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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Thank you, Greg, I appreciate it, This has been a very fun boat to build Best Regards, Pete
  2. Thank You, John Thank You, David B., The Herreshoff Boats are incredibly beautiful, I would love to see another Herreshoff boat being built. I have thoroughly enjoyed building this one ( so far ) and would highly recomend it Best Regards, Pete
  3. Thank you, Patrick, I appreciate it, She turned out pretty sweet Best Regards, Pete
  4. Hi Deon, this should be an interesting build, I will pull up a chair and follow along Best Regards, Pete
  5. Beautiful work Patrick, she's coming together rather nicely Best Regards, Pete
  6. Today, I was able to complete the Hull Planking, I then continued to do a rough fairing of the Hull, ( starting with 180 grit Sandpaper ) I am currently faried to 220 grit sandpaper. Next will be to fair the Hull to 400 grit and remove her from the building jig. Here are the results
  7. Thank you, John, She's starting to take shape, I am pleased with how smoothly this build is going Best Regards, Pete
  8. Thank You, Michael, the planking is going on smoothly, I hope to have her off of the building jig soon Best Regards, Pete
  9. Today, I was able to get 3 more rows of planking installed ( in the same manner described in the last build posting) and started rough fairing the Hull. I am very pleased with how she is turning out. Next will be to get the final 3 rows of planking installed and start making the Sheer Strake ( wich is a key element to this build) Here are the results
  10. Thank you, Burroak, I appreciate it Hey Patrick, don't feel so bad, Years ago, there was an apprentice carpenter who was placed on my crew and I sent him to my truck to get the Board Stretcher, after a while he came back and said that he could not find it. The superintendent got in on it and for a few days he was stumped, we later sent him for a ladder permit ( lol ) Hi Deon, Thank you for the compliment. this one will be able to be sailed. ( right now its about 30 degrees F with about a foot of snow on the ground ) So when it warms up, we can go sailing Best Regards, Pete
  11. Beautiful Museum Nils, Looking forward to the HMS Fly Best Regards, Pete
  12. Looks really nice Michael, I am looking forward to seeing the Keel pour Best Regards, Pete
  13. Hi Patrick, a board stretcher is somthing you wish you had when you cut a board too short. ( there is no such thing .. its kind of a joke ) Best Regards, Pete
  14. Hi, Nils, Beautifully done, incredible workmanship Best Regards, Pete
  15. Today, I started out by lining off the next plank ( #3) I then placed it in rubbing alcohol ( for about an hour ) I then realised that I was about 1/4" to short at the transom. ( I unfortunately, do not own a board stretcher ) Frustrating, so I made new one's ( I only make and install one plank at a time, so any adjustments can be made on the following plank ) at this point I decided to pull out the Herreshoff 12 1/2 work that I started right after Christmas. ( while I waited for the planks to soak ) In my excitement to finally have the plans for what is to me the Holy Grail of Sailboats, I made some mistakes, I laid out the frames incorrectly and used the wrong thickness of wood. ( 22 frames ) I realised that I could build it as a 1 off so I grabbed a base board laid it out and started putting it together ( while I wait for the planks to soak ) I did get plank #4 laid out, soaked and installed. Next will be to continue the planking and decide whether or not to turn the Herreshoff 1 off into a build log. That being said I would not be able to build her in the same method that I am using for this build ( Herreshoff Mfg. method ) the jury is still out Here are the results . The last shot is of the Herreshoff 12 1/2 ( no frames glued in yet )
  16. Nice work Keith, she's looking good Best Regards, Pete
  17. Looks great Michael, Comming together rather nicely Best Regards, Pete
  18. Thank You, Patrick, She's right on the money, I could not be more pleased, this boat sure is a lot of fun to build, The Herreshoff Mfg. method to build this boat makes a lot of sense and is straightforward Thank You, Jack, Yes, I am familiar with the Herreshoff Ice Yacht, I have the copy of Wooden Boat laying around here somewhere with an article on it. That is Awesome that you were able to see one ( pretty amazing stuff ) Best Regards, Pete
  19. I started Today, by finishing the rabbet line cut between the stem and keel and faired in the rabbet at the transom. I then started lining off the ribs for the planking, there are 10 planks per side ( port & starboard ) I then laid out the garboard plank ( you only have to lay out one side and use it as a pattern for the other side ) cut the garboards out and placed them in rubbing alcohol. I then laid out the broad strake and did the same as the garboard. I then ( after a 2 hour soak ) pulled the garboard out 1 at a time worked the bends and installed them to the keel and ribs. Next I did the same with the broad strake's. Next will be to continue the planking. here are the reswults
  20. Thank You, Piet, Almost ready for the Downwind leg on this build, She has been a pleasure to build Best Regards, Pete
  21. Today, I got an early start ( 4:30 am ) by cutting out the Cockpit coamings, I then soaked them in rubbing alcohol for about 4 hours. I then took the first one out of the alcohol, slowly bending it to conform to the deck shape and curve ( this took about 45 minutes ) I then took the second one out of the alcohol and did the same. Once the Coamings held their shape on their own I taped them into position. Next will be to fine tune and sand the Coamings up to 600 grit sandpaper then stain. Here are the results
  22. That is true Cap'n'Bob, It did help a lot having built this boat 2 other times.( along with a mock-up that I started before the first one was built ) I have solved the issues that I had encountered on the previous builds. Wich brings up an interesting topic, How many people make mock ups or partial builds to solve problems ( I make mock-ups all the time ) The Buzzards Bay Mock-up has been under construction over 2 years thrown in the garbage and pulled out of the trash ( by Kate )more than once re-decked twice, painted a few times, sanded numerous times Here is a shot of it in the background Best Regards, Pete
  23. Thank You, Patrick and Michael, and everyone that hit the like button, I am very pleased with how she is turning out, This build has gone very smooth and has been an absolute pleasure to build Best Regards, Pete
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