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Everything posted by BLACK VIKING

  1. Stunning work EJ the different colours of the wood really pops Black Viking aka Martyn
  2. All I can say is what a stunner superb build EJ Rgd Martyn
  3. Thanks for the comments EJ I will certainly keep an eye out for the planks starting to climb up as I might have to put in some droppers . The wood is very supple and bends easily so hopefully not but we will see Thanks again for the likes and comments Rgd Martyn
  4. Thank you for all the likes A very small update on the SR . I have finished planking the upper hull and have now started on the lower planking. The garboard plank has been fitted and left to dry over night. The second one was butted up and glued to the first one, it's a bit of a slow process as that nasty four letter word gets in the way ie work so the time for building is limited at the moment. Can't wait for next week as I am on the early shift and get all the afternoon to build. As you can see there are gaps between the planks that end in a sharp point at the stern , not to worried about them as this is the first planking and will be filled with steelers. The second planking will be layed differently and hopefully no steelers or very few Thanks for following rgd Martyn
  5. Thank you very much for the comments EL I have been watching your build with great interest especially your attention to detail with the placement of the gunports. I love fiddling about with little details that just makes a small difference. Looks like I will have to get the popcorn in lol Thanks again for the comments rgd Martyn
  6. Thanks for the likes and comments Hi Antony the kit is very well made and the carvings are brilliant and well cast . As promised a few pictures of what I have been up to. The first planking is going on and to break it up I have built the ships boats. The largest launch I have included some carvings on the stern , not quite sure if they had them but I like them . More to come so thanks for looking Rgd Martyn
  7. Hi Sjors I will post some pics tomorrow but I have noticed you are building the Sovereign of the seas from Deag I built it as my first ship about four years ago rgd Martyn
  8. Hi all this is my first build on this site so please be patient . I will be changing a few things on the kit. rgd Martyn
  9. admin test
  10. Thanks EJ hopefully will post pictures at the weekend. I love these ships of the 17c . It's good to bounce ideas of some one who is building the same ship BV aka Martyn
  11. I am following with interest on this one as I have the full kit from Deag which I have just started planking with the first layer hoping to post a build log in the next few days
  12. Stunning work on the rigging Michael just wondered if you know that there are a set of sails for the Vasa . If you look on the Cornwall model ship site they sell them. I have fitted them to mine and they don't look to bad . BV
  13. Glad to be of help I haven't posted any pics of mine as I started it ages ago but hope to post pics of my new build some time soon BV
  14. Hi jhart I used 0.5 brown lines on mine. Looking forward to seeing your build m8 BV
  15. Grabbing the seat on the front row and have got a bag of popcorn, looking forward to this Hennie BV
  16. I must agree with Ulises I don't think that filler will fix that the best way to go is to buy a much simpler kit or do a part work with comprehensive instructions so you can cut your teeth on getting the hang of how these kits come together . Hope this helps BV
  17. Looking forward to your build Hennie I built the Deag Sovereign a few years ago as I am really interested in 17c ships. On the go at the moment is the Vasa from Corel and the Solie Royal on the back burner so really interested in what you are going to do to her BV
  18. I used a three shift pattern on mine and it looked ok not to busy unlike the four shift I used on the Sovereign. Hope this helps BV
  19. Lovely work on the planking. Just a thought you could use a sheet of Perspex with the hull sitting through it with water affect on top and you could see the hull underneath. BV
  20. Hi Anton I have built the Deag Sovereign and they didn't say why the red band on the lower hull ? So can't help you out on that one cracking work on your Sovereign by the way BV
  21. Wow that is one warped keel , there is no way to build a straight ship with that. Looking forward to seeing your fix . BV
  22. Wow well done on finding that out before you cut out all the gunports as that would have been a nightmare:-( . Looking forward to seeing your next update. BV
  23. Coming along very nicely Pucko. Nice idea with the templates for marking out the gunports a lot better than the Sovereign of the seas as you had to measure every one. Great work. BV
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