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Posts posted by Glenn-UK

  1. Mizzen, Mizzen Top and Mizzen Topgallant Masts

    I have managed to reduce the warping on the mizzen mast main platform. It is not completely flat but is much improved to an accepted level.


    I have now completed the basic shaping of the three masts required for the mizzen mast assembly. I did cover the shaping of the mizzen mast in my previous post, so this post will cover the topmast and topgallant mast shaping.


    All three masts have now been dry fitted with the various platforms and end caps.


    The photo below shows the mizzen and topmasts in position. There was quite a bit of work required to get the shaping right for the topmast which started life as a length of 5mm dowel, which I cut approx. 5mm longer than required. I started with using my mini lathe to shape the different round taper sections. Next I sanded the 3mm square top section. Once I was happy that end cap and topmast platform would fit as required I trimmed  the topmast to the correct length. I then moved on to sanding the lower section to the required square shape, such that it would fit through the lower end cap and platform access holes. Next I sanded the square section with camphor edges which would allow the topmast to pass through the mizzen mast end cap hole. The final task was to drill a small hole ready for the FID, noting I am using a length of copper wire for the time being.




    The topgallant mast was manufactured from a length of 3mm dowel. The basic tapering was done using the mini lathe. I took great care as the dowel does become weakened when being reduced down from 3mm to taper section of 1.8mm down to 1mm. Once again I used a piece of copper wire for the FID, whilst test fitting. The end cap does sit square on topmast but it was a bit fiddly to get right for the when taking the photo shown below.





    This is a full length picture of the topgallant mast, showing the top cap in place.



    The final photo is shows the complete mast assembly in position, noting everything is only dry fitted at present.



    I will now shape the main and fore masts along with the bowsprit.

  2. 1 minute ago, Nipper said:


    That was some lunch!  How close is the shipyard to the galley?  Could it have been steam from the stir-fry that got to the mizzen top?


    Seriously, clamping in situ sounds like a sensible move, rather than taking it all apart first.



    There are two bulkheads between the ship yard and gallery.The salmon was in poached in milk, covered with foil. The vegetables were oven fried. Very little steam.


    I have clamped in situ. A picture of the clamping in situ is now attached in a previous reply.

  3. 22 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

    Mine warped too despite usin CA and clamping. 
    I re-clamped it against a steel rule and removed most of the warp.

    Everything was clamped and dried flat before I moved on to the assembly. As per my other reply I think it is due to moisture engress when wiping away excess glue. I am going to try clamping whilst in situ to see if I can reduce or remove the warp. If not then it will be a fraught hour or two disassembling the mast to release the platform.


    I will leave this to dry overnight


  4. 10 minutes ago, Dave_E said:

    How did it warp? I concur… you can see it from any angle and I’m going out on limb here, but the quality control guy that is building this masterpiece will not let this stand. 😄 Let us know how the take apart goes and if you find the smoking gun.

    It is strange. When the two parts of the platform were glue together I clamped the entiire platfirm flat. This then allowed me time to build the crosstress and check the mast bibs. After a couple of hours I released the platform from the clamps and noted it was flat. I added the crosstree frame work and glued everything in place. Finally I added the banding and mast battens. I can only assume this was due to moisture engress when wiping away the excess glue, which resulted in the warping whilst I took an hour away from the shipyard to cook and eat lunch (poached salmon fillet with red and yellow peppers, red onions, cherry tomatos, mushrooms, cucumber and french fries.

  5. Mizzen Mast

    The mizzen mast is to be fabricated from a length of 6mm dowel. I cut a length of 6mm dowel that was approx. 5mm longer than required. This allows me to cut to the required length once the end cap has been trial fitted after then end of the dowel has been reduced to 3mm. I applied some tape to the lower edge where the bottom of the mast bibs would be located and some tape to the upper edge of the 4mm squared off section.


    With the dowel clamped to my workbench I used a Florey sanding stick to create a flat edge between the taped section. I then rotated the dowel through 180 degrees and created another flat edge. I kept repeating the sanding and rotating process until I had achieved an even width of 4mm. The lower tape was then discarded and a new piece of tape added to the position where the bottom of mizzen mast platform would sit. I simply repeated the same sanding and rotating process until I had an even 4mm square section. The dowel was the taken to my Proxxen mini lathe where the end of the 6mm diameter dowel was reduced down to approx 3mm. It was simply as case of checking to see when the end cap would fit over the reduced dowel diameter section.


