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    olliechristo got a reaction from Bindy in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks everyone, you can call me the "aerogard kid' now      For those that dont know this virus is only transmitted by a certain type of mosquito in certain areas, only in daytime, you sort have to be unlucky..  There is 130 cases at the moment amongst a couple of hundred thousand residents..
    I'm on the mend luckily as i'm also moving house!! And now we have a cyclone coming for the icing!!! :mellow:
    Thanks everyone for your support and well wishes    ollie
  2. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks everyone, you can call me the "aerogard kid' now      For those that dont know this virus is only transmitted by a certain type of mosquito in certain areas, only in daytime, you sort have to be unlucky..  There is 130 cases at the moment amongst a couple of hundred thousand residents..
    I'm on the mend luckily as i'm also moving house!! And now we have a cyclone coming for the icing!!! :mellow:
    Thanks everyone for your support and well wishes    ollie
  3. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Vivian Galad in Red Dragon by Vivian Galad - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - modified   
    As I can´t let a little accident put me down, got to my ship today, again. Well, not the ship properly, but it´s furniture. As the cabin will be shown, needed some reliable furniture to go within. As there is little immages and texts regarding medieval ships´ furniture in China, had to go through the common furniture for homes and monasteries.
    After some immages and reading, found that chinese beds on ancient times, and medieval included, were seen not only as a place to sleep, but to lay on, sit, like a chair or a couch.
    Some examples:



    So, after these references, I did mine chinese bed. As almost all beds presented were canopied ones, mine is too. The difference is I made it simpler - beds on ships can´t have all those traceries and perilous elements to hit your head on. Still, the canopied bed can be a good place to hold you on a stormy sea, at least I think.



    The fabric used for the bed is silk. I won´t make it a pirate junk - think it´ll be more like an ambassador´s ship. I´ll make a chest, a chair and a desk, for instance - but I´m very open to suggestions ^^
  4. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Thanks everyone, you can call me the "aerogard kid' now      For those that dont know this virus is only transmitted by a certain type of mosquito in certain areas, only in daytime, you sort have to be unlucky..  There is 130 cases at the moment amongst a couple of hundred thousand residents..
    I'm on the mend luckily as i'm also moving house!! And now we have a cyclone coming for the icing!!! :mellow:
    Thanks everyone for your support and well wishes    ollie
  5. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Jim Lad in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Next time - don't forget the Aerogard!
    I reckon the painting was worth it, Ollie - that hull looks really good!
  6. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Bindy in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Get well soon Ollie!
    I do agree with you, but I also have to say that I love the look of your ship both ways (painted and unpainted).  Either way, it looks fantastic!
  7. Like
    olliechristo reacted to BANYAN in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Sorry to hear of the DF Ollie, get well soon we need you back in the shipyard!  That's an unusual paint scheme for her.
  8. Like
    olliechristo reacted to ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Sorry to hear you are sick...Knock that off!!!!  Get well soon...being sick really sucks!!
    Real nice on the paint job Ollie  my goodness it looks real!!
  9. Like
    olliechristo reacted to egkb in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Still looks wonderful Ollie, though the unpainted is my favourite as your timber work deserves to be shown!
    That said the Black & Grey is very functional on what is a 'work' boat!
    Hope you feel much better soon Mate and that Dengue can't be caught over the computer!! am wearing a mask over here just to be sure   :huh:  
    Take Care Mate Ok!
    BTW if you did that painting work when not feeling well then ... Daaamn, can't wait to see what you will do when you are well again!!
  10. Like
    olliechristo reacted to dgbot in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Well done and I hope you get better soon may god be with you.
    David B
  11. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang.. I have been struck down with a tropical virus, some of you may have heard of dengue fever... I'm not good for much at the moment..
    Well i have done a few hours here and there when im not sleeping Ive tackled my painting...   i wont paint another model, it just takes too much away, i dont think i would copper again either...
    Anyhow, keeping with my plan i now have a half painted ship and i am moving onto gunport lids...   Ollie

  12. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Aussie048 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang.. I have been struck down with a tropical virus, some of you may have heard of dengue fever... I'm not good for much at the moment..
    Well i have done a few hours here and there when im not sleeping Ive tackled my painting...   i wont paint another model, it just takes too much away, i dont think i would copper again either...
    Anyhow, keeping with my plan i now have a half painted ship and i am moving onto gunport lids...   Ollie

  13. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Gabek in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang.. I have been struck down with a tropical virus, some of you may have heard of dengue fever... I'm not good for much at the moment..
    Well i have done a few hours here and there when im not sleeping Ive tackled my painting...   i wont paint another model, it just takes too much away, i dont think i would copper again either...
    Anyhow, keeping with my plan i now have a half painted ship and i am moving onto gunport lids...   Ollie

