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    Aussie048 reacted to HIPEXEC in USS Constitution by Hipexec - FINISHED - Constructo - 1:82   
    While I'm waiting for my fighting tops trim to set & dry I figured I look my ship over. Here's the aft port side all rigged and ready for battle!

  2. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to michael mott in Wood Lathe and Router table   
    last evening I was thinking about giving my friend Al a watercolour painting for all his help with launching Maria a month ago.
    The universe works in mysterious ways and demonstrates abundance when one is open to it.
    This morning my friend Al showed up with the following items and said do you want these.


    He was clearing up the floor of his shop to make room for the boats he will be working on over the winter. he is not a wood worker and was given these by his brother in law a few years back and never used them.
    It was such and easy answer. I do feel blessed this morning.
    They will need a bit of cleaning but all work perfectly, the carbide router bits are virtually brand new. The lathe was set up as a sander so it will go back to being a wood lathe.
    I need to rethink the size of the watercolour now.
  3. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Vulture 1776 by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - 16-gun Swan-class sloop from TFFM plans   
    Thank you Mark, Michael and Kevin .
    The Bowsprit is tapered like the lower masts, that is it narrows inboard from the Knightheads. It has a tapered tenon which fits into the step in the support in the forecastle :

    The forward end has two flat sections for the Bees. These sections are offset from each other :

    Some views showing the bowsprit fitted into the step :



  4. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to HIPEXEC in USS Constitution by Hipexec - FINISHED - Constructo - 1:82   
    I've finished two out of three fighting top platforms. They still need supports and trim. The one on the right still has wet PVA. The one on the left has been sanded

  5. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to HIPEXEC in USS Constitution by Hipexec - FINISHED - Constructo - 1:82   
    Just finished the foremast fighting top platform. Now for the supports and trim. Onward and upward!

  6. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to NenadM in Cutty Sark by NenadM   
    Waiting for putty under/above rudder to dry, make up continues

    And after precise painting

    And today profile look (and feel)

  7. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Vulture 1776 by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - 16-gun Swan-class sloop from TFFM plans   
    Thank you Mark, Geoff, John, Allan, Nils, Grant and Ed - much appreciated.
    Geoff, the idea was to give other builders another option for very small sheaves .
    Thank you Ed. You were one of those responsible for me "lifting my game" .
    Cheek Blocks
    The Fore and Main masts have a pair of double cheek blocks in the Topmast Head. I cut these on the table saw from English Box. They are fitted with 0.6mm thick by 2.4mm diameter sheaves :


  8. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to CaptainSteve in USS Constitution by CaptainSteve - Model Shipways - 1:76.8 scale   
    This evening, final touches were added to my boats: winch-poles, some "working" rope coils, and oar bundles (for the whale-boats). I tried to make a couple of boat-hooks, but after three failed attempts have decided to give these a miss for now at least (the latest, most successful failed attempt has been kept for another time).
    They have been a lot of fun to build, with plenty of scope for personal interpretation. As someone once suggested, each was almost a kit in itself.
    These boats have taken me a little over one year to build - including time to re-build one boat which was stolen when approx 3/4 complete.
    On the one hand, that is perhaps a bit too long; on the other, it's approx 2.5 months per boat, which means that I should be able to knock out the main, single ship in about the same time, meaning the whole build will be finished some time around June.
    Hmmm ... to paraphrase the log-on name of one of my friends here on MSW: Probably Not !!!!
    (Sorry, Brian.)
    When I started on these, my intention was to produce two distinctly different classes of boat. I think that, largely, I have succeeded.
    But enough waffling on for now. As promised almost a year ago, here are my recreations of the picture which has been my guiding influence throughout this stage of my USS Constitution build ....
    (And, once again, thank you Geoff M !!)


