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Everything posted by BLACK VIKING

  1. Cheers for the comments guys and the likes Glad to see you back Michael and looking forward to seeing your Trinadad X section again. The lantern was scratched built with a bit of poetic license as the lantern hasn't been found, but who knows as their is a lot of bits and pieces still to go through so you never know Martyn
  2. Stay well clear of these cheep and nasty kits it would actually cost more for just the wood for the planks let alone all the rest of the stuff at $20 . Martyn
  3. Wow just caught up with your build, stunning as always m8 Martyn
  4. Thanks for the comments and likes As promised some more pics taken in better light now the clouds have broken up and we have sunshine Martyn
  5. Thanks Eddie, glad my build has helped. That's the great thing about this forum we can always learn from each other's build. Rgd Martyn
  6. Thanks for the comments guys. Sorry about that rubbish pictures but it's as gloomy as hell here at the moment. will try and take some more when the weather becomes brighter. Thanks again for following Martyn
  7. Cheers OC for the comments and the likes I have now finished the Vasa . I can say I have really enjoyed building this model . A few miner admissions but nothing that can't be fixed . Thanks for following Martyn
  8. Stear well clear of this rubbish a friend of mine got one and all it was good for was lighting a fire. Total rubbish Martyn
  9. Lovely work Denis I have a B17 to build for the local museum at Rougham near Bury st Edmunds in Suffolk so yours has given me the get up and go to start building her . Well done my friend Martyn
  10. Thanks for all the great replies guys A small update. My wife is slowly getting better still a long way to go but onwards and upwards we go All the rigging has been completed on the foremast and I have fitted a missing gunport on the mizzen quarter deck . Next job fitting the gunport lids to the side, quite a long job as each one is pinned with a brass pin to give them strength. The thread hanging down the sides are from the rigging as I leave them till I put the rope coils over the belay pins so I can adjust the sails to how I like them . cheers for following Martyn
  11. I was hoping that the Vasa II book which has the full rigging plan was going to come out but it looks like it will be next year before it appears. The rigg for the tops is going to be best guess as none of the masts and rigging survived so the museum is going with what has been recovered in the way of blocks etc to reconstruct the upper riggs. Using the SotS as reference and other ships of that period is probably the way to go. One thing I have found out is the Vasa didn't have pinrails fitted to the gunwales the belay pins were fitted on the rails so on my build I removed mine and drilled the rails a bit of a faf but looks better. Martyn
  12. Hi Snoepert nice to see you back on the Vasa . The rigging plan is totally wrong that Deag supplied . They show blocks for the hallards when they should be pulleys. I was in the same boat but luckily Michael aka mid1400s came to my rescue by sending me plans from Billings kit and Corel plus I also looked at how Dutch ships were rigged for that period. You could also email Fred Hocker at the Vasa museum in Stockholm. Hope this helps Martyn
  13. Thank you for the best wishes for my wife. She is coming home today 😎 Michael has been real help as the rigging plan from Deag is very basic. Thanks again Frank. Martyn
  14. Cheers for the comments Michael. Sorry for not posting for a while but life has really got in the way. Got made redundant in May so have running around trying to get another job . Then last week my wife got taken into hospital for open heart surgery for a replacement valve so have been running to and from the hospital so not a lot happening on the build and I have lost a bit of mojo to get on with it. On the bright side I would like to thank Michael aka mid 1400s for sending me lots of pictures on the rigging as the ones from Deag are totally wrong. I have managed to rig the bowsprit sails and still got some more ratlines to do but onwards and upwards . Hopefully will get some more done next week. As always thanks for the likes and following. Martyn
  15. Very nice work trouble is the anchor stock is upside down. The curve should be at the bottom. Hope this helps Martyn
  16. Hi Peter the galleries are made of cast metal and quite a faf to put together but they do look good when painted. Loving all the details you are putting into your build. Martyn
  17. Wow the Deag kit has raised scallops and they were a pain to paint but doing it free hand is something else, very well done lovely work Martyn
  18. Well done I didn't think it would stay around for long as it's a lovely kit . I wished I lived a bit closer Martyn
  19. I would like to have it as I am a real fan of 16th and 17th century ships but I think the post to the UK would be rather high and knowing the British customs will probably have their cut as well . Martyn
  20. It's a pity you are not in the UK I would be all over it like a rash. It's a great kit Martyn
  21. Thanks Mark for your response. I have emailed Fred to see if he can help but I will definitely have a look at Claytons build. Thanks again for the help Martyn
  22. Hi all just wondering if anyone on this brilliant forum has an idea where I can get a good rigging guide to the vasa as the one from Deag is totally wrong. The vasa 2 book is hopefully coming out probably next year so I will have to change a few things later but until then I would like to get some of it done. Thanks in advance Martyn
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