  14. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from BANYAN in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang.. I have been struck down with a tropical virus, some of you may have heard of dengue fever... I'm not good for much at the moment..
    Well i have done a few hours here and there when im not sleeping Ive tackled my painting...   i wont paint another model, it just takes too much away, i dont think i would copper again either...
    Anyhow, keeping with my plan i now have a half painted ship and i am moving onto gunport lids...   Ollie

  15. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from aliluke in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang.. I have been struck down with a tropical virus, some of you may have heard of dengue fever... I'm not good for much at the moment..
    Well i have done a few hours here and there when im not sleeping Ive tackled my painting...   i wont paint another model, it just takes too much away, i dont think i would copper again either...
    Anyhow, keeping with my plan i now have a half painted ship and i am moving onto gunport lids...   Ollie

  16. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Hi gang.. I have been struck down with a tropical virus, some of you may have heard of dengue fever... I'm not good for much at the moment..
    Well i have done a few hours here and there when im not sleeping Ive tackled my painting...   i wont paint another model, it just takes too much away, i dont think i would copper again either...
    Anyhow, keeping with my plan i now have a half painted ship and i am moving onto gunport lids...   Ollie

  17. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from shawn32671 in Lil Swamp Buggy by shawn32671 - FINISHED - Dumas - RADIO - SMALL - Airboat   
    I would advise a cowling or roll bar so you dont worry so much..  Just make sure its strong enough so doesnt interfere with prop if bumped... i made many mods to mine..    One solid steel bar could suffice..
    something like this..    ollie

  18. Like
    olliechristo reacted to ringbolt2013 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Beautiful ship, beautifully done!!
  19. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from WackoWolf in Lil Swamp Buggy by shawn32671 - FINISHED - Dumas - RADIO - SMALL - Airboat   
    I would advise a cowling or roll bar so you dont worry so much..  Just make sure its strong enough so doesnt interfere with prop if bumped... i made many mods to mine..    One solid steel bar could suffice..
    something like this..    ollie

  20. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from coffeebeans in Cutty Sark by coffeebeans - Artesania Latina - scale 1:84   
    That is looking great mate.. The trims look real sweet.. Slow is the way to go. It's hard when you're excited though.. Ollie
  21. Like
    olliechristo reacted to Vivian Galad in Red Dragon by Vivian Galad - Artesania Latina - 1:60 - modified   
    Some more pics for you.
    After that movie about the construction of a traditional junk, gave some thought about how should look my compartment - so, after some testing, got a chinese red for the paint, over a hand of yellow. The result as follows

    After that I fixed the deck. Well, I fixed and took it out after the glue dryied cause on a closer look, it was assymmetric. Seems the weight made it slide over the glue on the fore.


    Then I got to my cabin. Since the AL ship is not so big as those described by medieval travelers, got just one cabin. Compartments should be load only if the ship was a merchant one - and part of them were used by the crew for sleeping most of the time. As I intend to have an explorer ship, or a pirate one, no need to have cabins for this or that person besides the one in charge.





    As u can see, my doors shall be completely different from the kit. After some measurements I saw that scale wasn´t right, since people would have to be 1.2m hight to avoid knocking their heads on the ceiling. Doors were too small too - so, I augmented all of it to be something more close to reality - now my doors stand about 1.8m and about 2.2 for the ceiling.
    Got my first accident on cutting wood, today. No big time, but got two nails on my left forefinger, as the scalpel cut it´s way through...
  22. Like
    olliechristo reacted to CaptainSteve in LED lighting below decks   
    The LEDs in the above pic were purchased seperately.
    According to the wiring diagram which came with the Flicker3 DC, it should be possible to create up to 3 channels, with a number of LEDs (based on resistance and voltage) on each channel. 
    As I understand it (NOTE: I am NOT an electrical engineer!!!), each channel will flicker randomly and differently to the others.
  23. Like
    olliechristo reacted to CaptainSteve in LED lighting below decks   
    Really impressed with your work on the interior lighting, Michiel !!!
    Your lanterns and candles are very authentic.
    This is a topic that could prove immensely useful to many MSW members.
    I am planning on installing some lighting to my current build, and recently found something which may be of interest to others thinking of putting lighting into their builds.
    It's a tiny circuit board called a Flicker3 DC.
    It is designed to create a random flickering effect that simulates candle/gas/oil lamps.

  24. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from Mirabell61 in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    Also roped up my scratched water keg for interior and fitted it..  Ollie

  25. Like
    olliechristo got a reaction from scratch in HM Colonial Cutter Mermaid by olliechristo - FINISHED - Modellers ShipYard -   
    I also scratched a tiller and fitted it.. everything you see here now is fitted..  
    I made the bulwark steps and fitted my scratch stairs..  Progress will be slow for a while now, but i will be back soon enough.. Ollie

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