  9. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Just continuing from the previous post, a few more shots of the finished ship:








    Now, a number of you have been wondering what’s next. 
    As you know, I’ve been leaning more and more to the “dark side”, but I also want to take on a slightly smaller project - hopefully one that won’t take 19 years to complete!  I’ve also been encouraging my very good mate Mobbsie to come with me to the dark side.  So one evening while we were chatting on Skype, we decided that it might be fun to do a “group build” together and that is what we shall do.  The subject will be a cross-section model of the Bomb Vessel Granado in 1:48 scale.  We will be using plans drawn by Jeff Staudt (available through our neighbour site Model Ship Builder), and we are using timber from Jeff Hayes at HobbyMill. 

    I’ve promised Mobbsie that I won’t start until he’s finished his Aggy, which he reckons is another couple of weeks away (yeah, right - so far, he’s achieved in 19 months what it’s taken me 19 years to do!).  So for a group build with a difference (since we're in opposite hemispheres), keep an eye out for our respective logs - coming to MSW in just a few short weeks.
    I have also had a hankering to do a non-ship related build, so I will be doing this in tandem.  It is a (relatively) small kit from OcCre of Stephenson’s Rocket. 

    Of course, I won’t be able to run a log of that here, but will provide a link for anyone interested.  And don’t be surprised if you see something “rocket-like” in the background of the Cross-Section updates!
    Catch you all on the other side.  Thanks for following.       
  10. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to gjdale in HMS Victory by gjdale - FINISHED - Mamoli - Scale 1:90   
    Well, it’s done!  After almost 19 years in the making, I’ve finally finished my Victory.      





    The end wasn’t without incident though……… After taking a series of photos before placing her back in the display case, my son came over to give me a hand lifting the case cover back on.  He was at the bow end, and as we were lowering it, he managed to catch the end of the case on the tip of the bowsprit.          


    Fortunately the damage was minor - a couple of sprung rigging lines that were easily repaired is about all - although it came very close to snapping the Fore Topgallant Mast in one of the places where it had been broken and repaired before.  Close call, but all is well now.       


    I took a range of photos and have cut that back down to a dozen or so, so with your indulgence, I’ll split these across two posts.


    Before I do though, as this will be my last progress update, I think it timely to make a couple of observations and offer a few votes of thanks. 


    When I joined MSW almost exactly three years ago, I had anticipated that I would be finally finished this model in about six months from then. I was, like everyone else who joins this forum, given a very warm welcome and almost immediately the advice and encouragement started to flow in.  Although it took me three years and not six months, the end result I have achieved is light years from what would have been without MSW.  So a couple of thankyous.


    Firstly to Chuck, for making this site possible and for giving so freely of his time and expertise to help all who venture this way.  Chuck was also kind enough to share with me his techniques for mass production of rigging blocks - a technique that I was eventually able to replicate, thanks to his tutelage.  Thank you Chuck for teaching me to fish.   


    Secondly, to all of the Admins and Moderators, who also give freely of their time to keep this site running in the way and with the spirit it has been intended.  A more friendly and supportive site could not be imagined.  Thank you ladies and gentlemen.   


    I’d like to make a special vote of thanks to Danny Vadas. From a very early point in my MSW existence, Danny became something of an informal mentor to me.  But it was when I was contemplating re-doing my stern and quarter galleries that Danny really stepped up to the plate.  Danny did the design work and drawings, including the design of some special jigs, that enabled me to re-make these tricky parts.  Perhaps more importantly though, he gave me the courage to even attempt this in the first place, by offering to guide me through the process via remote control and email exchange.  The results speak for themselves, but while I may have provided the labour, the kudos belongs to Danny.  Thank you Danny - I look forward to sharing a nice single malt with you again someday soon.   


    It was through this learning experience that I started to gain the confidence to try a few other things for myself as well.  The fleet of four scratch built boats are a direct consequence of this, so again Danny’s mentoring has pushed me to much greater heights in my modelling, and I continue to learn every day.