    The end result of the mizzen mast fabrication process



    The platform section was then assembled. I shaped the two bolsters once they had been glued to the crosstrees, prior to fitting to the platform. The crosstree frame was then glued to the platform. The mizzen mast was checked and was a perfect fit.



    After checking the alignment of the two mast bibs with the platform they were glued in place along with the platform. The plaform is nice and flat. It was clamped flat to my bench whilst the glue had time to cure.



    The mizzen mast belaying pin ring was also test fitted, as can be seen in the photo below, slightly hidden by the ships wheel. The platform is still nice and flat.



    The banding strips and mizzen mast battens were added. I glued each banding strip in place as shown in step 860 of the build manual. Once the strips were set in place it was a simple job to add a touch of glue to the banding strips and to wrap each one around the mast in turn. The excess banding material was then trimmed away. Adding the mast battens was a fiddley task but I took my time to complete the task. With everything looking good I was very happy with a good mornings work it was time for a lunch break.


    Upon my return to the shipyard after lunch  I noticed the platform had become warped along the back edge as can be seen in the next photo. I am now in a bit of a quandary. I could try removing the platform from the mizzen mast to see if I can correct the warp by wetting and clamping the platform flat.  The mast banding and battens can be removed without to much effort and I can always make new battens if any become damaged. I am concerned if I can remove the platform without damaging it. I know I can brush some water to help release the platform from the Titebond glue. I think I will have to take the bull by the horns and try to sort out the warp, so fingers crossed I can do this😧




    The warp can be seen on the photo below also



    It does not look as bad when viewed from a distance but it is still noticable.



  6. Hull and Deck Work Complete

    I have completed the finishing touches to the hull and deck. The two lanterns have now been added to the stern fascia. It is not my best work but they look OK.



    Next the rudder chains were attached. I may have left the chains a tad long but they are both the same size and look symmetrical so I am happy.



    The 6 gun post lids have bee assembled and affixed to the hull. I took the decision not to add the thread from the central eyebolt to the hole in the hull. I might change my mind  but I think once all the rigging is in place the missing threads will not be noticeable.



    The last task undertook was to add the figurehead. The resin figure head was washed in acetone and then soapy water before I painted her gold. It took a bit of effort to fit as initially the part would not fit over the stem post. After a bit of sanding the figurehead could be fitted.



    To finish of this post I decided to place my V1 and V2 builds side by side. The one of the right is V1 build and will destined to a visit to the local tip once the V2 build is complete. I have started work on the mizzen mast and have built the mizzen mast platform assembly.



  7. 6 minutes ago, E Z Breeze said:

    Blimey Glen, this build log has been like the Odyssey. You've faced most of the sea monsters and angry gods along the way - and mostly beaten them too. I'm astonished and inspired by your continuing persistence in the project. You are certainly the kind of person I'd like standing next to me in any kind of a battle. Well done!


    As to the ship, though you probably don't realise it, most of it looks alright.

    Many thanks. Like most builders I've made mistakes but thankfully they are mostly hidden to the naked eye. I have previously built Speedy, Alert and Duchess of Kingston. I did cut my teeth on building Caldercraft's Victory a few years ago which sadly I never got rigged. I have finally learnt to take my time on this build which has been beneficial.

  8. 1 hour ago, Nipper said:

    Looking at your lovely build, and especially the wonderful close-up of the heads, led me to follow a line of thought about the seats of ease (yes I know I can be accused of an unhealthy interest!).  I wondered about how precarious it would be for a sailor to perch on one of those in a strong wind and with waves breaking over the bows.  There must have been something to hold onto - perhaps a rail or at least some ropes somewhere.  I looked up Lavery's "Arming and Fitting . . . ", where he has a section on heads and ablutions generally.  He remarks on the exposed nature of the heads, especaily on a small ship, but the only suggestion of a device to improve safety is a design for a seat of ease shaped like a throne with arm rests.  Could this be where the English slang term for a toilet - the "throne" - came from?!



    It certainly where the term "heads" comes from. Throne comes from Louis XIV who would continue to conduct his royal duties whilst sat on the toilet, which became known as the Throne room

  9. Deck Work - Nearing Completion

    I have made good progress over the last couple days and the work on completing the decks and hull is almost complete. I have attached three photo's of the current state of my Sphinx V2 build. I will then provide a bit more detail of the various bits added later on in this post.







