  11. Hi Sjors the name is Martyn and I am looking forward to seeing your build Rgd BV
  12. Very nicely done Sjors , l built this ship a few years ago it makes a stunning model when finished. Looking forward to seeing more BV
  13. I'm going to pull up a chair for this one as my dad was in the merchant navy during the 2 world war he was on tankers. Rgd BV
  14. Very nice start, I built this ship about 4 years ago and it makes a stunning model when finished. Looking forward to the next update Rgd BV
  15. Yeah they do take a long time to build as I know as I have built the SotS from Deag , it took me nearly 3 years but it's nice to get the issues on a monthly basis and can't wait for this to be released in the UK Rgd BV
  16. Thank you for the information Nirvana this is one kit I would love to get my hands on. Rgd BV
  17. You are certainly taking this build to the next level, stunning work Michael BV
  18. Looking forward to seeing your next update on the Vasa Jan Rgd BV
  19. Thanks Jan I might hang on until this comes out looks stunning and it will allow me to do some research on the Vasa Rgd BV
  20. Thank you all for the information I think I might have to go for the Billings kit . Thank you all again and hopefully will post a build log Rgd BV
  21. Hi all I am looking at building the Vasa and was just wondering what is the best kit to get ie the most accurate. Thanks for any information rgd BV
  22. Sorry to hear about your father Max . Look after your self. BV
  23. I take my hat off to your patience and eyesight,very nicely done Rgd BV
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