    And of course, I’d like to thank all of you who have followed my journey and offered words of encouragement, or have simply hit the “like” button from time to time.  Knowing that you all are watching has kept me going at times, and has also helped to keep me “honest” - there were a number of times when I’ve thought, “no, that’s not good enough - the guys will never let me get away with that”.  And some of you weren't backward in coming forward with constructive criticism - thank you all for that (you know who you are!   )


    Enough already.  Here are some pics.  A few general shots to start with, and then some more details and close-ups in the next post.






    This last view shows both the rebuilt stern galleries and the clinker planking on the two 25' Cutters:


  11. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to hamilton in Fair Rosamund 1832 by hamilton - FINISHED - from OcCre Dos Amigos - 1:53   
    Well it seems that my last post was in August and my last real update was back in July - 3 months ago!! Not good! I have plenty of excuses, but I won't bore you with them here.
    The build has progressed, of course. My last update showed the bulwark strips installed. Since then I've planked the inboard bulwarks, added the waterways and bulwark stanchions, finished the first planking, installed the keel, stem & sternpost, installed and finished the wales, completed the second planking (spiling more or less every plank, which partially explains the long silence), installed the bulwark and bow pin racks, put on a few bulwark cleats, done the transom outboard and made the hatches (last night and the night before).
    So now that the planking is done, I'm about to embark on another repetitive and tedious task - coppering the hull (following Meredith's lead). I have some left-over copper adhesive from my Kate Cory build long ago and this should be enough to do the job (I hope). I'll update again once I'm finished that, though I'm heading into a very busy time at work, so.....who knows when that will be! Enjoy the photos.




  12. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to rfolsom in Cutty Sark by rfolsom - Billing Boats   
    Ok.   All topgallant railing is now installed, and sanding is almost complete.  Final staining will follow shortly.
    This is a major milestone for me, as the bulwarks are now structurally complete, and everything is tied together.  It was amazing to see how these 1/32" basswood bulwarks got progressively stronger as the stanchions, panel strips, and railings were installed.

  13. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to foxy in HMS Victory by foxy - Heller - 1/100 - PLASTIC - with Dafi's etch & resin set   
    Thanks Daniel shipmate.
    Ok unshipped the guns from this deck(middle) added wood dowls to the base from Keiths suggestion for secure fitting.
    Drilled and glued inplace.
    Next its a test fit of the upper deck, all seems well.

    still some work on the stern, but want to finish up to the quarterdeck before finishing the outer hull properly.

    Atmospheric view.
    Having a break for my trip to the US, so more soon folks.

  14. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to foxy in HMS Victory by foxy - Heller - 1/100 - PLASTIC - with Dafi's etch & resin set   
    Well had a bit of time on my hands!!!
    Did spike the guns down , fixed down with thin wood Dowls.

    Plus laid the table for sups.

    Bell on mid deck also added.

    Some tidying up to do.
  15. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to foxy in HMS Victory by foxy - Heller - 1/100 - PLASTIC - with Dafi's etch & resin set   
    Thanks Keith and Jan.
    Well not quite yet Jan.
    Lots to do yet.
    Swab the deck , plenty for the carpenter to be getting on with.
    The mast I test fit all the time, to make sure all is ship shape as I go along.

    Using shot for fishing for the shot garlands, sliced in half.
    Water buckets.

    Table and chairs for the officers quarters.

  16. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Thank you Mark, i think there are no proves for a sliding door in this area. I had a small discussion already here:
    And as I was on the gooooooooooooooo, the old paneling on the other side ...

    ... was thrown out too and replaced.
    But as a goody ...

    ... I fixed the ropes to help to go aloft :-)
  17. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Thank you!!!
    Painted the side parts of the entry port, first yellow ochre ...

    ... added the gold ...

    ... starts to look quite noble :-)

    Then the old question about closing the port:
    Just for discussion: once like a gunport lid solid ...

    ... and once painted sailcloth on a wooden frame like the bulkheads.

    Both Versions ...

    ... on the backside once a solid board, once as a frame, both with eyebolts to hold.