    The gunwales were glued in place followed by adding the timberheads and fife rail supports for the quarterdeck. I lined the various timberheads and fife rail supports in the correct order on my workbench and then dry fitted them to the gunwales. With everything in place the slots of the underside of the fife rail slots were then checked with the position of the supports on the gunwale. With everything looking good I proceeded to glued the parts in place. I noticed the kit does have a set of hammock cranes for the quarterdeck section, which are shown on the plan sheets. It does not appear these were fitted on the prototype.  I opted to follow suit.


    Picture of the fife rail and timberheads. I did not fill the pin locating holes after assembling the fife rail



    The quarterdeck breast rail assembly was then completed with adding the two stanchions to the walkway deck, the support bracket to link the stanchions with the breast rail assembly and the two hand rails down to the walkway deck. I used 0.5mm black thread to rig the hammock cranes.




    I then built the two bow main rails and rounded the top section as detailed in the build manual. I did manage to break the top parts of both main bow rail assemblies  but thankfully I was able to repair them both before they were glued in place. I am not totally happy with how they sit against the side of the hull but they do sit flush with the sides of the bow grating deck which was my main aim when fitting them in place.



    The timberheads, hammock cranes and eyebolts were added to the forecastle and walkway gunwales and then they were rigged using 0.5mm black thread.007.thumb.JPG.ddb0f811604f9be713a3594d85cdefc4.JPG


    The final items added to the Sphinx were the two seats of comfort to the bow grating deck and the two PE hull decorations which sit either side of the stem post beneath the bow grating deck.



    I have started work on the two lanterns, I am currently painting the resin parts. I also have the 6 off gun port lids to build which will be my next task. I also need to add rudder chain. Once all that is done I can either start work on making all the yards and masts or I can try building the small boats. I suspect I will split my time between mask/ yard fabrication and small boat building. I think the small boat build will be quite a challenge for me.


  10. Decks

    The forecastle deck work is now completed, with the exception of adding the eyebolts, belaying pins and gunwales complete with timberheads and hammock cranes.


    The gunwales have been painted black and are ready to be secured in place. I plan to dry fit the timber heads prior to securing the gunwales in place just to make sure there are no unforeseen installation problems.


    As can be seen in the photo below I painted the catheads and cathead knees black but opted to paint the front pattern gold.



    The forecastle breast rail assembly was a great fit, as was the belfry. When fitting the breast rail one of the knees, when coated with glue sprung away from my pliers. I spend a fun 20 minutes searching everywhere for the missing knee which I eventually found it in a dish where I keep the all the unused cut-outs from the various decks. The dish is kept on the window ledge next to my workbench so it was an amazing leap for the knee to end up there! The more eagled eyed will also spot the walkway does dip down a little in this photo. There is not a lot I can do about that now but once the Sphinx is fully rigged I am sure will not be noticed.



    The two walkways have been added as have the two steps to the quarterdeck and ladders from gundeck up to the walkways. I should have trimmed the width of the two steps so they were the same width as the walkway - oops!



    All the gunwales have been painted black and test fitted. They are shown in the following three photo's but they are only placed in position and are waiting to be glued in place which will explain the gapping that can be seen.



    A slightly out of focus full length shot of the current build status 










  11. Catheads

    I did not have too much time to spend in the shipyard today. The forecastle inner bulwarks had been soaked and clamped to the hull last night prior to fitting. Before fitting them I decide it would be a good idea to assemble and test fit the catheads. The assembly of the catheads was a simple task. The access slot for the catheads through the hull does require opening up however. In the build manual this was done after the inner bulwarks and gunwales had been fitted. I thought it might be a bit easier to open up the hull for the catheads before the inner bulwarks and gunwales were fitted. The bulwarks could then be worked on before fitting.


    I started by placing the cathead on top of the hull, centrally to the pre-marked cutout for the catheads, and made two pencil marks. I carefully removed the excess wood, using some tape to protect the forecastle deck. I took my time with this task, checking the fit of the cathead several times. Once I was happy with the cutout I clamped the inner bulwark to the hull and marked where the excess material needed to be removed. Once again I took my time with repeated checks. It might not be the best method but it certainly worked well for me.


    The following photo was after I had started work on opening up the inner bulwark which had then been clamped in place for a fit check. The outer hull will require a little bit of paint touch up.



    A little bit more work is required on the inner bulwark as the cathead is not quite sitting flush on the deck



    IN the next picture I am checking the fit with the gunwale clamped in place, all looks good.



    The cathead is now sitting flush on the deck.



    I will need to open up the cathead holes on the finishing inner bulwark patterns also.


