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Everything posted by mtaylor

  1. Denial sometimes seems normal in this regard. I've seen here in the States with some folks usually in hte south referring to the "Civil War" as "the recent unpleasantness" (it took place in the 1860's) and also as "the war of northern aggression" along with other denials. I guess pride and reality don't often mix.
  2. The Alice's Restaurant sets the tone for that period, Phil. I guess I was even dumber.... right out high school in '66, I joined the Marines. Day after signing up, I got the draft notice. Talked to the recruiter and they took care of it. Luckily, I went for "aviation guarantee" and was accepted.
  3. Welcome to MSW. I'd suggest having a look at our sponsors on the main page. One question... are you looking for kits or parts like cannons, blocks, etc.? That might help narrow things down a bit.
  4. I tend to use clothes pins. I cutout about halfway the thickness and then down about 1/2". The long parts grap the fram/bukhead and the "notch" is what clamps the plank down. I'll have to look for a photo or take one if that would help.
  5. Comparing balsa with the planking wood in most kits is apples and oranges. Balsa is soft and fuzzy. Most planking woods, even basswood are harder. Go with the files, sandpaper for starters and get a sense and feel for the wood. Then go from there. Planes are good also for harder woods.
  6. I just end up cutting out a "plank" of the appropriate thickness for the opening and shape to fit the opening in the saw table. Once secured in place, start the saw and slowly raise blade until it's the height I want.
  7. Wow.... beautiful work, Alan. And that good news about the house repairs.
  8. Welcome to MSW. Nice work on those models.
  9. Wow, CDW. Those "older" cars had so much class and beauty to them compared to the "modern" ones.
  10. Minor update, No photos as need to get some batteries for the camera. I finally got my brain working (mostly) though short term memory is still iffy. I reworked the stern post and bulkhead as I realized it wasn't sitting right as they were placed right on plans. Not sure what happened. Hopefully this week, batteries and also some planking.
  11. Druxey is correct, IMO. They do have a large website with theses and tons of good articles. Here's a link: https://liberalarts.tamu.edu/nautarch/
  12. To me, the kerf isn't that important as I'm cutting off a piece. There are charts around that show tooth count vs. wood thickness and this is the important part, IMO. If I'm ripping wood on a table/hobby saw then kerf is a factor due to waste, warpage, etc. But again, there's tables for those.
  13. Interesting response, IMO. Though I believe that the most part, the choice is up the builder on scratch builds and kit bashes. I have very mixed feelings about the use of mahogany and walnut though as to my eye, the grain is too much. And I totally agree with what Wevalck said.
  14. Before you take a deep dive into tools, etc. I'd like to suggest you look at Model Shipways 3 Model Beginner Set (https://modelexpo-online.com/Model-Shipways-Shipwright-3-Kit-Combo-Series-with-Tools-Glue-and-Paint_p_5290.html_ ). The other bit of advice is only buy tools that you need and when you need them. Too many spend big money on stuff they never use. Also, do some research here at MSW by looking for things that interest you. If you post what you're interested in, advice will be offered as where to look. Also, we have a pretty powerful search engine (upper right hand side of any page) that can let you explore things to your heart's content.
  15. I'd not use a Dremel but a lathe or even milling machine so I could control the dimensions to a finer degree.
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