    And now again the question - how was the side entry port closed?!?
    Asked Karl Heinz Marquardt, he knows of no system, even speculates on leaving the port open. I believe there must have been something as there were sleeping hammocks just beside. As all doors or other permanent fittings were sooner or later represented in models, I guess upon a flexible solution, a board or a frame with sailcloth, logically fixed on the outside like a gunport lid but held towards the inner side by eyebolts and rope.
    So any idea or even better proves how it was fixed ?!?
    Cheers Daniel
  18. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Vulture 1776 by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - 16-gun Swan-class sloop from TFFM plans   
    Topgallant Masts
    The Topgallant Masts are rather on the thin side, but still needed the same amount of detailing as the lower masts. The Hounds are similar to those on the Topmasts. There are 4 sheaves in each mast, although I cheated a bit on the 3 upper Mizzen mast ones - the two middle ones just have a sheave pin, and the uppermost one is a fake made by drilling two holes and filing a dummy sheave into it. The 1.0mm diameter sheaves which I made for the upper fore and main topgallants are about the limit in size that I can make, these needed 0.75mm which I put in the "too hard" basket :



  19. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Vulture 1776 by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - 16-gun Swan-class sloop from TFFM plans   
    Thanks Grant, Pat, Remco and Cog.
    Grant, first I drilled the hole, then I used a left-handed cutting tool set to cut at an angle of 45 degrees both ways for the groove. The sheaves were removed from the stock with a cut-off tool. I had to make them one at a time - drilling a 0.5mm hole any further than the thickness of the sheave plus the thickness of the cutoff tool (plus 0.3mm for good measure, a total of 1.8mm) risked a snapped drill.
    Topmast Trestles and Crosstrees
    These were a whole lot of fun to make. The Mizzen crosstrees in particular are very tiny - a mere 1.4mm wide by 2.8mm thick (don't try THIS with anything but the BEST timber ). The crosstrees have an aftward curve, and are rebated to the trestle trees in the same way as the lower ones. I found that the best way to make them was by first cutting the rebates into the stock, then cutting in the outside curve. Next I used a compass to draw a parallel line the width of the crosstree, marked and drilled the holes for the shrouds using my mill, and cut the inner curve on the scroll saw. Finishing off was done with a sanding stick. Here are a couple of pics of the Main and Mizzen ones :



    The Fids for the topmasts were of three sizes, the Mizzen fid being 6.5mm long by 1.0mm wide by 0.5mm thick. I made them the same way as the lower ones :

    A couple of pics of the topmast tops in place :


  20. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to dafi in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    And now some other important steps in life :-)
    Applied a very thin layer of paint to judge the situation ...

    ... and realised immediately that some steps were applied a bit crooked. So taking them down carefully, reglueing and filling the gaps.
    (see                                           #573                          )
    Prepared the doorway of the port ...
    ... carved the panelling ...

    ... and it looks already more friendly than some days ago :-)


  21. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to galf in USS Constitution by galf   
    Thanks, now I glued canons from the inside of hull and am going to finish planking hull and deck.

  22. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to drtrap in HMS Snake by drtrap - Caldercraft   

  23. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to HIPEXEC in USS Constitution by Hipexec - FINISHED - Constructo - 1:82   
    I stained the hammocks to give them a weathered look. Stark white didn't work for me. No sea going hammock is going to be stark white. Now they have a salty look.

  24. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to michael mott in Miniature Tools by William Robertson   
    looking for the jig for the jewelers saw I found the chap who I was looking for, William Robertson designed a special holder to cut dovetails and other joints with a jewelers saw, i am still looking for this jig but in the meantime enjoy his amazing work.
    I think we could all use a set of these tools.

  25. Like
    Aussie048 reacted to usedtosail in USS Constitution by usedtosail - FINISHED - Model Shipways - scale 1/76   
    I turned the hull around and used the same technique on the starboard side:



    One nice thing about having the plans scanned into the computer was that was able to flip the image in the computer and print out the three pages for this side, so I didn't have to work through the back of the plans.
    Now that this little task is complete, I will be focusing my attention to planking the transom and counter, then finish the rest of the hull planking.

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