    My best guess estimate is that I will complete all the hull work in the next 2 to 4 weeks. I will then move to manufacturing the bowsprit, masts and yards. I also have the three small boats to build. Exciting times ahead.

  12. Forecastle Deck

    The forecastle deck has now been glued to the support beams. I was really happy with the end result. I have also dry fitted all the deck items and everything seems to be a good fit. The belfry assembly has been painted black. The forecastle breast rails / knees have been assembled but they have to be painted black before they can be glued in place. The coaming / grating assembly has had the laser char removed and is now ready to be glued in place. The two foremast bitts have been glued in place but the two crossbeams are only dry fitted as I will need to check the belaying pin fit before they can glued in place. My next task will be to add the inner bulwarks and deck iron work before moving on to adding the two walkway decks.





    I also completed the work on the quarterdeck breast rail assembly. The hammock cranes rigging will be done once all the deck work has been completed.



    This is a nice view of the three decks.





  13. This post is going to cover two different areas of the build, the quarterdeck breast rail assembly and the work on the bow area of the gundeck under in preparation for adding the forecastle deck.


    Quarterdeck Breast Rail Assembly

    The quarterdeck rail assembly comprises 4 rails (bottom, middle and 2 top rails), 6 breast rail stanchions and 5 hammock crane supports. The four rails were painted black before the installation phase.



    The centre section of each breast rail stanchion requires rounding. I used a thin Florey sanding stick and some sandpaper to complete this task. I did add a letter identifier to each stanchion so they could be installed in the correct place.



    When the bottom rail was added to the quarterdeck I used the hammock cranes to ensure the rail was correctly positioned. A couple of clamps were also used to bend and hold the rail in place as the glue cured.



    Once the bottom rail was secure the stanchions and middle rail were glued in place. The top rail was dry fitted to ensure the stanchion were correctly aligned. The tops of the stanchion require a bit more black paint before the top two rails can be glued in place.



    Bow Area Gundeck Work

    The various deck items that reside under the forecastle deck were glued in place. The bowsprit and foremast were also test fitted to double check they would fully locate in the slots provided.



    The remaining 8 cannons, 4 per side were glued in place.



    The two ropes for the anchors were fed through the hawse holes and forward bulkhead. The rope ends were tied off to prevent them being pulled back out.



    The forecastle deck support beams were glued in place. I did have one or two issues, mainly with the z beam joint with the longitudinal deck beam and gallery door frame. However what happens under the forecastle deck remains unseen under the forecastle deck but I was able to resolve the issues and the forecastle deck was dry fitted without any issues. The foremast, bitts and stove chimney were also dry fitted to ensure there were no alignment problems.



    The ships belfry was dry fitted for a photo opportunity, noting it is not sitting fully in the slots in the photo below



    Finally a nice shot of the hull with masts and bowsprit in place and anchor ropes in place. The items on the quarterdeck and forecastle deck can be seen



  14. Quarterdeck Work

    I have made quite a bit of progress with the quarterdeck. The inner bulwarks have been fitted and painted. The various cleats, eyebolts, flag holder, etc. have been fitted. I have also added the grating assembly (ladders still to be added), ship's wheel, binnacle and capstan. I decided to leave the capstan in it's natural state.


    The top of the bulwarks have been filed and sanded in readiness for the gunwales. There is a few more tasks to complete, such as adding the quarterdeck rail assembly to the front edge of the quarterdeck.






    With regards to the stern fascia I opted to leave it with the natural pear wood finish but painted the transom knees and both stern ensign staff brackets red.



    I have also built and test fitted the two walkway decks. I did cut a section out of each walkway, as detailed in the build manual, for the gunwales. In the photo below the walkway and associated gunwale have been dry fitted. These will be added once the forecastle deck has been fitted. The brick red paint I ordered for the stove base is out for delivery and will arrive later today, so I hope to be in a position to start work on fitting the forecastle deck later this week.





  15. Quarterdeck work

    I started today with a few simple assembly tasks starting with the belfry required for the forecastle deck. The belfry knees and handle have not been added as yet.



    I then moved on and built the binnacle and ships wheel. The brass binnacle chimney part has not been fitted as it currently in the paint shop where it has had coat of primer and a coat of black paint. After a trial fit I went ahead and glued the quarterdeck in place. Once the glue had cured I placed the various deck items in place, dry fitting only at this stage. I have also test fitted the various cleats in the stern fascia panel and inner bulwarks. The two holes required for the two lanterns have also been drilled through and then checked that the brass rod will pass through.



