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Everything posted by pete48

  1. Beautiful Butterfly Hatches Michael, They look Amazing, Superb workmanship Best Regards, Pete
  2. HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Tomorrow, I should have Time to apply West System epoxy to the Hull Best Regards, Pete
  3. Very nice, looks fantastic Best Regards, Pete
  4. Thank You, Cap'n'Bob, and Piet, It wil be great to see her Sail Best Regards, Pete
  5. Thank You, Cap'n'Bob, I am pleased with how the Hull turned out, I decided this morning that I will seal her up with West System epoxy. This way she could still be Sailed ( I like that idea ) Best Regards, Pete
  6. Today, I got an early start. And started by using a wood filler to fill in some of the low spots and the rabbet line at the stern post. I then sanded the Hull up to 600 grit Sandpaper. The Fairing of the Hull is now complete. Next will be to Stain the Transom ( Cherry Red ) and seal up the Hull with a coat or 2 of Epifanes Varnish, Then she can be removed from the Building Jig. Here are the results
  7. Nice work Piet, Shes looking good Best Regards, Pete
  8. Thank You, Patrick, I am very pleased with how the Hull turned out, a little more Fairing and some filler in a few spots and she will be perfect This one will be built static. And the next one at 1" = 1' - 0" will be built RC ( wich will be the next build ) Best Regards, Pete
  9. I actually got started last night, with the completion of the planking. I woke this morning and finished installing all the custom planks. I then started Fairing the Hull, at this point I wished that I had increased the Scale of the Boat to 1" = 1' - 0". I had originally planned to West System the Hull so that she could be Sailed like the first one. ( the second one was built static ). So I Faired the hull starting with 180 grit Sandpaper working my way up to 320 grit Sandpaper. I then went to Kinkos Copies and Scaled the Drawing to 1" = 1' - 0" ( this will give me the opportunity to make her into a Radio Controlled version) along with some more details. Next on this one will be fo finalize Fairing the Hull. Staining the Transom and deciding if I am going to just build her Static. In the first photo you can see the scale difference between 3/4" and 1" to the foot. I am very pleased with how the Boat is turning out this far. here are the results
  10. My prayers are with you as well, I hope that all goes well Best Regards, Pete
  11. I have to agree with Frank, Well done Patrick Best Regards, Pete
  12. Looks Incredible Nils, I am looking forward to seeing her all painted. Beautiful Boat ( I am curious about the Sailboat picture on the wall ) Best Regards, Pete
  13. Very Nice Hull, Bob, She's looking good, excellent work Best Regards, Pete
  14. Thank You, Piet, I hope to be Fully planked and Faired this weekend. I am very pleased with how the Hull is turning out on this one. Best Regards, Pete
  15. Hey Patrick, You are making perfect sense. She's looking great. Fantastic work Best Regards, Pete
  16. Thanks, Mark, When I take the planks out of the Alcohol, I start bending them right away along with any twist it may have, I then lay it on the Frames and adjust the fit accordingly, Then I glue it up, it takes some trial and error and sometimes the wood does not want to bend the way you want it to, ( it's best to then grab another stick of wood ) Best Regards, Pete
  17. Very Nice Marcus, I agree with Piet, You should do the inside of the Cabin. Great start Best Regards, Pete
  18. today, I was able to get some more of the planking completed, I concentrated on getting the Keel section Completed, Next will be to finish planking and start Fairing the Hull. Here are the results
  19. Thank you Cap'n'Bob, that is why planking is my favorite part of the build, this is where the boat really takes shape. I should have another update this afternoon Best Regards, Pete
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