    Close  up of mizzen mast, ships wheel and binnacle



    Close up of capstan



    Capstan and coamings.



    In the final picture of this post I have added the inner bulwarks, noting they are not glued as I need to sand flat the removed bulkhead tabs


  16. More Deck Work - Cannon, Bowsprit, Quarterdeck and Forecastle Deck

    The remaining 8 cannons have now been assembled. I have added them to the deck in the following two pictures, but they have not glued in place for the time being.


    Closeup of one side, the two wooden cleats can also be seen as can the walkway deck hanging knees



    The Sphinx guns are ready and waiting to fire a broadside to any enemy ship



    I then decided to check the fitting of the bowsprit dowel. Initially the dowel would not fit through the access hole at the front of the bow. This was to be expected as the build manual did show the hole being enlarged. I used a large round file to gradually open up the hole. After a few minutes work the dowel passed smoothly through the hole and through the hole on the bulkhead. I did camphor the bottom edge of the bowsprit support to complete the process.


    A close up of the bowsprit dowel located through the hull, bulkhead and support



    A photo showing the bow area, noting all the deck items are still dry fitted at this stage.



    I have ordered some brick red paint for the stove base which will probably arrive on Tuesday. I already have a grey wash for the tile edges. Therefore my next task will be to remove the laser char from the forecastle deck support beams and carlings. However before I start this task I decided to test fit the quarterdeck. I was very pleased that the deck was a perfect fit. The mizzen mast and capstan dowels were also test fitted without any problems.



    Using the "unplanked" forecastle deck I did a dry fit. Generally it would appear to be a good fit but it will require a little bit of sanding in a couple of places. The foremast and stove chimney could be positioned without any issues. Once the forecastle deck support framework has been installed I will use the  "unplanked" forecastle deck as a template, and once I am happy with how it fits it will used with ensuring the "planked" forecastle deck is a good fit before it is installed.


  17. Bow Area Deck Items

    I have completed the basic assembly work on the gundeck items required for the bow area, with the exception of the 8 remaining cannons.


    I started with removing the laser char from the aft ridings bitts posts and associated cross beam. Next I assembled the gallery door frame and gallery doors. I set the gallery doors slightly ajar when fitting them in the door frames. The stove was a nice little item to build comprising a wooden frame which is then encased with some PE parts. The chain pully is affixed to the stove with 2 lengths of brass rods. I used 0.8mm brass rods as the locating holes in the chain pully and chain pully inner & outer discs were much too small for a 1mm brass rod detailed in the build manual. Finally I removed the laser char from the ridding bitts knees. The items were then trial fitted to the deck, as shown in the photo below noting the wooden stove base still requires to be painted.




    Next I removed the laser char from the fore ridings bitts posts and supports, the bowsprit support and the fore jeer bitts. These items were then trial fitted. The following two photos show the bow area of the gundeck with the deck items all dry fitted.





    Before gluing the deck items in place I needed to check the forecastle deck support beams and carlings. It would seem everything is a good fit, noting I will need to remove the laser char from the top edges of the forecastle deck support beams and carlings.




  18. Quarterdeck Support Beams and Deck Items

    I started off by gluing the main mast support disc to the gun deck,  the main mast dowel was used to check the position.



    I then did a trial fit of the chain pump assembly items. No problems were encountered.



    I completed the installation of the hanging knees for the midship walkway deck. Although not shown on the photo below I have also added the wooden cleats (2 per side).



    Now that everything has been trial fitted it was time to glue the various deck items in place. The final installation went very smoothly. The completed areas have been coated with a  varnish / white spirit solution. The final three quarterdeck support beams when then added.


    The hand pump dowels are missing a coat of varnish, this will be added when the remain areas of the completed gundeck are varnished.







    The sphinx is ready to have the quarterdeck installed, but I will complete all the work on the gundeck before moving on the the quarterdeck work.



    I am now turning my attention to the deck items required for the bow section of the gun deck. I thought it would be prudent to recheck the bitts and foremast would still fully locate in the slots on the lower deck and thankfully everything still fits.



    I did a trial fit of the forecastle deck beams. I encountered a slight problem with the alignment of the two forecastle beam carlings when they were fully engaged in their respective locating slot, I had no such issue with my V1 build. I believe I have a solution to the problem but I will put on the back burner until after I have completed adding the remaining gun deck items, as this will help ensure the deck beams are correctly positioned. My next task will be building the following items:

    a) Galley stove

    b) Galley doors

    c) final 8 cannons

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